First Experienced


Active Member
Joeichen, that means the thing will carried on until I give birth..

OMG. :embarrassed:

Feel like want to eat crab, can pregnant women eat seafood?


Joeichen, that means the thing will carried on until I give birth..

OMG. :embarrassed:

Feel like want to eat crab, can pregnant women eat seafood?
Hahahaha....... dun wori coz it dun happen to all. My 2nd pregnancy slp like a pig......
Crab is up to u lah, I didnt touch crab during the 1st time but my boy oso like crab....... so this time round i dun care liao.


I only hear my DD's heartbeat at wk7... initial stage of pregnancy, you see the gynae once a mth.. in the 3d trimester, the you see once a fortnight, followed by weekly in the last mth ( I tink)... Think they normally offer package during your 2nd trimester when the pregnancy is more stable ...

Hueychye - yes, pregnant women can eat seafood... incl crab.. think I ate 3/4 times crab during my pregnancy... having salted egg crab on the night before I deliver! ^_^


New Member
Hahahaha....... dun wori coz it dun happen to all. My 2nd pregnancy slp like a pig......
Crab is up to u lah, I didnt touch crab during the 1st time but my boy oso like crab....... so this time round i dun care liao.


How about stingray? Is it okay?


Active Member
Yennee, wah...

Good news to me!

Will ask my hubby bring me to eat crab this week.


Always feel hungry during office hours..

My baby is almost 8 weeks (conception 6 weeks), now can see my stomach a bit round liao..

Wonder is because I eat too much or is because of the pregnant..

Still need time to digest and tell myself I am a pregnant women now..



i dont know if really can eat but i have eaten a few times alraedy and im ok leh. i now week 12.


i read that some seafood is good for baby but not all.


Active Member
I remember some article mention, the pregnant women cannot take the deep sea fish...

Such as salmon. (But the canned food is ok)

It is because of mercury..



Well-Known Member
Joeichen, that means the thing will carried on until I give birth..

OMG. :embarrassed:

Feel like want to eat crab, can pregnant women eat seafood?
seafood is okay la.. just dun eat too much.. I also eat crabs, sotong etc.. but didnt dare to eat the sotong "legs"... oh ya, dun take tuna.. i read online that tuna is not recommended for pregnancy. =)


Active Member
seafood is okay la.. just dun eat too much.. I also eat crabs, sotong etc.. but didnt dare to eat the sotong "legs"... oh ya, dun take tuna.. i read online that tuna is not recommended for pregnancy. =)
Regina, why didn't dare to eat the sotong 'legs' leh?


Yesterday went to do the 2nd check up, finally can see my baby heartbeat.

The feeling is so amazing.. :wong19:
seafood is okay la.. just dun eat too much.. I also eat crabs, sotong etc.. but didnt dare to eat the sotong "legs"... oh ya, dun take tuna.. i read online that tuna is not recommended for pregnancy. =)

hi reginakoh,

are there any side effects after taking tuna?
Every now and then I will crave for tuna sandwich.

I already treated my self to tuna sandwiches the past few wks :eek:


Active Member
hi reginakoh,

are there any side effects after taking tuna?
Every now and then I will crave for tuna sandwich.

I already treated my self to tuna sandwiches the past few wks :eek:
Actually I will think if you are not taken everyday it should be fine..


Don't worry too much..



Well-Known Member
i also dunno leh.. i rmb seeing an article from a web stating that tuna is not very good.. but didnt say totally cannot take.. i still take once in awhile cos sometimes got abit crave =P I think tuna oil is diffe la cos tuna got preservatives??? Anyway, can food dun take too frequently.. LOL

As for the sotong legs.. my mum pandang say if take the legs, baby will be tied up be his umbilicol cord.. dunno if it's true but just listen lo.. haha..

Yuki Miaka

Hi All,

Im kinda new in my 4weeks pregnant and i totali excited abt it:Dancing_wub: so far i do not ave much of any early symtoms as yet..i was wondering if this is normal? Do u feel dat ur pregnant during ur first trimester? Is it normal to feel just liek everythday when ur not pregnant? Im abit worried on my foetus, hope what i wen thru is normal bt doc has not said a thngs as yet just waiting for another 2 wks to see if ders a heatbeat..
Can anyone tell me wen can we detect our baby first heatbeat and if the above is normal thngy in our early pregnancy

Worried!! :embarrassed:
i often go to this website to learn more abt pegnancy and the progress in week by week... maybe you can try.. enjoy urself...

Pregnancy Week-by-Week sponsored by StorkNet


Joeichen, that means the thing will carried on until I give birth..

OMG. :embarrassed:

Feel like want to eat crab, can pregnant women eat seafood?
so long nothing raw or high risk of poisoning (eg food posioning - raw/partially cooked or high hepitatis risk) all food can eat!


hi reginakoh,

are there any side effects after taking tuna?
Every now and then I will crave for tuna sandwich.

I already treated my self to tuna sandwiches the past few wks :eek:
why dont you make yourself some sardines sandwich??

Sardines are good for pregnancy. canned ones are ok. ;) And remember , dont be like me hor! I remove the bones because i dont like to eat it but only to realise its the bones that is very beneficial lor! wah lao. haha.
Stingray no good. If can avoid. sharks fin i read also no good. if can avoid. Tuna also. if can avoid.
no half boil eggs. But i eating chawanmushi, ok leh. ;p

last but not least, make sure the seafood are totally cooked.

what else?
I want to eat mutton soups, the chinese kind. anyone can tell me if can eat?
How about ginseng soup-korean???
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why dont you make yourself some sardines sandwich??

Sardines are good for pregnancy. canned ones are ok. ;) And remember , dont be like me hor! I remove the bones because i dont like to eat it but only to realise its the bones that is very beneficial lor! wah lao. haha.
Stingray no good. If can avoid. sharks fin i read also no good. if can avoid. Tuna also. if can avoid.
no half boil eggs. But i eating chawanmushi, ok leh. ;p

last but not least, make sure the seafood are totally cooked.

what else?
I want to eat mutton soups, the chinese kind. anyone can tell me if can eat?
How about ginseng soup-korean???
I heard that pregnant women should not eat mutton . err..the reason to why, i forgot..i shall ask my mom-in-law again..

Is eating sushi ok?? Not with raw ingredients. Those cooked egg, etc etc...I heard its not good to eat sushi becos of the raw ingredients..but what if the ingredients are all cook?? any idea???