Pre-Natal Blues


Jus17 >
I m vry excited as well, but I m also a vry paranoid person. Always worry if baby is growing safely inside. But I try not to think about it, cos it affects baby. I havent seen my baby for about 2 wks plus too. My next appt is end of the month. Can't wait to c him again.:shyxxx: Thot of going to gynae next wk, but that will b extra $ spend . I never thot of buying Doppler, cos trying to save $. So no lobang . Also never see anyone selling 2nd hand in the forum.

have you heard about the bulk purchase in a shop at Bugis? I went ther early this wk. Bgt sm newborn tops n bottoms, nappy cloth, mitten n booties, handkerchief and etc. Total about 60+. But thy sell in half dozen or a dozen. Quite cheap, but design not vry nice. Anyway, I dont't knw my baby gender yet, so mainly I buy white or plain.:tlaugh: good for baby to wear at hm. Whn I knw the gender then I buy nicer ones for his outing use.
Hi Christine,
Me too got to save money. But I am really worried abt my bb's wellbeing cos like u my gynae appt is end of the mth. I am glad that sign consultation package and hence my consultation will be foc if there is a need to go see my gynae b4 the appt. However, they will push my appt to 1 mth later if i went earlier. So...ultimately it's ard the same. Of cos see my gynae earlier means i can sleep better. I keep thinking that i might have hurt my bb while flipping in bed. Sigh...then can u imagine hubby was telling me abt the new prudential plan that covers pregnant woman, that night i dreamt my bb din survived...:embarrassed: now...i dream everynite. Watever is discuss/talk/gossip in the day with my friends, night time i dreamt abt it.Scary...and sometimes I feel that i got hallucination on back pain and tummy pain...sigh..prenatal depression? So now i am looking forward to next Friday for my detailed scan. :001_302:


never heard bout the bugis . but no point buy so many sets. i now buy 1 week set of clothes 7 sets.. cos sure will people gift as present too. then hand downs by my friends. somemore 1 month baby must stay home. from 1 month to 2nd month. outgrow abit . so if possible. mummy please buy slightly bigger tops. and dont buy those wear over neck one. buy those button from top to bottom, or ribbon tie. i bought alot ribbon tie. cos i bought slightly bigger size. can tie tighter if loose. mum say those new borns shirt. really too small also. and try buy white. cos baby will feel cooling. you buy colour will get hot easily. so her night all is white. day i bought 2 set pink. hehe. and 1 flower . the rest i never buy first. mittens i bought 7 sets also. pink and white. hat i bought 1 only. cos mum say baby best dont bring out too often in initial stages. so left her full month clothing and bids.

hehe. you all can go kiddy palace see. really worth buying. i went to see those market top bottom. some really too small and tired. the pants especially. dont buy too small . cos baby gonna wear diapers, pampers or nappy. you buy too small. later wear they will uncomfortable cos tight. ^^

wont turn colour jus17. dont remove the packaging. and keep inside your warerobe with a plastic bag. thats what i do. hehe.

mummies dont worry too much. my appointment next wed. hope can see babygirl again. she keep kicking me every night. so still ok. not so worried. just try stay happy. cos i also tend to get emotional at times. especially when i dont get attention from hubby. or i cant eat what i crave! hahaha
Hi Melody,
Me also crave for hubby's attention every now and then. Hope he dun find me a nuisance. Well, my house also very small so not much space to put bb's stuff yet so will buy later. I need to even get those toyo 5 drawers to put my bb's stuff...that one will buy later. After i buy that then i will get those bottles and clothings.
So gd, yr appt wed...mine is fri...sigh...need to wait....:001_302:


If you wanna buy a preloved Breast pump.. i selling mine now... is medela mini eletric dual pump... is 2 pump... can pump at the same time... save more time... hehe.. if you keen just sms me... i think you got my hp number... i got NEw unused parts... i will throw in as well.. & also nipple cream.. free of charge...:001_302: Forget to say the pump is in 10/10 condition... under warranty...
Hi wendy,
U stop bf already? so fast? yr boy only 4 mths old lei...
same lor. :( later have to pack my room le. make space for my baby things. need to throw those things and clothings im not wearing le. save space. arbo baby out = more things!


same . :( later have to pack my room . make space for my baby things. need to throw those things and clothings im not wearing . save space. arbo baby out = more things!
Hi melody,
Wa yr bb coming soon ah? Mine not yet so i do it later. LOL
my bedroom very small andi bought a small playpen at the motherhood fair recently. Hope it can fit into our small room. Sigh...i onli stay 3-rm no room for bb too... :embarrassed:


october 1st week. tummy abit big . walk also clumsy. so mum say better start packing up now better than last minute!

Hee mine is end Oct or early Nov. I think I pack my hospital bag and room end Sept. :001_302: ya...anyway can leave these to hubby ma!!


New Member
I bgt the clothings n nappy liners. But my sis, who has 2 boys and is also currently pregnant, says surely nt enough. I will definitely hv to come bk to buy more. :-( (Cos I totally don't hv any pass over fr frens)

I m also thinking of emptying a rm for my baby. Currently th rm is used for keeping my dog's stuff. Poor dog, gotta mak way for baby. :wong19: Agree w Melody. Better to do packing early, otherwise later stage mayb too tired or too clumsy to move ard. I can't trust my hubby to do the packing. He can put the things of the same category at different places and whn I ask him for one of the things, he will start searching everywher for it....equals to no packing. :001_302:

3 rm flat is jus nice for small family. Cosy n easier to find stuffs whn u nd thm.


Well-Known Member
Yup all of u can start buying things... slowly buy.. then after that just rest to wait for baby to come out... don't make urself too tired when due date is near.. later no energy to deliver...:001_302:


Active Member
Was reading the posts, actually I think some things can buy slightly later when bb is out so u know whether there's a actual need.. Like breast pumps which I bought both manual n electric n i've only used the electric one for 2 days when my son was admitted for jaundice till now I'm only latching him on n he doesn't use bottles so was a white elephant, my pram which i bought 4 prams in total, he was okay when he was younger in the pram but when he was able to sit up he was no longer keen in sitting in it so I think can wait tillthe baby is out then let them try on it before buying.. I bought cloth diapers before delivering n in the end son is always on diapers so didn't get to use them either..


New Member
Hmm...I don't hv experience w babies as I m a 1st time mum. But I believe thy r vry similiar to puppies at the initial stage (Sorry gotta quote my experience w puppies as tat is the closest experience I cn think of). Mus introduce most things whn young.

Pls advise if I m wrong. If we decide to let baby use something, thn we hv to introduce early to thm. E.g to combine formula n bf, it is better to start fr the beginning, so baby will get use to it and nt reject it later on? I heard abt babies who latched on during early months and mums hv great difficulty to intoduce milk bottle teats.

I also rem my elder nephew refuses to sit in the car seat b'cos it wasn't introduce to him early. But his younger bro has no problem as he was put on car seat since his 1st few mths. I alrdy bgt my car seat too. :shyxxx:

I was even thinking of getting stroller b4 delivery. So occasionally at hm I cn put baby in the stroller.


Well-Known Member
Hmm...I dont't have experience w babies as I m a 1st time mum. But I believe thy r vry similiar to puppies at the initial stage (Sorry gotta quote my experience w puppies as that is the closest experience I cn think of). Mus introduce most things whn young.

Pls advise if I m wrong. If we decide to let baby use something, thn we have to introduce early to thm. E.g to combine formula n bf, it is better to start fr the beginning, so baby will get use to it and not reject it later on? I heard about babies who latched on during early months and mums have great difficulty to intoduce milk bottle teats.

I also rem my elder nephew refuses to sit in the car seat b'cos it wasn't introduce to him early. But his younger bro has no problem as he was put on car seat since his 1st few mths. I alrdy bgt my car seat too. :shyxxx:

I was even thinking of getting stroller before delivery. So occasionally at hm I cn put baby in the stroller.

Yes u can intro to them early... but as for breast feeding... if u can fully breast feed is the best... if u scare he reject teats.. u can pump out for baby to drink... slowly then u intro FM... i already let my boy sit carseat when he is 3 months old.. now he is ok with it..:001_302:


Active Member
Yup I agree is to xpose them early.. I think he's resisting pram bcos he has been in my bjorn carrier since 1 month old as I'm looking after him alone with no help n I've been bringing him shopping alone so the carrier is so much more convinient than a pram for me.. And now that he has started walking the pram is something that he resist even more.. As for carseat it's v important so he has been in it since discharge so no probs with it..
At the end of the day it depends on how the bb is going to b handled n taken care of to properly pioritise the needs for certain items as it may work for some but not others.. :)


I bgt the clothings n nappy liners. But my sis, who has 2 boys and is also currently pregnant, says surely not enough. I will definitely have to come back to buy more. :-( (Cos I totally dont't have any pass over fr friends)

I m also thinking of emptying a rm for my baby. Currently th rm is used for keeping my dog's stuff. Poor dog, gotta mak way for baby. :wong19: Agree w Melody. Better to do packing early, otherwise later stage mayb too tired or too clumsy to move around. I can't trust my hubby to do the packing. He can put the things of the same category at different places and whn I ask him for one of the things, he will start searching everywher for it....equals to no packing. :001_302:

3 rm flat is just nice for small family. Cosy n easier to find stuffs whn you need thm.
Hi Christine,
I agree 3 room flat is just nice but hor i am staying with my parents and tat makes us 5 ppl in the 2 room flat now. Sigh. :shyxxx:
My hubby usually packs when I asked him to. Imagine sometimes it takes him 1 week for him to act on the instruction given the previous week. LOL...tat's my hubby la...guys are usually lazy by nature in terms of packing and housekeeping! :001_302:


Was reading the posts, actually I think some things can buy slightly later when baby is out so you know whether there's a actual need.. Like breast pumps which I bought both manual n electric n i've only used the electric one for 2 days when my son was admitted for jaundice till now I'm only latching him on n he doesn't use bottles so was a white elephant, my pram which i bought 4 prams in total, he was okay when he was younger in the pram but when he was able to sit up he was no longer keen in sitting in it so I think can wait tillthe baby is out then let them try on it before buying.. I bought cloth diapers before delivering n in the end son is always on diapers so didn't get to use them either..
Hi Candy,
I agree that some things shld be bought later. :) I scare my milk ducts got blocked and no milk for bb.
WAH 4 prams ah? So many! You mean yr baby so picky on prams too? :(
I very lucky to get giveaway pram in the forum. Now i am trying to get more hand downs clothings or high chair or walker or stroller...cos these big items can be quite costly. As for breast pumps, I might consider renting it from baby before I go buy my own. With baby, everything is money and Government's money not 1 shot give also...sigh sigh :err:


Hmm...I dont't have experience w babies as I m a 1st time mum. But I believe thy r vry similiar to puppies at the initial stage (Sorry gotta quote my experience w puppies as that is the closest experience I cn think of). Mus introduce most things whn young.

Pls advise if I m wrong. If we decide to let baby use something, thn we have to introduce early to thm. E.g to combine formula n bf, it is better to start fr the beginning, so baby will get use to it and not reject it later on? I heard about babies who latched on during early months and mums have great difficulty to intoduce milk bottle teats.

I also rem my elder nephew refuses to sit in the car seat b'cos it wasn't introduce to him early. But his younger bro has no problem as he was put on car seat since his 1st few mths. I alrdy bgt my car seat too. :shyxxx:

I was even thinking of getting stroller before delivery. So occasionally at hm I cn put baby in the stroller.
Wah serious? I tot of getting car seats probably later part like probably when baby is 6 mths old. Seriously need to get him to get used to it as early as 2 or 3 mths?
I tink i will follow the bf and fm introduction for the first few mths cos I am scare that when i go back to work, I might have problem finding a place to express milk out. :( And very troublesome when u need to squeeze mrt and carry those equipment. :07:


Yup I agree is to xpose them early.. I think he's resisting pram bcos he has been in my bjorn carrier since 1 month old as I'm looking after him alone with no help n I've been bringing him shopping alone so the carrier is so much more convinient than a pram for me.. And now that he has started walking the pram is something that he resist even more.. As for carseat it's very important so he has been in it since discharge so no probs with it..
At the end of the day it depends on how the baby is going to b handled n taken care of to properly pioritise the needs for certain items as it may work for some but not others.. :)
I just remembered how I love prams when I was young. I always wanted to sit on it until like 4 yrs old...:001_302: Now I dunoe when my bb is born, whether he will like prams or not. He has to like la if he is not so light. :Dancing_tongue: I am planning and trying to lose those weight gain by that time and dun wish to gain more muscles on my arms man! LOLOL :001_302:


Well-Known Member
for me i think car seat is important so will try to get one that can sit from infant (the day we check out of hospital) :001_302: as for pram i am not keen...cos i dun want to be one of those inconsiderate parent who push pram in crowded areas and expect the whole world to give way :embarrassed:


Well-Known Member
for me i think car seat is important so will try to get one that can sit from infant (the day we check out of hospital) :001_302: as for pram i am not keen...cos i dont want to be one of those inconsiderate parent who push pram in crowded areas and expect the whole world to give way :embarrassed:
Hmmm.. getting pram anot... maybe can wait a while later... but when baby gets older & heavier... is very hard to carry.. or maybe u can choose carrier or sling..if not i think is quite hard.. because just like me.. we never bought in stroller in the first month... but when we need to go out for long... my arm gets really tired... :tlaugh:


Active Member
Actually if u think u have milk then u will have.. Even blocked ducts also can clear them with frequent latching n pumping so don't worry.. I'm total bfding n I'm considering to do that as long a possible.. I'm not sure if my son is choosy abt strollers but Theres always new prams with more features so always get tempted.. But now the prams are in the cars collecting dust.