Baby Weight


my bb ger only weighed 6 kg at 6 months old, at the 10th percentile.. now she only weighs 7 kg at 8 months... sigh sigh.. she's a small full term baby... only 2.6kg at birth...


aiyoyo... looks like only my ger is the lightest and smallest...argh:embarrassed:...hasn't even met all the average 6-month old mark at 9 kg.....sigh sigh sigh


Active Member
my girl at 6 months was 6.1KG, also slightly on the smaller side. i couldn't believe the scales cuz she has chubby cheeks, fat arms and legs.


Well-Known Member
aiyoyo... looks like only my ger is the lightest and smallest...argh:embarrassed:...hasn't even met all the average 6-month old mark at 9 kg.....sigh sigh sigh
actu 9kg is abit too havy for a 6mth old. my pd was shocked when he know ds was weighing at 9kg+ cos a 1yo toddler average age is 8 - 10kg. so those babies who weigh 9kg at 6mth, can consider 'overweight' cos they are having a 1yo weight!

so y get so wry since ur baby's weight is normal and not under?


actually 9kg is abit too havy for a 6mth old. my pediatrician was shocked when he know dear son was weighing at 9kg+ cos a 1yo toddler average age is 8 - 10kg. so those babies who weigh 9kg at 6mth, can consider 'overweight' cos they are having a 1yo weight!

so y get so wry since your baby's weight is normal and not under?
hahah yes ped asked to reduce her milk but my gal cannot. no choice both papa mama also big big. hehehe.....


Well-Known Member
Y' long as your baby is healthy and active, WHO CARES about the weight? Haiz, mummies, please don't compare with other people about your baby's weight, especially those who think that their baby is lightweight.

Don't forget that babies can pack in length instead of in weight. Eva is still under 8 kg for a 10.5 mth old but she's nearly 75 cm. She was 2.76 kg at birth and around 47 cm only. I never once worried about her weight coz she has that chubby look and is super active and healthy (fell ill only once).

So really, take it easy, k?


Well-Known Member
Y' long as your baby is healthy and active, WHO CARES about the weight? sigh, mummies, please dont't compare with other people about your baby's weight, especially those who think that their baby is lightweight.

dont't forget that babies can pack in length instead of in weight. Eva is still under 8 kg for a 10.5 month old but she's nearly 75 cm. She was 2.76 kg at birth and around 47 cm only. I never once worried about her weight coz she has that chubby look and is super active and healthy (fell ill only once).

So really, take it easy, k?
Eva is a tall baby!!!!!!!!!!! :tlaugh:
my baby ger only weighed 6 kg at 6 months old, at the 10th percentile.. now she only weighs 7 kg at 8 months... sigh sigh.. she's a small full term baby... only 2.6kg at birth...
cheer up as long as shes active n healthy don b 2bothered by the weight,my baby was also smaller than her sis too , tink differenbr ppl have different size,built etc:)
My baby is 7.7kg at 6mths but she dont reali look chubby. she looked more chubby b4 i stopped breast feeding n now her milk intake lessen


Well-Known Member
yup dont forget to take height into acc baby at her last check weighed abt 11kg n 77 she is tall n big..pd is not worried coz my other 2 were the they r as thin as sticks.
as long ur baby is not severely underweight..n height n weight r more or less is just fine


Well-Known Member
wow its a heavy n solid one care to share what milk she taking n the food or cereal she eatin n schdule thanks
My baby is 7.7kg at 6mths but she dont reali look chubby. she looked more chubby before i stopped breast feeding n now her milk intake lessen
i dun think it has nth to do with the milk and food. some babies eat and drink alot of food and milk but still skinny whil some eat n drink normally are v chubby.

actu 7.7kg at 6mth old is a VERY GOOD weight. dun wry so much =)


wow its a heavy n solid one care to share what milk she taking n the food or cereal she eatin n schdule thanks
NAN HA, but i believe her size is due to gene cos both of us very big size, hehe. DS was very chubby when young but now P2 he is very slim although he eat alot. My gal current height is 67cm. DH praying hard hoping they wouldn't be like us, not healthy. ha.....:shyxxx: