When did you find out you were pregnant?


New Member
halo.. :)

i found out i was pregnant when i had a severe gastric attack and was being admitted to the hospital.. after the urine test i was told i was pregnant.. haa.. so shocked.. no preparations watsoever.. but im glad i made it through all the hard time..


I miss my period for 2mth ... Tat time though due to stress... I stil went for hoilday then back to SG alrd 3mth so i went to check ... Found was pregg ... SHOCK .... Cos @ hoilday i stil play roller coaster ..


I found out from my neighbourhood GP that I was pregnant when I told him I am lacking of appetite for the past few days. I even thought he will prescribe gastric pills for me but he suspected I was pregnant and went for a urine test and came out positive. Was pretty shocked and feeling unprepared then. :err: Then the next couple of days, booked an appointment with my gynae at KK and confirmed I was 5 weeks pregnant, and detected heartbeat about 2 weeks later.

My tummy started showing prolly at about 14,15 weeks?? But part of the cause could also due to my constipation and the gas in my tummy. :001_302:
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New Member
My #1 was planned. So as soon as my menses were missing. So at about 2 weeks.
My #2, unplanned: my menses were missing. I did a test but the test was negative. But about a month later, I was a bit nauseaus in the morning and did a test again. Positive that time! So it was at about 6 weeks.

Most of women start showing at 3 to 4th month.


Active Member
i found out wen i missed my menses for *i don't know how long.. ard 2 weeks i think*.. it's my ex who point out that howcome my menses still not here..

did a test, positive.. wen down to polyclinic the nxt day to get a referral letter to kkh.. was 5.4 weeks then.. 1st scan at kkh 2 days later.. saw baby's heartbeat.. that was 5.6 week..

i start showing at ard 4months..


I found out when i was preparing to go overseas. Wanted to go n get pills from Doc to stop my menses but doc say must go n do urine test first. so i bot a test kit at watson to do it at home. was shocked when i saw the results coz that month was the 1st time my husband and i tried. end up go GP do a re-test. den confirm my pregnancy.


i should consider mine is a 'intuition' pregnancy. i have a bedridden dad at home and during that time and we have not engage maid yet therfore,we need to clean him. to clean him, we have to lift him up and when i about to lift him up with the help of my brother, i told my brother that i couldnt lift him and i dun know why these words pop out from my mouth... thereafter, one day when i was playing sims3 games, i realise i have a foul smell at the bottom which i have never had before and again, i have a feeling that i am pregnant without using the test kit and also during that time, my menses hasnt come for the next cycle.
while i was waiting for menses to come but in actual fact my menses hasnt come for about 2 weeks, i went and test and i was pregnant! i totally have no idea before i use the test kit and before my menses came, i could actually know i am pregnant... amazing encounter!


Well-Known Member
I found out that i was preggy when i miss my mens for about 1 week plus.. then my tummy only show when i was 7th month preggy...
Gosh! You only found out at 3months. That's far along already =)

I miss my period for 2mth ... that time though due to stress... I stil went for hoilday then back to SG alrd 3mth so i went to check ... Found was pregg ... SHOCK .... Cos @ hoilday i stil play roller coaster ..
I found out 1.5wks ago and it was our first try too :) except I didn't believe the HPT even though I did four!

I found out when i was preparing to go overseas. Wanted to go n get pills from Doc to stop my menses but doc say must go n do urine test first. so i bot a test kit at watson to do it at home. was shocked when i saw the results coz that month was the 1st time my husband and i tried. end up go GP do a re-test. then confirm my pregnancy.


I only found out my pregnancy at 20th week, which is fifth month. Had show for all the 4 months prior, and dates fit in well too. So I just shrugged off as menses!

So my waiting period was really short, just 4 months! (:)


New Member
i knew it after i missed my menses for 1month. funny thing was i still rode on the rollercoaster since i didnt know i was already pregnant that time.. so far, my baby now is very active and growing very well. :D
5th month!! That didn't leave you much time to prepare all the baby stuff! :)

I only found out my pregnancy at 20th week, which is fifth month. Had show for all the 4 months prior, and dates fit in well too. So I just shrugged off as menses!

So my waiting period was really short, just 4 months! (:)


I found out 1.5wks ago and it was our first try too :) except I didn't believe the HPT even though I did four!
haha. i did 3 tests but still dont believe myself.. went for my first appt at KKH, baby was 5.4weeks that time. cant detect from ultrasound so have to use the viginal scan. but becoz cant reli see anything, so still dont believe myself until the 2nd appt, i can see a "baby shape" during the ultrasound scan and can see heartbeat. baby was 8 weeks+ then.
The doc congratulated me even before the blood test but even then I still didn't believe him until I went for twice weekly blood tests and baby number kept increasing. Won't be able to do scan until next week!

haha. i did 3 tests but still dont believe myself.. went for my first appt at Kandang Kerbau Hospital, baby was 5.4weeks that time. cant detect from ultrasound so have to use the viginal scan. but becoz cant reli see anything, so still dont believe myself until the 2nd appt, i can see a "baby shape" during the ultrasound scan and can see heartbeat. baby was 8 weeks+ then.


I only found out my pregnancy at 20th week, which is fifth month. Had show for all the 4 months prior, and dates fit in well too. So I just shrugged off as menses!

So my waiting period was really short, just 4 months! (:)

Yeah!! I also had a 4months wait!


The doc congratulated me even before the blood test but even then I still didn't believe him until I went for twice weekly blood tests and baby number kept increasing. Won't be able to do scan until next week!
baby number kept increasing?! time is always passing sooooooooooo slow when we start counting down to the date of scanning. ha!