young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

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i sometimes dont understand some of u yg tak jumpe ngan hubbby lame2... u all tak raser 'jgn tinggal daku~~~' ke?

Frankly speaking, i am totally fine when he has to leave for many days or weeks or even months. Dah biasa. Dari zaman courting till now. Cuma beza, dulu the loneliness was very hard to handle. Ya lah, dulu sorang. Then if i hung out with my galfrens, dorang bawak partners, i went out like 'single'. The perks, when i had long leaves, i could meet up at any of the cities he was at. Senang, less 'baggage' (no kids)

Only when we have kids, at least kids + work (last time) keep me preoccupied. Kadang2 aje followed him.

Now, kalau dia lama sikit kat rumah, i yang tanya dia, eh bila u pegi overseas hah :001_302: For myself, i prefer the 'space out' time we both have. Even if he is out of town, he will call and we'll talk over the phone macam masa courting period. Bila dia balik, i masak2 lah kat rumah macam kenduri. When he's not, kids and I eat simple aje. Alhamdulilah, everything works out fine till now.

Babgygerl : U tak ikut ke your hb duduk kapal ?


New Member
Frankly speaking, i am totally fine when he has to leave for many days or weeks or even months. Dah biasa. Dari zaman courting till now. Cuma beza, dulu the loneliness was very hard to handle. Ya lah, dulu sorang. Then if i hung out with my galfrens, dorang bawak partners, i went out like 'single'. The perks, when i had long leaves, i could meet up at any of the cities he was at. Senang, less 'baggage' (no kids)

Only when we have kids, at least kids + work (last time) keep me preoccupied. Kadang2 aje followed him.

Now, kalau dia lama sikit kat rumah, i yang tanya dia, eh bila u pegi overseas hah :001_302: For myself, i prefer the 'space out' time we both have. Even if he is out of town, he will call and we'll talk over the phone macam masa courting period. Bila dia balik, i masak2 lah kat rumah macam kenduri. When he's not, kids and I eat simple aje. Alhamdulilah, everything works out fine till now.

Babgygerl : U tak ikut ke your hb duduk kapal ?

sis..i setuju dgn pe you ckp..i pun da biasa dgn this situation because masa kita dating2 dulu in the past, dia da belayar..memang in the 1st place rasa sunyi lah..but also i need to think that dia keja psl nak cari rezeki for the the best i can give is to support him from behind..even dia overseas, dia tetap call and sms as usual..tanye khabar anak2 and me..

my hubby ada planning nak awa me and the kids naik kapal..tgk mcm ne dia keja etc..tunggu lah bila the kids da besar cikit aru lei ikut dia..hehe..skg the kids masi kecik2..lum paham daddy dorg keje mcm ne..jealous jugak tgk dia g negeri org..haha..


Well-Known Member
Hi Mummies...

I nak tanye sikit pendapat you all..i decide to close shop(tak nak beranak lagi)...but i tengah pening ni!!!!!!should i go on control pills,atau ikat far from 1st bb to tis last..i tak pernah makan pill..takut badan

wen i nak delivery tat time..(E-C sect)this cathere malay gal cakap"kak jgn ikat,u still young"....cos tat time my doc tanye wether i nak ikat or not..skali arong punya keje la..but after tat lady cakap,i jadi terbantut..cos wat agama think ikat ni salah kan...

So wat you all think????
Hani, u r having tots abt ikat ? Tak ngeri ke with the whole process. I think, kak rose would be in a better position to comment on this tak silap. But dia ni sibuk with her cucu sampai takda time nak masuk sini.

Personally, my advice for me to u, jgn lah buat. I mean soal ajal maut ditangan tuhan. Not askin' u to be pessimistic but just the 'what if' not-pleasant situations happen. Then u might have to reverse the process.

Also, kalau takut nak makan pills or other contraceptive methods which can make u bloat sideways, kenalah pandai 'taiqi' ehem-ehem, know what i mean :001_302:


Well-Known Member
Hi Mummies....

On behalf of my SIL...

June Holiday Workshop - Self confidence

diana, you SIL ni trainer ke over there ? If she is, what is her job scope ? Kindda interested to know about the job actually.

Any lobang for such trainer job there ? like the idea of mentoring inner self in pple esp kids. Waiting for opportunities that come by.


Well-Known Member
my hubby ada planning nak awa me and the kids naik kapal..tgk mcm ne dia keja etc..tunggu lah bila the kids da besar cikit aru lei ikut dia..hehe..skg the kids masi kecik2..lum paham daddy dorg keje mcm ne..jealous jugak tgk dia g negeri org..haha..

kalau kapal dia travel to Europe region esp, ikut jangan tak ikut. Tak ikut nanti menyesal. But frm what i know, kalau kapal dorang stopover kat mana2 port mesti tempat jin bertendang nya.

Gosh! i am so bloody free now thatz the reason for multiple posts. Waiting for dh to arrive back home. Flight dia delay plak, habis plan today smua kena tukar. :embarrassed:


New Member
kalau kapal dia travel to Europe region esp, ikut jangan tak ikut. Tak ikut nanti menyesal. But frm what i know, kalau kapal dorang stopover kat mana2 port mesti tempat jin bertendang nya.

Gosh! i am so bloody free now thatz the reason for multiple posts. Waiting for dh to arrive back home. Flight dia delay plak, habis plan today smua kena tukar. :embarrassed:

my hubby kata tunggu dia da 2nd engineer aru dia lei bawa me and the kids naik kapal..btw ur hubby from which co? kali nie ur hubby g ne sis? my hubby g auckland for abt 5 mths..


New Member
Assalamualaikum semua...!!!

Very much new here..Expecting my first bb..Insya-Allah..Third time's the charm after miscarrying my previous 2..Found out i was pregnant about 2 weeks ago..I dare not calculate how far along i am till my first gynae appt on 1st April with Dr Paul.Tseng at Thomson Medical..But i think im about 5-6weeks according to internet due date calculators..!!! Hehehehe..

Im 27 this year..Married for 9 months to my loving hubby..Staying on our own in Simei..

Looking forward to make new friends here..Salam perkenalan pada semua..!!:Dancing_wub::Dancing_wub::Dancing_wub::Dancing_wub::Dancing_wub::Dancing_wub::Dancing_wub:

salam and hello izanyzam..

well,u have come to the right place after all....hehe...where we mummies got so many Q&A and sharing experiences..

anyway,its been nearly 2 yrs i got married and i ever had 2 miscarriages b4 like urs sampai la few months ago i was suspected to be pregnant...
and now i dah alhamdulilah 5 is already moving n 'soft-nudging' me...
lol....anyway,if u had mscarriage b4,s my doc had advised me,u nak kena banyak rest for especially the most critical stage of the pregnancy-which is the first 3 months...
den nak kena c doc ask for progesterone la....its a kinda hormone pill...dunno if ur doc ada ask u to take it...:001_302:
and most importantly u cannot be stressed,have enuf sleep and dun banyak gerak...jalan pun jgn laju2...

well..i hope the tips i gave u helps...insya allah all will go well for u for dis 3rd baby ya....:Dancing_wub:


Well-Known Member
Smalam sapa participate in Earth Hour ? I did . B4 that merayap. Was at downtown east before i came back and that was much hoo-haa over this Earth Hour off the light over there at many shops and restrnts there.

But masa kat rumah, nak kasi budak2 thrill merayap dalam gelap. So dorang got their toy gadgets yang ada lights, excited lah dalam rumah sampai we extended our own Earth hour session till 10pm. Macam campfire plak kita orang. :err:


well..i hope the tips i gave u helps...insya allah all will go well for u for dis 3rd baby ya....
Hi hazchaz..!! Thank you so much for your warm welcome..!!

For my last 2 pregnancies,i was prescribed progesterone pills.. Last week,i went to see my family GP and he gave me folic acid and multivitamins..

1st april ni baru nak pegi my 1st appt with Dr Paul from TMC..As for now,im not sure i ni da ngandung berapa lama..Around 5-6 weeks maybe? Nanti jumpa gynae baru bleh confirm..Insya-Allah..Harap my baby ok..

Tersenyum i bila u cakap your baby is soft-nudging you...Must be a good feeling ehh..?? :bbiggrin::bbiggrin::bbiggrin:


Well-Known Member
Assalamualaikum semua...!!!

Very much new here..Expecting my first bb..Insya-Allah..Third time's the charm after miscarrying my previous 2..Found out i was pregnant about 2 weeks ago..I dare not calculate how far along i am till my first gynae appt on 1st April with Dr Paul.Tseng at Thomson Medical..But i think im about 5-6weeks according to internet due date calculators..!!! Hehehehe..

Im 27 this year..Married for 9 months to my loving hubby..Staying on our own in Simei..

Looking forward to make new friends here..Salam perkenalan pada semua..!!:Dancing_wub::Dancing_wub::Dancing_wub::Dancing_wub::Dancing_wub::Dancing_wub::Dancing_wub:
hi,jumpe kite disini yah....
congrats....rezki allah....


Well-Known Member
Chakkkkk...!!! Hello cayanggg...!!!! Yup jumpa jugak kita pat sini yer..Tapi ehemmm...Jangan bagi tahu sape2 pat "you-know-where" dulu ehh..Hehehehehehhe.... :shyxxx::shyxxx::shyxxx:
ello..welcum to the club..!! hope u'll enjoy ur stay here..n hepi preggie..!!

jage diri baek2 tao..! niwae,u kenal si ANA..?? :err:


Active Member
hi all... sori i've been bz plus my son tgh meragam lagik... ish ish ish.. pening.. time dia start meragam plak, time tu jgk lerr my doctors uat dissection course. Terpaksa la last fri i dok pat uma mayat nye lab 1 hari suntuk tgk my doc operate lengan2 mayat... haiz...i nye walk away the pounds okay la.. dgn schedule cmni dh tk regular sgt but dis wk should start regulating again... mkn pun jaga... dh semangat ni.. weight i ader la in a week turun 1 kg... mayb penat run errands n jaga my son sakit...I if gaduh dgn my hubby, i masuk tido. I nye org very the bo chap. Dulu i tomboy so i tk kuasa nk layan. Cuma i dun give him anything dat he wants on that day. Biar padan muka! I biarkan dia jaga my son n terus dia pujuk i coz lelaki ni i tgk ader susah sket jaga anak kecik... for them it's too time consuming... hahahaha... lagipun i ni mulut laser so my hb yg slalu mengalah...i tk pnh dgr d bb thingy. anak i 4 mth i dh bwk dia p WWW p main pat wave pool... ok la tgk dia adapt sendiri...


Well-Known Member
hi all... sori i've been bz plus my son tgh meragam lagik... ish ish ish.. pening.. time dia start meragam plak, time tu jgk lerr my doctors uat dissection course. Terpaksa la last fri i dok pat uma mayat nye lab 1 hari suntuk tgk my doc operate lengan2 mayat... haiz...i nye walk away the pounds okay la.. dgn schedule cmni dh tk regular sgt but dis wk should start regulating again... mkn pun jaga... dh semangat ni.. weight i ader la in a week turun 1 kg... mayb penat run errands n jaga my son sakit...I if gaduh dgn my hubby, i masuk tido. I nye org very the bo chap. Dulu i tomboy so i tk kuasa nk layan. Cuma i dun give him anything dat he wants on that day. Biar padan muka! I biarkan dia jaga my son n terus dia pujuk i coz lelaki ni i tgk ader susah sket jaga anak kecik... for them it's too time consuming... hahahaha... lagipun i ni mulut laser so my hb yg slalu mengalah...i tk pnh dgr d bb thingy. anak i 4 mth i dh bwk dia p WWW p main pat wave pool... ok la tgk dia adapt sendiri...

wah arabjunior..

u btol nye reply to most of the topics yg u da missed out..? hehe..~~
hmm..klau psl gado ngan hb tu..last tym i used to fite back la..but now since da ade umah sendiri..i diam kan..n did the same ting as u..i tros msk tdo..den i biarkan die jage ank..hahaha..~~ :tlaugh:

haiz....da berape hari nie..mood aku nie trok la..!! asyik sakit kepale..ngan sensitive cket la..hmm...


Well-Known Member
arabjr - u ni CSI ke ? sampai kerja kena tengok potong mayat....eeiiii ngeri nya. CSI, one of my fav shows.

lis - pening and mood swings....berisi tak. Maybe kecik nak jadi abang tak ? :001_302: By the way, how r u coping ? Are u feeling okay now ?


Hi all!Alahai lame sungguh akak tak masuk..maklumlah bz jaga cucu and rawat my dd.Only smlm,after 2 wks,dd dah sihat,dah bleh lari2 anak,so alik lah dia ke teratak si ibu mertua.Akak ape lagi,spring clean rumah lah yg dah 2 minggu tak ku urus dek kepenatan.Salam perkenalan kepada sume adik2 yg baru join the geng.Aik! Tak de org rindu akak ke?Tak de yg tanye pun ke mane menghilangnye si nenek vogue nie...:nah: Ehmm..tak pe jauh di mate,dekat di ati..


Well-Known Member
Hi all!Alahai lame sungguh akak tak masuk..maklumlah bz jaga cucu and rawat my dd.Only smlm,after 2 wks,dd dah sihat,dah bleh lari2 anak,so alik lah dia ke teratak si ibu mertua.Akak ape lagi,spring clean rumah lah yg dah 2 minggu tak ku urus dek kepenatan.Salam perkenalan kepada sume adik2 yg baru join the geng.Aik! Tak de org rindu akak ke?Tak de yg tanye pun ke mane menghilangnye si nenek vogue nie...:nah: Ehmm..tak pe jauh di mate,dekat di ati..
alhamdulilah everythings is fine on ur side kak....Oh,i thought she stay wif u...

Lis,i klau gadoh ngan my hub slalu nyer i diam den terus tertdo (itu time takde anaK)....heheheheh....

Skg ne dah ade anak lain tactik.....klau gadoh jek,i will bring my son g jln2 kat bwh tenang kn pikiran.....OR diam jek lah....
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