young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

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hi new here..still very young..a new mummy of a 4 month old..tgl dkt clementi n jurong west..ade tk org kat sini tgl daera my place??


Active Member
welcome ahpen's wifey... i tk tnggal ur area. I tnggal pat tamp cuma i werk ard d west area je.. (^,^)

Lis... jgn luper nanti jemput panaskan rumah (housewarming) ok..'s good u le DIY. skrg semuanyer mahal... my adik nk buy rumah pat tamp are je dah $255K. lum renovate lagi n tk da cabinet.. n my adik nk sewakan org coz she's having a baby n tk le move in. Ni masuk mesti kena sertu...


Thanks ladies.. Nak tanya sikit... My 1st day of last menses is 13th Feb 09. My doc kata im approx 2 wks along..but thsn when i calculate using due date calulator, it states i'm inmy 3rd week... hmm confusing..

And isit norm to feel some cramps during early pregnancy? Dulu with my gal i takde.
Thanks ladies.. Nak tanya sikit... My 1st day of last menses is 13th Feb 09. My doc kata im approx 2 wks along..but thsn when i calculate using due date calulator, it states i'm inmy 3rd week... hmm confusing..

And isit norm to feel some cramps during early pregnancy? Dulu with my gal i takde.
Hi Mummy Nora23,
During my 1st preggie,i selalu ada cramps..additional with the muntak2...kadang boleh must take care okie :) tak mau buat kerja berat-berat...*muacks*


hi new here..still very young..a new mummy of a 4 month old..tgl dkt clementi n jurong west..ade tk org kat sini tgl daera my place??
hi, aHpen's wifey..welcome. hope you enjoy this forum like most of us do. my baby oso abt 4mth old. where did u deliver your baby?

Thanks ladies.. Nak tanya sikit... My 1st day of last menses is 13th Feb 09. My doc kata im approx 2 wks along..but thsn when i calculate using due date calulator, it states i'm inmy 3rd week... hmm confusing..

And isit norm to feel some cramps during early pregnancy? Dulu with my gal i takde.
first of all, congrats to u... for me, i had cramps during my early pregnancy. juz take enuf rest, k...


Well-Known Member
Hi all, it is Friday the 13th......teng, teng, teng. Any bad luck, i hope not ok. For me, today just bloody tired and a lil mad with my eldest son. (And i think nak datang bulan kot, thatz y, kepala angin dari smalam) My joints are in pain, must be due to the consecutive days of jogging. Malam nak kena urut sikit to wherever i can reach out to.

Yest AI, Jasmine girl ada potential to be the next Beyonce. Too bad dia tak follow judges' advice to sing tunes from Rihanna. If she did, i suppose she'll be in the next round. She sang lots of ballads....performance so passe!


Active Member
hi semua.. wow nora ur 1st day menses period samer cm i n mine still not here. Well, it's possible your preggie is 2 weeks coz it all depands on ur ovulation date and the implantation period. Slalu early pregnancy mmg ada slight cramps coz i read smewhere that d cramps u'll get during d implantation nye period. however, u muz take care n jgn uat keje byk long as there's no severe cramps or bleeding, insyaallah all ok.. congrats sis!

btw, time i preggie dulu, i pun kena cramps smpi cant even get up. my parents kena dtg my hse to help me out of the toilet...


Active Member
Hi all, it is Friday the 13th......teng, teng, teng. Any bad luck, i hope not ok. For me, today just bloody tired and a lil mad with my eldest son. (And i think nak datang bulan kot, thatz y, kepala angin dari smalam) My joints are in pain, must be due to the consecutive days of jogging. Malam nak kena urut sikit to wherever i can reach out to.

Yest AI, Jasmine girl ada potential to be the next Beyonce. Too bad dia tak follow judges' advice to sing tunes from Rihanna. If she did, i suppose she'll be in the next round. She sang lots of ballads....performance so passe!
kesian enflor penat... i pun penat ni. ngantuk gilerr dlm ofis..:err: malas nk uat keje.. eheheheh... tiba2 i aru teringat today is fri the 13th.. hmm.. harap2 no bad luck la yerr...:embarrassed:

smlm si jasmine tu mmg choose salah lagu dats y eliminated. lagipun d good singers in d comp r reali good so standard mite b a bit higher.. tapi yg best i suker abt smlm nye AI is kelly clarkson nye performance... ader kelassss gitu... btw, she's my hubby nye fav singer... hahahahahaha... :shyxxx:


Well-Known Member
looking at all your avatars and tickers... muka anak nora23 is like the hubby hah. Am i correct Nora ? Yg lain2, your kid/kids ikut muka sapa, dad or mum ?

Mine, satu pun takda my looks, i rasa. No.1 habis2 my hb. No.2 muka nenek dia. No.3, follows hb and some features from the bros. But some people commented No. 3 looks a lil like me ( i think saja dorang ni wanna be polite lah :) )


hi all.. thks.. i guess its juz heat of the moment. mentel nak tukar keje.. m sourcing out for jobs.. well.. of cos better payin ones.. hahah..

lis: my tis job quite stable. takde 'hantu'. i like it so-so la.. btw, yr house da ok? i mean da stay 2weeks shud be ok la kan.. takpe.. kumpol $$ dulu.. tis year recession so nnt furniture sale will lagi murah~~ im waiting for tt

kak rose: yup true la.. tapi biler nak switch keje f&b ni, ade sikit seram la.. takot sala step.. but still i like the atmosphere n envi ther. so superb..~

arbjnr: hmm.. kadang2 ikot hati, mati tau.. tapi tgk la dlm beberape minggu ni.. ape yg dapat.. di situ la yg dituju.. ahha..

nora: i kalau nak mengandung, slalu sakit dulu.. so kalau mcm tiba2 demam.. ahhh.. da takot sangkot la tu.. heheh.. lain preg lain story so juz take things as it goes.. n xtra care.. abt yr preg week, dgr jer ape doc ckp.. sometimes doc follow scan report to see how big is baby n judge by tt..

aphen wifey: how young r u? u look super young..


looking at all your avatars and tickers... muka anak nora23 is like the hubby hah. Am i correct Nora ? Yg lain2, your kid/kids ikut muka sapa, dad or mum ?

Mine, satu pun takda my looks, i rasa. No.1 habis2 my hb. No.2 muka nenek dia. No.3, follows hb and some features from the bros. But some people commented No. 3 looks a lil like me ( i think saja dorang ni wanna be polite lah :) )

dorang dulu2 ckp kalau anak girl ikot muker bapak 'sejok'.. ntah ape yg sejok pon tak tau la..

my 1st dd looks like my hb abis.. yg 2nd ade sikit muker iras mak dier.. hehehe


looking at all your avatars and tickers... muka anak nora23 is like the hubby hah. Am i correct Nora ? Yg lain2, your kid/kids ikut muka sapa, dad or mum ?

Mine, satu pun takda my looks, i rasa. No.1 habis2 my hb. No.2 muka nenek dia. No.3, follows hb and some features from the bros. But some people commented No. 3 looks a lil like me ( i think saja dorang ni wanna be polite lah :) )

YUP,she is a daddy's replica....ada orang kata carbon copy, scan copy , photo copy all 3 in 1 hahahhaha... Cuma mata ikut i, bapak dia sepet abis. Very the cinone...


Hi all! Friday the 13th supposedly bring bad omen,but its gd news to me! Finally my dd is in labour! I aru alik hosp nie,dr tghari kt sane but lum apape lagi.Doc kate,her contractions are regular so dorang admit dia dulu.Most prob,tak nari mlm,besok gaknye kak rose timang cucu?Alhamdulillah,will keep u babes updated.Doakan ank kak rose selamat bersalin ek.Tima kacih.:Dancing_tongue:


Well-Known Member
Agaknya Kak Rose tengah sibuk ngan cucu ni :) Doakan yang terbaik for the mummy, bb and the nenek vogue too.

Brought my gal to watch Princess Wishes show @ Indoor Stad this morning. Both of us punyalah excited... for me it was kindda dream come true to see 'snow white', 'cinderella' depan mata. Cinderella was my first readable story book when i was in K1. For my gal, she ghairah tengok the colourful acts. Good show for the gals.

Kalau nak pergi bring lots of cash too coz over at the entrance there'll be selling souvenir booth. Got my kid her tinkerbell costume cost $20. Now, she's running around the hse with her wings and crown but doing her whatelse, Power Ranger stunts. :embarrassed:


Active Member
wah... enflor.. i jeles sey.. nk go jgk d disney on ice tapi bz sgt ar..
anak u msti stylo mile coz dh jadi tinker ranger... hehehhe... mesti cute kan pki costume tinker bell!

Kak Rose... Congrats to u, nenek vogue! Mudah-mudahan all slamat k... Muahckz..


Well-Known Member
salam to u ol..
hmm..friday the 13th was relli a bad day for me..the hospital called me up saying tat ma father was in a relli critical condition n they dun tink tat he'll b able to survive..
so ol the relatives came down to pay their visit..n yg ma bro n n hb went der tok bacekan yaasiin for ma dad..
setelah lame kite tunggu for miracle to happen..but it juz din happen..
ma dad passed away juz afta midnite passed..
so arwah ma dad dikebumikan pada hari ahad lepas zohor..

i cume dpt doakan semoga segala dosanya diampun & rohnya dicucuri rahmat.. AMIN..! org yg keempat yg i sayang da meninggalkan dunia untuk selamanya.. :wecry:
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