
New Member
Wow we r very close Ashanti .. Oh I don hav any except the menses cramp feeling at middle of te nite sleep.. Is tat a sign of labour? It's very aching for me I don hv prob eating tats y I gain too much weight lol
Wats ur weight and how big is bb now?? ;)
my edd 23 jan.. im coming 37 weeks this sun... most of e times after i had eaten my meal, always got e urge or feeling of diarheoa... i read up a pregnancy book.. a sign of labour also had diarheoa... so how ur side?? gd?
Wow we r very close Ashanti .. Oh I don hav any except the menses cramp feeling at middle of te nite sleep.. Is tat a sign of labour? It's very aching for me I don hv prob eating tats y I gain too much weight lol
Wats ur weight and how big is bb now?? ;)
mine is 37 week.21 jan.
Keep on feeling thristy n sleepy. lolz. oso have menses cramp sometimes.
Ya me too very thirsty and sleepy wow we r very close I'm 19th Jan
Hav u start drinkin cOconut? I love it cos cooling
I drink once a week.
Yes, drank abit onli.
Wat abt u? U drink the the whole coconut juice.
BB start to move alot when i drank coconut juice so now i change to barley water.


New Member
Oh so cute? But don tink got connection lah..
Barley is good I also drink alot cos very hot all the time!!!
Where r u delivering?
Yes, drank abit onli.
Wat abt u? U drink the the whole coconut juice.
BB start to move alot when i drank coconut juice so now i change to barley water.
Yup I packed my bag
For things to buy jus got all the nescessity cos don wan to anyhow buy
But overstock on diapers already

Are u on leave liao?
I'm alr on leave so will pack my bag tomo.....
N jus wait for the arrival for my BB.


Wat the weight of ur bb now?


New Member
Yup already not back for office, as I work wit Pru as a agent can manage my time wit my clients,
My bag also packed jus waiting.. Sometimes I imagine the pain and i tot of the point of givin birth, tink I scare myself too much!!! Lols but I ate very well thru out, drank lots of milk baby is over 3 kg liaos!! Haha
I'm glad cos I prefer baby to b big, but harder for mummies..
How abt u? ;)
Are u on leave liao?
I'm alr on leave so will pack my bag tomo.....
N jus wait for the arrival for my BB.


Wat the weight of ur bb now?

angela ng

New Member
deliver at Mount A.
Doc did mention i will give birth any time as for now.
Feeling beri anxious n excited coz is my first pregnancy. lol.
so exciting! Congrats! Am delivering first time as well... still not sure what signs to look out for... but most mothers just tell me I'll know when it's due :eek:
How abt u? ;)[/QUOTE]

Yup already not back for office, as I work wit Pru as a agent can manage my time wit my clients,
My bag also packed jus waiting.. Sometimes I imagine the pain and i tot of the point of givin birth, tink I scare myself too much!!! Lols but I ate very well thru out, drank lots of milk baby is over 3 kg liaos!! Haha
I'm glad cos I prefer baby to b big, but harder for mummies..

is abt 2.8.

Lolz... i oso kept imgaine the process of pain tat i need to go thru...oso scare myself.

Everyday, oso ask my hubby... dunno hw the process will like.


New Member
is abt 2.8.

Lolz... i oso kept imgaine the process of pain tat i need to go thru...oso scare myself.

Everyday, oso ask my hubby... dunno hw the process will like.[/QUOTE] ya!!! Me too! Kept asking hubby how scary it is, but he always say I not scare of pain very daring, so I can surely pull thru!
Jia you Jia you all the way! No epi for me!!!
is abt 2.8.

Lolz... i oso kept imgaine the process of pain tat i need to go thru...oso scare myself.

Everyday, oso ask my hubby... dunno hw the process will like.
ya!!! Me too! Kept asking hubby how scary it is, but he always say I not scare of pain very daring, so I can surely pull thru!
Jia you Jia you all the way! No epi for me!!![/QUOTE]

same thot as me, no epi.
But my gynae advice me to take coz normally first delivery is abt 10 hrs.

lol... i shall see hw the contraction pain is .....

angela ng

New Member
:Dancing_wub:baby is ready!!! Im 37 seeing my gynae next week too 4thJan..
He is on holiday but he is quite cool that i wil be near my EDD which is 19th.. I am guessing about 10th onwards.. hehe
Cant Wait!!!cheerios!!
Baby is ready too :001_302: but baby didnt gain much weight since last visit from 2.6kg to 2.689. However, I read baby just needs to be around 2.7kg so am more relieved.

angela ng

New Member
do not worries.. it will engaged at later week... gdluck n a wish a have a smooth delivery n a happy New Yr.....!!
ashanti, good news! Baby's engaged, like you said :) Hope your new year was a good one. This is your second kid right? Mind sharing how you know when contraction has started?? :eek: still wondering how I would know though experienced ones tells me I would just know...