young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

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bedok kan ada rumah baru, y dun u try ask if there's any vacancies... yg pat bedok interchange tu.. dkt jgk kn dgn bedok reservoir.. oh ya, i can help ask my hubbs bff if how much he bought his resale flat.. but his is 3rm pat bedok reservoir..


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hey ladies... need some info or opinion of some sort.. my son is now in wkend playgroup. nxt yr, insyaallah, i thot of enrolling him in a proper weekdays classes. any recommendations?


Well-Known Member
hi lis,

you bought your house thru hdb, is it the half-yearly sale ek? and like you said you only pay $500 to reserve the house, i thought if buying resale to reserve is $2K for 4 room and above? can give more info tak?

thanks lis...
yes kurniya.. i bot mine thru HDB.. mine is quaterly sale.. i paid onie $500 coz mine is 3rm n smaller.. klau 4rm n bigger..gotta pay $2k.. is der aniting else u wanna noe..?


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Hi Ladies

Wanna ask for your opinion psl this is my 1st time buying a better ask some questions which im in doubt..

1) just want to know if we use agent to buy rumah resale can i still get the housing grant from HDB? Yes! I bought my hse thru an agent and i got $30k grant.

2) which is better, buying through HDB or by agent? HDB kena wait lah. If ure in a hurry, u can try find hse thru agent. U can even try both.. no harm trying lah. Good luck!!!:001_302:

as my hubby tak nak cari rumah pat tmpt lain as he still want to find a flat somewhere near his parents house..da try apply thru HDB alot of times..when comes to our appt date, the unit and the flat which we want, surely been booked..haiz~ my elder sis, my adik and even my elder bro who is getting married next year da ada rumah sendiri sei..left me alone..still stuck here with my in law..i really can't bear to stay here anymore..can't stand their nonsense..


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63 over pages...?? And i replied to the very earliest post? Ishh... i'm sooo outdated. :err:

Im new here so mcm blur blur sikit. Anyways... i'm 27 years old lady with a 15months old baby girl, staying in woodlands... im looking for friends to hangout with or share thoughts coz i ni new mummy. Sometimes i got no one to talk to or ask something. Hubby always bz with work, kalau tanya dia pun... dia tak tahu.
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Well-Known Member

63 over pages...?? And i replied to the very earliest post? Ishh... i'm sooo outdated. :err:

Im new here so mcm blur blur sikit. Anyways... i'm 27 years old lady with a 15months old baby girl, staying in woodlands... im looking for friends to hangout with or share thoughts coz i ni new mummy. Sometimes i got no one to talk to or ask something. Hubby always bz with work, kalau tanya dia pun... dia tak tahu.
ello...!! welcum aboard..!! buat la mcm umah sendiri k.. u can get to noe lots of mummies here.. to intro maself.. i'm the youngest in this thread.. i'm 20 w a 21 mths old boi.. staying in the north side..yishun.. n a SAHM..

u plak tinggal mane..? SAHM ke FTWM..? n wot shall we call u..?


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63 over pages...?? And i replied to the very earliest post? Ishh... i'm sooo outdated. :err:

Im new here so mcm blur blur sikit. Anyways... i'm 27 years old lady with a 15months old baby girl, staying in woodlands... im looking for friends to hangout with or share thoughts coz i ni new mummy. Sometimes i got no one to talk to or ask something. Hubby always bz with work, kalau tanya dia pun... dia tak tahu.
hi... yeap agree with lis.. uat cm umah sendiri.. here we share thots n stuffs... i'm 28 yo lady with an 18mths old boy living in Tampines. i do feel u gal.. sometimes hubby too bz so by d time they get back from werk, dey too tired to layan us.. anyways i m a FTWM...

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member

Hello nsync_su.. you tinggal woodland daerah mana?? My house pun pat woodland tau near to 888.. I'm also 27years old with 2 daughters.. For now i tinggal pat yishun daerah swimming pool itu umah my mum cos woodland tu i rent out uat sementara tuk menghalau hantu2 .. By end of this year we going to move back.. heeheeeheee..

Kawan2, cerita pasal umah kan.. I ni 1st timer ada 4 room flat loan tru OCBC tau.. Dah 6years+ staying in that house.. I nak beli umah kalau boleh get a smaller house cos umah besar2 ni seram skit takut uninvited guest will stay wit us lak.. Kalau sekiranye i nak downgrade to 2 or 3 or even 1room flat i kena bayar cash upfront ehk?? Sorry me really no idea pasal umah2 ni .. Sebab tu senang kena tipu nye olang..


Active Member
mama ina- i suggest if u ada doubt, u ask HDB rather than ask agent coz takut kena tipu. At least pas consult wif HDB, u ada rough idea if kena pay ke tak so agent tk bleh tipu u. Tu saranan i coz better be safe.. I did it before.


Well-Known Member
yes.. i agree.. i tink it's best tat u consult HDB nye officers.. so u won't get cheated..


Active Member
ello...!! welcum aboard..!! buat mcm umah sendiri k.. you can get to know lots of mummies here.. to intro maself.. i'm the youngest in this thread.. i'm 20 w a 21 mths old boi.. staying in the north side..yishun.. and a stay at home mum..

you plak tinggal mane..? stay at home mum ke full time working mum..? and what shall we call you..?
I tgl woodlands, near north plaza.. walking distance to 888 jugak. I currently tak keje since i pregnant last year, but tgh carik keje lah now. Ohhh.. can call me Su.


Active Member
hi... yeap agree with lis.. uat cm umah sendiri.. here we share thots and stuffs... i'm 28 yo lady with an 18mths old boy living in Tampines. i do feel you gal.. sometimes hubby too bz so by d time they get back from werk, dey too tired to layan us.. anyways i m a full time working mum...
Betui tuuu... tapi dia tak penat main poker kat Facebook.. hehehe.. how eh u handle work and home..? penat kann??


Active Member

Hello nsync_su.. you tinggal woodland daerah mana?? My house pun pat woodland tau near to 888.. I'm also 27years old with 2 daughters.. For now i tinggal pat yishun daerah swimming pool itu umah my mum cos woodland tu i rent out uat sementara tuk menghalau hantu2 .. By end of this year we going to move back.. heeheeeheee..

Kawan2, cerita pasal umah kan.. I ni 1st timer ada 4 room flat loan tru OCBC tau.. Dah 6years+ staying in that house.. I nak beli umah kalau boleh get a smaller house cos umah besar2 ni seram skit takut uninvited guest will stay wit us lak.. Kalau sekiranye i nak downgrade to 2 or 3 or even 1room flat i kena bayar cash upfront ehk?? Sorry me really no idea pasal umah2 ni .. Sebab tu senang kena tipu nye olang..

Halau hantu??? Serious?? Woodlands byk hantu ke? I baru jugak pindah sini.. only 7months ++.

About the bank loan or pasal rumah, yeahh.. i agree with the rest, u better tanya org yg tahu sgt pasal ni.

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
Thanks arabjunior, lis and nsync_su.. Tu ar, i ever gi HDB tanya.. Tapi tak paham2 lor.. heeheeheee... Hubby lah buat so complicated buat i lagi confused.. He memang tanak jual umah tu.. Haiz..!!

Haahaaa.... Umah i je yg pat woodland tu memang penuh dgn hantu.. heeheehee... Eh, u tinggal daerah northplaza ehk? dekat lah tu.. so next year my gal Pri1 and we nak masok kan dia pat Qihua primary.. heehee kalau i no work kena hantar anak leh singgah eh mitup dgn u.. hehehehe..
Btw nsync_su, thanks for adding me as friend here.. i tak tahu cam ne nak add2 org2 ni.. heeheheee..

Cheers everyone..


Active Member
Thanks arabjunior, lis and nsync_su.. Tu ar, i ever gi HDB tanya.. Tapi tak paham2 .. heeheeheee... Hubby buat so complicated buat i lagi confused.. He memang tanak jual umah tu.. Haiz..!!

Haahaaa.... Umah i je yg pat woodland tu memang penuh dgn hantu.. heeheehee... Eh, you tinggal daerah northplaza ehk? dekat tu.. so next year my gal Pri1 and we nak masok kan dia pat Qihua primary.. heehee kalau i no work kena hantar anak singgah eh mitup dgn you.. hehehehe..
Btw nsync_su, thanks for adding me as friend here.. i tak tahu cam ne nak add2 org2 ni.. heeheheee..

Cheers everyone..
I pun sama mcm u... time i nak beli rumah, i tak tahu apa2 langsung!! Hubby i explained... aiyoh... boleh buat gaduh. Hehehe..

Lerrr... tunggu sampai next year to meet up? Hehehe... ok i wait.. hehehe... *semoga kita panjang umur*

I nak tanya u all ehh... every weekends u all bwk ur kids out tak? If so, gi mana eh? Me and hubby tak tahu mana nak pegi (for kids lah). Most weekends we go holland village or sometimes club street. Once awhile aje we go to the beach.


Well-Known Member

63 over pages...?? And i replied to the very earliest post? Ishh... i'm sooo outdated. :err:

Im new here so mcm blur blur sikit. Anyways... i'm 27 years old lady with a 15months old baby girl, staying in woodlands... im looking for friends to hangout with or share thoughts coz i ni new mummy. Sometimes i got no one to talk to or ask something. Hubby always bz with work, kalau tanya dia pun... dia tak tahu.
Hi babe....

Welcome feel free to post & ask Q...
I'm a mum to 10 mnth bb boy...
Working Mum....
I worked at woodland near ur place....

Wah hot btl topic kali ne....For me i beli umah thru HDB jgk...Just exchanged name....


Active Member
morning su- as a working mum ni mmg penat.. wkdays pagi keje, alik keje jaga anak. Wkends send my son to sch la, go my MIL, etc.. Penat mmg penat but wat to do. In spore if 1 werking je mcm tk cukup.. Kalo bleh, i pun nk jadi SAHM so i can watch my kid develop but wat to do... hehhe.. boring2 pun keje p keje..


Active Member
morning su- as a working mum ni mmg penat.. wkdays pagi keje, alik keje jaga anak. Wkends send my son to sch , go my mother in law, etc.. Penat mmg penat but what to do. In spore if 1 werking je mcm tk cukup.. Kalo bleh, i pun nk jadi stay at home mum so i can watch my kid develop but what to do... hehhe.. boring2 pun keje p keje..
I tgh carik keje so i must mentally and physically prepared... hmm.. ;hope i can adapt to working life and also the tiredness.. mmmg betul, satu org aje yg keje pun kene budget2.. cant go out much.


Well-Known Member
Aftanoon ladeies...

Su,u tanye penat ke tak nk handle keje ngan umah...?? Mesti penat... dulu b4 i became hsewife.. i was a FTWM for up till ma son 6 mths.. den lepas tu ade cock up ngan ma babysitter.. so i had no choice but to quit ma job n stay at hm... smp la skrg.. n ma routine last tym was.. pagi at 5am da bgn.. siap2 nk gi antar anak i n off to work.. so i'll b the 1st person to go out at 6am.. naik bus from hougang to amk.. den jln kaki from umah babysitter to amk stn.. naik train gi boon lay int.. naik bus gi keje.. i will roughly reach ma work place almost 8am.. kadang2 smp lmbt.. depends on how fast i walk.. can u imagine how i carry ma son to take the crowded bus every morning..?? hmmm.. e2 la pengorbanan i dulu..

n to arabjunior.. if u're wondering mcm mane i leh slim like u c dlm FB i.. it's becoz of these la... baru lepas pantang jek.. i da bnyk berjalan.. da consider exercise la tu.. hehehe... smp skrg.. i still keep up w ma walking habits.. klau ink gi yishun stn.. biase nye i jln kaki.. i dun take the bus.. :001_302:

Irfan, u school holiday nie keje ke holiday jugak..?? senyap jek.. niwae,i da tk pkai hp lagi tao.. aniting u can reach me at ma HB nye hp atau umah i.. okey..?

mane yg lain smuer..?? senyap jek..? YuuuHuuuUU... Enflor... Superwoman... Babygerl... etc..!!
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