Medicine to increase breast milk

I'm taking fenugreek pills, pumping every 3hrs and now slowly my daughter is learning to latch on but my milk supply is only around 30-50mls per expressing session. Am thinking whether medicine to increase BM will work better for me. But where to get the medicine? Any normal GP or need to get it from my gynae?


Well-Known Member
I'm taking fenugreek pills, pumping every 3hrs and now slowly my daughter is learning to latch on but my milk supply is only around 30-50mls per expressing session. Am thinking whether medicine to increase breast milk will work better for me. But where to get the medicine? Any normal GP or need to get it from my gynae?
Its domperidone..i think can get fr GP.


Active Member
maybe u wanna pump once every 2 hours?

i went to see gp, gp refuse to gimme,..say i shld pump more frequently...sob

try drinking more water and eat more fish...
maybe you wanna pump once every 2 hours?

i went to see gp, gp refuse to gimme,..say i shld pump more frequently...sob

try drinking more water and eat more fish...
Very hard to pump every 2hrs when i have a 2yr old toddler to deal with while my mom is doing her cooking and preparation. But i will try.

Hmmm.... So GP can give, only whether they want to give or not?

I'm drinking at least 2-2.5 litres of water per day is that enough?


Active Member
mm..can try askin from gp...

u drinkin enuff water lei..but dun be stressed abt the milk level...jus keep latchin him or pump wherever possible,...

Very hard to pump every 2hrs when i have a 2yr old toddler to deal with while my mom is doing her cooking and preparation. But i will try.

Hmmm.... So GP can give, only whether they want to give or not?

I'm drinking at least 2-2.5 litres of water per day is that enough?


I dont take medicine but I have a good supply of milk. This is v surprisingly for most pple around me cos I dont have anyone to help me. I take care of my bb myself and I pay more attention to bb than my own diet. Perhaps you want to try taking cod fish and drink lots of milk? I pump on a 3 hr interval too.
I dont take medicine but I have a good supply of milk. This is very surprisingly for most pple around me cos I dont have anyone to help me. I take care of my baby myself and I pay more attention to baby than my own diet. Perhaps you want to try taking cod fish and drink lots of milk? I pump on a 3 hr interval too.
cod fish really help? I take papaya fish soup. Milk must be fresh milk or those pregnancy milk powder?


cod fish really help? I take papaya fish soup. Milk must be fresh milk or those pregnancy milk powder?
Personally, I like cod fish a lot so I eat it v frequently. Partly also cos I heard from another mother (whose daughter is 3 y.o) that she took cod fish and she has so much milk supply that she bathes her bb in it!! At least for me, I have ample milk supply and my fridge is well stocked with frozen EBM.

I take fresh milk, all brands. I didnt take the pregnancy milk powder. I dont tk papaya fish soup cos no one cooks for me and I duno hw to cook it. But I heard that the soup helps to increase milk supply.


Well-Known Member
It's easy to make the soup. Just buy unripe papaya, peel and cute into size, dump into water with fish and boil. :)

I had it twice in my confinement and since then, have had good supply of milk!:)
It's easy to make the soup. Just buy unripe papaya, peel and cute into size, dump into water with fish and boil. :)

I had it twice in my confinement and since then, have had good supply of milk!:)
Yup, my mom says using fish bones from certain parts of the fish is even better... must check with fishmonger :001_302: I had it twice too and then had to ask my mom to stop preparing cos I was getting engorged...

I tried oatmeal too - supposed to work. Not exactly sure if there was any actual effect on me but my supply was good - until I got pregnant again! Haha! Then my gynae prescribed some medication for the nausea and when I told her I am still breastfeeding, she thought for a while and said, 'Some people actually take this to increase milk supply.' Haha! So it's a bonus for me cos pregnancy really dipped the supply a lot...

Some people also recommend fenugreek or mother's milk tea. Fenugreek can be bought from health stores like GNC


Well-Known Member
Yup, my mom says using fish bones from certain parts of the fish is even better... must check with fishmonger :001_302: I had it twice too and then had to ask my mom to stop preparing cos I was getting engorged...

I tried oatmeal too - supposed to work. Not exactly sure if there was any actual effect on me but my supply was good - until I got pregnant again! Haha! Then my gynae prescribed some medication for the nausea and when I told her I am still breastfeeding, she thought for a while and said, 'Some people actually take this to increase milk supply.' Haha! So it's a bonus for me cos pregnancy really dipped the supply a lot...

Some people also recommend fenugreek or mother's milk tea. Fenugreek can be bought from health stores like GNC
Same here - I was getting engorged all the time so I got her to stop. :p


New Member
organic mother's milk tea works wonder, you can see it within 2 days. importantly, you must have plenty of rest... thou =-)


New Member
where can we get this organic mother's milk tea? i only let my baby latch on for the first time on her 2nd day of birth, now my milk is only by drops one.. so pathetic... im trying ways to increase my milk supple. have just drank papaya soup and been eating lots of fish these few days but effect not seen yet..


where can we get this organic mother's milk tea? i only let my baby latch on for the first time on her 2nd day of birth, now my milk is only by drops one.. so pathetic... im trying ways to increase my milk supple. have just drank papaya soup and been eating lots of fish these few days but effect not seen yet..
im having the same problem wit u.. im trying to increase my milk... still not yet see any effects..

Im taking organic's mother's milk tea.. but nothing lah.. the prescription says take 3 drink per day.. is it 3 new tea bag per day? or what???

i just bought a DHA cardiovascular fish oil ( that can help to increase milk) Jus starting to take the medic only yester.. dont knw it works or not..
Im trying to squeeze the little milk every 3 hrs.. hopefully it will increase..