Good TCM Doctor ???


Well-Known Member
oh! i didn't want to take leave too... my appt is at 6pm cos they open till 9pm mah! Friday i can leave offc at 5pm.. so should be able to reach there by 6pm.

Wow.. you check so details ahr! i only fix appt only... awkward ask too many things... good that you ask them and inform me...
Price reasonable right? I heard there will be those chinese medication one ... but also not too X one.
i saw in tat forum u gave me, some of them did not ask for medication lehhh...

but i tink it all depends on individual baaa, if sinseh tink u need some, she will ask u to take baaa.....the price depends on wadever med u'r taking i din ask abt tat....juz ask abt the consultation fee.....

the "nurse" speak chinese one....i gave my eng name, she say i need ur chinese name...LOL~

after i left sec sch, i nv use chinese name liaoo lehhh...

tat parkway TCM i went, can use eng name deeee...kekekekekkee


yaya... i aso... n i nearly can't understand what the nurse say....
Think she ask me my surname (Gui Xin), then I reply "ahr, full hse ahr? Then she say to me again to request for my name... haha... me so gu gu (blur), can't understand..

Then when i told her my name, she still ask me how to write... like "
什么李,什么清" , I aso don't know... haha...


Well-Known Member
yaya... i aso... and i nearly can't understand what the nurse say....
Think she ask me my surname (Gui Xin), then I reply "ahr, full house ahr? Then she say to me again to request for my name... haha... me so gu gu (blur), can't understand..

Then when i told her my name, she still ask me how to write... like "
什么李,什么清" , I aso dont't know... haha...

luckily my name very easy deee...hahahhahahahaaa~

but i spoke to her half half (chinese n eng mix)....i wonder if the sinseh can speak eng or not....wad is follicle in chinese??? very chim...scare i dun understand wad she say after she analyse my problem.....


aiya! just say in layman term lah! like follicle = eggs lah! Think they will understand one lah cos she specialist in fertility also mah!
Go to Dr Chen Qiu Mei from Thong Chai (Tong Ji) Medical Institution. I went to her last June and conceived my baby last September. It's located at Chin Swee Road, near Chinatown.
I also started seeing Dr Chen Qiu Mei at Thong Chai Medical Institution. Medicines are herbs to be brewed and not pills or syrup. Be ready to go early like 7.30am so dont't have to wait too long, she starts seeing her 1st patient at 8am.


Well-Known Member
btw, tell me your experience after visiting her... cos i'll only see her after work....
btw...did the nurse say u can do accuputure straight away ???

i was telling her tat it's my 1st visit......i wanna do accuputure n ask if i shd do it b4 or after my AF....she say sinseh will check 1st..., if no problem, can do accuputure straight away....

u've any idea if the accuputure is to be done once a mth, or wad har??? izzi depending on individual????


haha... Lawla.. think u more Kanjon then me leh! I also 1st time visit next fri....!:)

I only read/know some info from the link i sent to u....

Believe we hv to go n let the sinseh check it out first bah!


Well-Known Member
haha... Lawla.. think you more Kanjon then me ! I also 1st time visit next fri....!:)

I only read/know some info from the link i sent to you....

Believe we have to go and let the sinseh check it out first bah!


cos i dun wanna go back again on another appt for accuputure yaaaaa...i wan evyting to b done on the same appt....if not, abit waste of my time n trip yaaaaaa...kekekekekeke~

hopefully my AF wont come (its due soon)....if not, i've to postphone the appt unless the nurse tell me its ok to see sinseh during AF.....


Well-Known Member
your AF come already? you still going tomoro, am?
I KJ now... cos scare of being poke!
not yet feeling of it coming too....

today its day 38 cycle ranges from 38days still consider VERY normal to me :001_302:

ya ya...tat time when i book the appt, i'm feel ok....but last week when i apply my leave, like suddenly got cold feet :eek:11::eek:11::eek:11::eek:11::eek:15::eek:15::eek:15::eek:15:....LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ask u arrr, they say the sinseh pok tummy area rite....if i wear jeans, haf to unzip abit to "expose" the tummy area arrrrr??

wondering if i shd wear jeans or least skirt can juz "lower"/pull down abit .......

i can imagine myself covering my eyes when the sinseh poke poke...:001_302::001_302:


not yet feeling of it coming too....

today its day 38 cycle ranges from 38days still consider VERY normal to me :001_302:

ya ya...that time when i book the appt, i'm feel ok....but last week when i apply my leave, like suddenly got cold feet :eek:11::eek:11::eek:11::eek:11::eek:15::eek:15::eek:15::eek:15:....LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ask you arrr, they say the sinseh pok tummy area rite....if i wear jeans, have to unzip abit to "expose" the tummy area arrrrr??

wondering if i should wear jeans or least skirt can just "lower"/pull down abit .......

i can imagine myself covering my eyes when the sinseh poke poke...:001_302::001_302:
haha... u r not the only one w late AF lah! mine worse, range from 30-60 days... so when i was trying... i always thot i'm pregnant.. But when tested HPT every mth also don't hv... then on the 3 mth, AF comes...:wong29:

I'm gog to wear Jeans leh, cos i rather zip down a bit n expose my tummy area. Skirt not convenient for u to go up the bed n when u lower the skirt down, i scare it will most up again (stretchable waist level skirt):shyxxx:

Ya.. shdn't see when they are poking so u won't feel so painful... I'll definitely will lie w my eyes closed.


Well-Known Member
haha... you are not the only one w late AF ! mine worse, range from 30-60 days... so when i was trying... i always thot i'm pregnant.. But when tested HPT every month also dont't have... then on the 3 month, AF comes...:wong29:

I'm gog to wear Jeans , cos i rather zip down a bit n expose my tummy area. Skirt not convenient for you to go up the bed n when you lower the skirt down, i scare it will most up again (stretchable waist level skirt):shyxxx:

Ya.. shdn't see when they are poking so you won't feel so painful... I'll definitely will lie w my eyes closed.

i was tinking, can i listen to radio n zzzz maaa??? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ya ya...i oso tot me strike when my AF hit 55days...but when i test it, its negative...super sianzz...then AF come liaoo....:embarrassed::embarrassed:

oooh....maybe tis time i wear jeans...then next round see how...kekekekeke...


ai... don't think the Sinsei will allow leh! think she will still be talking to u when she poke u...

BTW, after ur session, will u be going home or go shopping?

If u home, keep me posted of ur experience leh! maybe we paroniod lah, maybe not pain one leh!


Well-Known Member
ai... dont't think the Sinsei will allow ! think she will still be talking to you when she poke you...

BTW, after your session, will you be going home or go shopping?

If you home, keep me posted of your experience ! maybe we paroniod , maybe not pain one !

waaaa..i still wanna go AMK hub n buy KOI BUBBLE TEA lehhh....LOL!!!!!!!!!!!

i'm going for a walk walk 1st b4 heading home yaaaaaa....i dun tink got "so pain" until i must go home lehhh....i still plan to spring clean my house lehhh----maybe tell hubby its very pain, ask him clean himself...LOL!!!! :wong30::wong30::wong30::wong30:

any idea izzi 1 person on the "bed" (smting smiliar to when u'r doing facial type)...then its 1 "cubie cubie", u wont see other patients deee arrr???

i tink she will only talk to u when she's poking, then after tat, she will attend to other patients liaoooo.........


wow! so shiok ahr! still drink bubble tea after the poking thingy ahr!

yaya... fake pain pain so to proof if our hubby sanyang us or not!

We feedback to each other tomorrow after our 1st treatment lah!

Shd be 1 pax/cubicle one lah! else i aso shy let other pple see...

Gd Luck!


Well-Known Member
wow! so shiok ahr! still drink bubble tea after the poking thingy ahr!

yaya... fake pain pain so to proof if our hubby sanyang us or not!

We feedback to each other tomorrow after our 1st treatment !

should be 1 pax/cubicle one ! else i aso shy let other pple see...

good Luck!
kekeke..ok....update u tomolo when i' home....hehehheee


Well-Known Member
yoooo tigggggg...i'm home leeeeeeeeee

the sinseh is quite ok yaaaaa.....she "touch touch" ur pulse..then say blar blar blar...

for my case, i'm quite heaty---she say 1 of the reason is tat i nv poo daily...i show her my tongue then she say, i nv drink euff water.....

then she say my folicle is very weak n tat i keep drinking COLD water---alamak, she knows lehhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

then she ask if i can sleep well lately, i told her cannot...duno y, i keep sleeping later n later...last time i used to zz at 10.30pm..but now, until 12midnite then i go zzzzz......smtimes, need to tose n turn for some time b4 i dose off.....

then she say my blood circulation is oso poor....

so she accuputure for me...she say must come ONCE a week...but if my AF comes, i dun need to visit her...wait till its clean then go see her....

she poke my tummy area (need to unzip ur jeans), n roll up ur jeans (she will poke ur legs too)....

tummy area --4 or 6 needles (i tink so lehh, she was toking to me, i din count) ..

leg --2 needles on each side.....

then she clip the wire onto the needle --its to make the accuputure more efficient....the needle will "tick tick tick" deee..she say i must feel the "tick tick tick" feeling, but it cannot b she adjust adjust the voltage accordingly yaaaaa....

i was quite hand was sweating (i will haf sweaty palm) if i'm scare.......but its not pain yaaa...i tink bloodtest is more painful than tis...kekekeke..but the leg area is more painful as compare to the tummy area---she say cos my tummy lots of fats, so not pain.....

then 15mins later, she will remove the needles n u lie down on ur front...she will oso poke ur back too.....below ur waist (near upper butt area)--she will pull down ur undies abit...then poke ur back (until ur bra area).....6 needles on ur back yaaaaa.......

i fall asleep...the back one, is quite comfortable.....u will feel warm warm ard the areas she poke......

so, evyting quite ok yaaa...kekekeee...i tink after work u go, u will oso fall asleep....LOL~

she gave me med (in powder form), ask me to drink 1 packet daily....if i can, drink 2 pkts better (but i belong to the heaty type, so dun rush into it 1st)......i oso CANNOT DRINK COLD DRINKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haizz, i din buy my KOI bubble tea today lehhh...sigh sigh sighz!!!!!!!!!!!

she oso ask me to exercise once a week (i'm fat fat deeee), she say its will b better for me yaaa...she say even wif the accuputure, but if i dun lose weight, i cant benefit as much.......


ok go zzz liaoo...LOL~...i'm tired lehhh...hahahaaa....later still need to spring clean---i consider tis as exercise liaooo...LOL!!!!

enjoy ur accuputure yaaaa...its ok deee, go for it..JIA YOU JIA YOU~



wow! so not pain then gd lah! I'll aso hv sweating palms n feets when i KJ too.. habase lah!

Let's see wat she say abt me then i tell u tonite!


Well-Known Member
wow! so not pain then good ! I'll aso have sweating palms n feets when i KJ too.. habase !

Let's see what she say about me then i tell you tonite!
hehehhee..jia you jia you~

btw...i paid $60 for evyting yaaaaaaa (the med is a 1 week course)