EDD October


Active Member
thanks! i'm still deciding whether to go on ML once my hospitalization leave ends... but it seems like so early to go on ML... i dont't wanna waste my ML :(

have you bought baby diapers and stuff like that yet? i can't decide what brand to buy!
i bought the cheapest from NTUC. hahaha... cuz my cousin say new born will need to change lots of pampers wan, don have to buy so good. when baby is like few mths older than start to buy better wan cuz he will be wearing it longer.


i bought the cheapest from NTUC. hahaha... cuz my cousin say new born will need to change lots of pampers wan, don have to buy so good. when baby is like few mths older than start to buy better wan cuz he will be wearing it longer.
Oh so which brands yuo bought?


Hi gals.. just wanna share my gyn visit review this morning.. hehhee... Doc says Baby's head measures at 38 weeks already but Baby is only 33 weeks today! @____@
Overall, baby weighs 2.8 kg today and doc wonders how much will he weigh at birth... ><"


Oh so which brands yuo bought?
My personal suggestion is to buy the better brand regardless of cost.. my sister was using Pampers for my nephew but decided to change to cheaper brand to save cost.. however, cheaper brand may not match up to quality and in the end, he suffered from very bad nappy rash and had to be hospitalised.. :( So ultimately, she changed back to Pampers cos it can last longer cos can absorb better.. As such, actually, you may not save from cheaper brand cos since they may not absorb as good, you will need to change more often and hence, overall cost may add up to be almost the same.. but yet you can save your baby from suffering from nappy rash... =____________=


I'm Vegetarian too and my bb is growing well :) my Aunty became vegetarian while she's preg with 1st boy and her boys r now growing tall n healthy. Veg diet is nutritious enough if we have a balanced diet. but I do drink milk n take eggs so that contributes to the protein.
Lately, the 1st tri prob like appetite lose is coming back n very puzzling that I'm experiencing fatigue and backache in the mornings but became more 'alive' at night! So I tend to eat much more for dinner n get heart burn at night :(
Wahahaha.. you wont believe.. my hubby is vegetarian, so actually, I have vegetarian most of the time... Doc was also surprised and remarked: "I din know vegetarian diet so nutritious.." XD


just wondering whether throughout your appt over the months, did ur gynae always highlight ur baby head is bigger ?
coz mine always say, " baby head is bigger by 1 week"

today he said also, in fact every time my appt after he measure he say.

and ur baby is quite big ! coz i am week 32 today and my baby weighs 1.87kg.

Hi gals.. just wanna share my gyn visit review this morning.. hehhee... Doc says Baby's head measures at 38 weeks already but Baby is only 33 weeks today! @____@
Overall, baby weighs 2.8 kg today and doc wonders how much will he weigh at birth... ><"


Hi gals.. just wanna share my gyn visit review this morning.. hehhee... Doc says Baby's head measures at 38 weeks already but Baby is only 33 weeks today! @____@
Overall, baby weighs 2.8 kg today and doc wonders how much will he weigh at birth... ><"
wow... your baby so big now. think at birth will much heavier.


just wondering whether throughout your appt over the months, did ur gynae always highlight ur baby head is bigger ?
coz mine always say, " baby head is bigger by 1 week"

today he said also, in fact every time my appt after he measure he say.

and ur baby is quite big ! coz i am week 32 today and my baby weighs 1.87kg.
my gynae didn't say that cos I always ask him how big in size is my baby, he say now don't measure that. only measure how much is the baby weigh now. he told me my baby a bit small.


I'm Vegetarian too and my bb is growing well :) my Aunty became vegetarian while she's preg with 1st boy and her boys r now growing tall n healthy. Veg diet is nutritious enough if we have a balanced diet. but I do drink milk n take eggs so that contributes to the protein.
Lately, the 1st tri prob like appetite lose is coming back n very puzzling that I'm experiencing fatigue and backache in the mornings but became more 'alive' at night! So I tend to eat much more for dinner n get heart burn at night :(
Yea.. me takes milk and eggs too.. (luckily he is not vegan cos i cant live without these 2 XD) I think fatigue is quite normal at this stage wor.. cos i also feel tired very often and it is recommended that we take late morning or early afternoon nap to rejuvenate.. Try to eat lesser for dinner ba.. so you can sleep better at night :)


wow... your baby so big now. think at birth will much heavier.
just wondering whether throughout your appt over the months, did ur gynae always highlight ur baby head is bigger ?
coz mine always say, " baby head is bigger by 1 week"
today he said also, in fact every time my appt after he measure he say.
and ur baby is quite big ! coz i am week 32 today and my baby weighs 1.87kg.
Yes... doc will always comment at every visit that Baby is growing at faster rate than norm, especially the head and stomach... so today, the head exceeds growth by 5 weeks! @___@
He also commented today that luckily I have to go for C-section anyways or I may have difficult birth due to his size... :(


my gynae didn't say that cos I always ask him how big in size is my baby, he say now don't measure that. only measure how much is the baby weigh now. he told me my baby a bit small.
I tot they usually will measure the size of head, stomach and length of thigh to ascertain the overall weight? In the end, doc will print the scanned pic and the details will also be printed on the photo.. You may want to ask the doc to explain more details during the scan at your next visit :)


I tot they usually will measure the size of head, stomach and length of thigh to ascertain the overall weight? In the end, doc will print the scanned pic and the details will also be printed on the photo.. You may want to ask the doc to explain more details during the scan at your next visit :)
my gynae only measur how big is the stomach and tell me how much the bb weigh. didn't measure the size of head and the length of thigh. that visit i will ask him.


Went to see gynae this morning.
BB weighs 2.6kgs now at 36w 3d, no dilation and baby's head not that low so she said most probably won't give birth these 2 weeks :p
so nice.. they checked for you...
the one that saw me was a medical student with another female gynae. They only checked my bb's heartbeat and took the swab for group b strep and said I just continue my vitamins. That's all.


so nice.. they checked for you...
the one that saw me was a medical student with another female gynae. They only checked my bb's heartbeat and took the swab for group b strep and said I just continue my vitamins. That's all.
oh which hospital you went for checkup?


Many farm reared animals r injected with growth hormones. I wonder whether it's these hormones that caused bb to grow bigger easily?