yAkking Non Stop


wat time ar???maybe lor...coz last night i forgot to go claim my pampers from bell bell...
than i know if i go..got soup waiting mah....
u kns! got soup den go....
maine fetching us so shld be there ard 130pm.


now i more blur...
who is winniepooh & who is the pooh...

pengz..so many pooh....reiko will be soo happy here..:tlaugh::tlaugh::tlaugh:


u kns! got soup den go....
maine fetching us so shld be there ard 130pm.
now i'm thinking..if driving than park where..pp sure pack...maybe ask Johnson to send me there bah...

got a feeling his sis will pop over tomoro...coz sunday i need to attend full mth...by she always come up uninvitied & never inform wan..


now i'm thinking..if driving than park where..pp sure pack...maybe ask Johnson to send me there bah...

got a feeling his sis will pop over tomoro...coz sunday i need to attend full mth...by she always come up uninvitied & never inform wan..
maine say park at HDB car park wor

aiya den u all go out lor
let her gong gong stand outside ur door.


yeye no change meh ? think again :tlaugh:

coz i'm soooo use to call him yeye mah...already fogotten his previous nick is simi till you say....

aiyo...biao ge......
make me sooo paiseh....:Dancing_tongue: