young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

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Hi hazchaz and all other newbies yg lain2.

Answering lis qs, my answer same as some of u here. Just communicate with him bila dia dah cool down. Sometimes, some minutes of silence between us, lagi baik dari nak terus 'attack' him with my WHYs ? At least, the silence allows him to have some reflection on his actions and allows me to think on how to put my words so as not to deteriorate the matter. Win-win situation lah kira.

Whatever it is, welcome to the real world hah! Si suami tahu dia salah still tak nak ngaku, dia ajek yg betul. Tapi masa lum kawin2, alahai smua errors, even the ones wife did, dia boleh admit. kekkkkekk. Sekarang dah terbalik kot. Dorang ni kena pegi refresher course kursus perkahwinan lah sebab dah 'ter'-lupa apa yang diajar.

PS: Neva mind lahling, u headwind, l still lap u lah! :001_302:

Apasal ibu mertua ku pun angin semacam tadi!!! :err:
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Well-Known Member
haizzz.. sometimes i ask myself.. patut kah aku kawin muder2 dulu..

Mai akak Enflor, jawabkan....memang patut. lizz, don't have any regrets lah babe. Well, when u have one child = 'degree'. With 2nd child = 'masters'. Still have time to work for your 'Phd' (Just wanna cheer u up with my corny joke hahah!) As for me, i keep telling myself, sepatutnya aku kawin muder2 dulu lagi bagus.

Just remember, all these temporary setbacks mungkin ada hikmahnya. As for that interviewer, if he/she sees that you are an asset to the company, you will be hired for sure, regardless of your educational background or marital status. So, don't worry too much ok.


how much per session?
if u juz go there to try out a single session (abt 15mins), its abt $28 (inclusive of neck float). but they wont charge u if ur bb cry or doesnt like it. i signed up a package. slightly cheap.

my colleague beli the pool & the neck float. its abt $60+. its more worth it. can let bb swim @ hm. i heard we nd abt 20 pails of water. if u calculate back, 1 pail of water costs abt 20cents. so, it is still more worth it than to go to the shop to swim. but yg leceh nye, sapa la nak pikul tu water & we still have to warm the water...

i gi kat PS punya. the staffs there r mostly China ladies. quite ok,lah cuma most of the time, i tak faham sangat their accent. their accent r different frm local mandarin. once, one of their china staffs sing to my bb... it took me some time to realize that she's actually singing twinkle twinkle little star...:001_302:


Well-Known Member
Agree with Anaqi. I sent my dd to one of the branches there for the haircut service. Thought that it would be fun for her coz it has fancy seats and futhermore, the shop is just nearby. Couldn't get my verbal message across to the China lady. Ended up we both had to do a lot of hand signs. End result, dd hair turned out :embarrassed:. Once bitten twice shy. Will neva go there again due to the staff incompetence in speaking simple English Lang.


Agree with Anaqi. I sent my dd to one of the branches there for the haircut service. Thought that it would be fun for her coz it has fancy seats and futhermore, the shop is just nearby. Couldn't get my verbal message across to the China lady. Ended up we both had to do a lot of hand signs. End result, dd hair turned out :embarrassed:. Once bitten twice shy. Will neva go there again due to the staff incompetence in speaking simple English Lang.
my SIL sent his son for a haircut there too. she told 1 of the lady ' i want u to trim abit of my son's hair'. u knw wat happened? the lady trim my nephew's hair & left abit, meaning almost botak!..

so far, i didnt send my son for a haircut or massage there. only him for swimming since he enjoys it...


Well-Known Member
if u juz go there to try out a single session (abt 15mins), its abt $28 (inclusive of neck float). but they wont charge u if ur bb cry or doesnt like it. i signed up a package. slightly cheap.

my colleague beli the pool & the neck float. its abt $60+. its more worth it. can let bb swim @ hm. i heard we nd abt 20 pails of water. if u calculate back, 1 pail of water costs abt 20cents. so, it is still more worth it than to go to the shop to swim. but yg leceh nye, sapa la nak pikul tu water & we still have to warm the water...

i gi kat PS punya. the staffs there r mostly China ladies. quite ok,lah cuma most of the time, i tak faham sangat their accent. their accent r different frm local mandarin. once, one of their china staffs sing to my bb... it took me some time to realize that she's actually singing twinkle twinkle little star...:001_302:
Heard abt it at Plaza spura....
Bt i saw this at Harbour front...staff also china ladies...
Drg ade kasi massage tak aft that session??


Well-Known Member
fuuyooh..untung anak2 u ol ehk dpt mummies like u ol..hmm..
antar anak go swimming kat dalam pool..

as for me plak..i bwk anak i gi mandi laut kt T.pinang..nature..hehe..
den as for haircut..dlu ma arwah bapak i slalu guntingkan die..but now since arwah atoknye da tkde..i plak la yg ganti guntingkan rmbt anak i..hehe..
dlm keturunan la..i pon boleh la gunting rambut cket2.. heeEE~~ :001_302:
even kadang2 for DH pon i yg guntingkan.. :Dancing_wub:


Well-Known Member
khakhakahakha..!! :tlaugh: confirm u nk i guntingkan..?? tk tkot rambut anak u petak nanti..?? hehehe.. maklum la..i nie bukan expert..bole2 ajek..janji nmpk lawa..ikut citarase i sendiri..

take note..! cume bole gunting rambut lelaki..rambut pompan tk tau..hahaha.. :shyxxx:


even skrang kan kalau gado kan, sometimes i mengamok! hubby will show a lil temper and i will start throwing things.. but when all da reda.. he will look at me n then say' u ah~ n then laugh' u cute la..' darah up jerr~

lizz : Busy ke ? What's your decision in taking up PT jobs ? Jadi ke ?
ahyo!! i overlook yr entry..

i da get new job.. i guess tt settles it.. heheh.. taknak mcm2.. cos i guess e pay is better so i rather keep my 'everything' shut! mouth, ears, eyes.. hehe.. b4 kene sound ngan hubby.. heheh
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Well-Known Member
apasal plak risau bila kena sound dari hb. Bilang kat dia lahling, next time i treat u kat ur fav restrnt, mesti dia cairnya and tak sound kat u. :001_302:

Apalah aku merepek hari ni, screw ada loose sikit ah niari :Dancing_wub:


even skrang kan kalau gado kan, sometimes i mengamok! hubby will show a lil temper and i will start throwing things.. but when all da reda.. he will look at me n then say' u ah~ n then laugh' u cute la..' darah up jerr~

ahyo!! i overlook yr entry..

i da get new job.. i guess tt settles it.. heheh.. taknak mcm2.. cos i guess e pay is better so i rather keep my 'everything' shut! mouth, ears, eyes.. hehe.. b4 kene sound ngan hubby.. heheh

Haha i pun throw things wheneva ada quarrel... he said I'm childish haha.


New Member
well....the answer to handling suami2 mcm tu... hmm..s for me,if dia api,i air,n vice versa... if dua2 nak bentak,habis la brg2 kat umah....hahaha... anyway want to ask anyone's opinion about KKH...ada anyone wif experience giving birth there?can share wif me? about the pre natal n delivery moments...? and my EDD is August 18,anyone yg sama like me?

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Well-Known Member
haha..kadang2 i pon same..smp campak2 brg..khakhakh..! die tkle angkat klau i buat gitu..

i gave birth at far my exp ok la..nuting bad..smuer ok jek..
klau u keje..nk gi check up..dun take leave..u juz go for the check up n ask for mc..kadang smp dpt 2 ari mc..haha..! i owaes do tat..smp boss i pon tkle nk uat ape2.. :tlaugh:


New Member
haha..kadang2 i pon same..smp campak2 brg..khakhakh..! die tkle angkat klau i buat gitu..

i gave birth at far my exp ok la..nuting bad..smuer ok jek..
klau u keje..nk gi check up..dun take leave..u juz go for the check up n ask for mc..kadang smp dpt 2 ari mc..haha..! i owaes do tat..smp boss i pon tkle nk uat ape2.. :tlaugh:
wow...dats a relief...hehe.. anyway i dgr like all the prenatal preparations da quite expensive..
can anyone advise me more on how much roughly will i have to put aside for pre-natal checkups from 20 weeks onwards?



Well-Known Member
wow...dats a relief...hehe.. anyway i dgr like all the prenatal preparations da quite expensive..
can anyone advise me more on how much roughly will i have to put aside for pre-natal checkups from 20 weeks onwards?

ape maksod u by prenatal preparations..? i dun quite get u.. klau pasal harga da naik..e2 i tak tau la..psl da msk 2 thn tk bersalin..hehe.. :001_302:
tpi ape yg i tau..ol ur receipts for ur check ups..u jgn buang tao..u simpan..
nanti bile u nk deliver,u bring along ol the receipts n ask ur hb to do the administration..hand them over to the clerk..nanti drg issue a cheque tat amount to the price tat u pay la..

so in other words is u're getting pregnant for free la..hee..~~

* hope u understand wot i mean..


New Member
ape maksod u by prenatal preparations..? i dun quite get u.. klau pasal harga da naik..e2 i tak tau la..psl da msk 2 thn tk bersalin..hehe.. :001_302:
tpi ape yg i tau..ol ur receipts for ur check ups..u jgn buang tao..u simpan..
nanti bile u nk deliver,u bring along ol the receipts n ask ur hb to do the administration..hand them over to the clerk..nanti drg issue a cheque tat amount to the price tat u pay la..

so in other words is u're getting pregnant for free la..hee..~~

* hope u understand wot i mean..

oh...sowie... i meant,pre-natal checkups la.. hehe... ok i get wat u mean...
will do dat for sure. i'm going for my screening on 6th August..hope everything will be fine... thanx a lot for the useful info tho.. :Dancing_tongue:
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