EDD in July?


So, everyone went shopping over the weekends? Bot alot of things for your daring???
oredi went to taka sale last thu. But collected some items from my friend over weekend...still considered shopping? :p

I just checked sg expo events for this weekend - there's babycare festival (Hall 6B), Popular sale (Hall 5A) and Loreal sale (Foyer 2 Level 2). Happy shopping if you going expo!
No shopping! Had a toothache and my doggy had an accident and now has a broken tail. Super upset abt it.
must take care... don't be too sad ** cheers **

oredi went to taka sale last thu. But collected some items from my friend over weekend...still considered shopping? :p

I just checked sg expo events for this weekend - there's babycare festival (Hall 6B), Popular sale (Hall 5A) and Loreal sale (Foyer 2 Level 2). Happy shopping if you going expo!
i can't wait liao hahaha ^_^
Anyone has contacts for the confinement massage lady?

What's normal rate and frequency etc?
i got no contacts though my MIl actually found 1 CL for me but i decided not to get the CL coz shes quite strict, dont think i can endure.hehe

market rate is ard 2k, 28 days (stay-in ):Dancing_wub::Dancing_wub::Dancing_wub:


i got no contacts though my mother in law actually found 1 CL for me but i decided not to get the CL coz shes quite strict, dont think i can endure.hehe

market rate is around 2k, 28 days (stay-in ):Dancing_wub::Dancing_wub::Dancing_wub:
I tink raindrop is asking for massage lady, keke, my fren reccommended me this shop n she feel their is oki...

Now e rates is abt $70 per hr or 1.5 hrs. Some gt package for u to choose, 7 days or 10 days


I tink raindrop is asking for massage lady, keke, my fren reccommended me this shop n she feel their is oki...

Now e rates is abt $70 per hr or 1.5 hrs. Some gt package for u to choose, 7 days or 10 days
ya...massage lady! do i have to go to their shop or do they come to my house for the massage? during confinement, can't go out right?


ya...massage lady! do i have to go to their shop or do they come to my house for the massage? during confinement, can't go out right?
they come lar....cannot go to their shop to do lar...hehe

Singapore- Origins Jamu Massage - Promotions (this is the one my gf recommended)

AFOND Spa Couple Massage Promotions Affordable Spa offers - Prenatal | Swedish | Deep tissue | Aromatherapy and many different Massage techniques available (this one im not sure if they come to their hse, but they do provide post-natal massage)
I tink raindrop is asking for massage lady, keke, my fren reccommended me this shop n she feel their is oki...

Now e rates is abt $70 per hr or 1.5 hrs. Some gt package for u to choose, 7 days or 10 days
keke i went to the web to check liao... when i free i wan call them see by how long we can do after our c-sect...

u been having headache very often recently, rest more and take good care...

anyone planning to go for maternity shoots?
hmm... if i dont have enough slp i will have headach n flu... but every pregnancy keke i also have this problem... it will be only ok after i give birth keke...

haven't think of going maternity shoots... cos now 3rd wan haha must save the $$$ keke.. now everything was so expensive hai...
yes yes.....i intend to book for 7 days and see hws the effect, if good, then i extend another 3 days...if not i will go once per mth during my ML...lst one nv do cos scare...haha
keke if u give birth first than me... let me know after u try kekek... will our tummy get smaller after doing kekek