Edd nov 2011

Mummy to Baby V

Well-Known Member
hi mievee, i just read ur reviews on four cows, they seem a lot more cheaper to buds baby.
For Buds Baby, my boy has been using the head to toe cleanser. It's not cheap indeed and no big bottles for cost savings. 1 small bottle lasts several months though. Then this Four Cow Farm baby wash came along. It's definitely more moisturizing.

As for the other baby lotion, oil, etc., I didn't compare cos we generally don't use them. But if baby has bad cradle cap like his brother, I'd see how then.

Update: obgyn says my baby's engaged, and she predicts he'd be out next weekend!!! Gosh, that's fast and hubby is getting panicky. Haha!


yup, thats right, buds baby all comes in small bottles. i already bot a full set, will finish then move on to try another brand :)

my check up on last thurs, i was 1cm dilate and baby engaged. but no sign till now! very impatience already.
i hope this thursday my gynae can give me good news, hopefully like ok u can give birth tonight :(

For Buds Baby, my boy has been using the head to toe cleanser. It's not cheap indeed and no big bottles for cost savings. 1 small bottle lasts several months though. Then this Four Cow Farm baby wash came along. It's definitely more moisturizing.

As for the other baby lotion, oil, etc., I didn't compare cos we generally don't use them. But if baby has bad cradle cap like his brother, I'd see how then.

Update: obgyn says my baby's engaged, and she predicts he'd be out next weekend!!! Gosh, that's fast and hubby is getting panicky. Haha!


wah all the mommies' baby seems like coming out soon. My doc haven't check whether my cervix open a not -.-" I think I have to slowly wait until my EDD haha..

I think I'm quite tired this few weeks, I can sleep, but my hip area getting more and more uncomfortable. T.T

I nvr use buds baby or four cow.. haha.. I only know johnson & johnson and kodomo >.< haha.. maybe I should try one day after I finish my J&J supply.

This few weeks is a slow slow week.. baby getting too comfy liao..


Me too ... my back start to ache and even at times i can feel that a sharp pain down there while walking .... sitting and standing up really uncomfortable... Going for my check up on monday and hope bb is fine and growing well ... :) Really cant wait to hold her in my arms ... hehehehe


everyone so excitedly ask me... "you are due soon right? excited or not??":Dancing_wub:

i feel like shouting back "you try being pregnant at this stage and you tell me exciting or not!" everywhere so sore and painful, how to be excited?? plus the thought of confinement after the delivery... omg... :elvis:

but seriously.. i feel more wanting to get this over with quickly, than feeling excited. guess the exciting feeling will only come when really in labour.


everyone so excitedly ask me... "you are due soon right? excited or not??":Dancing_wub:

i feel like shouting back "you try being pregnant at this stage and you tell me exciting or not!" everywhere so sore and painful, how to be excited?? plus the thought of confinement after the delivery... omg... :elvis:

but seriously.. i feel more wanting to get this over with quickly, than feeling excited. guess the exciting feeling will only come when really in labour.

hugz didy, u sound very upset and frustrating.. hug hug.. don't think about the negative stuff, try to think positively. Currently u not working right? U want to try download some nice drama series to watch, at least easier to pass time and doesn't makes u think so much?


wah all the mommies' baby seems like coming out soon. My doc have not't check whether my cervix open a not -.-" I think I have to slowly wait until my EDD haha..

I think I'm quite tired this few weeks, I can sleep, but my hip area getting more and more uncomfortable. T.T

I never use buds baby or four cow.. haha.. I only know johnson & johnson and kodomo >.< haha.. maybe I should try one day after I finish my J&J supply.

This few weeks is a slow slow week.. baby getting too comfy ..
Hi missyqiqi, me too my doc yet to check my cervix. Going for my checkup tmr and will be doing the CTG and hope he at the same time can check my cervix if it dilated not. Kinda anxious when it getting nearer to my EDD.


my check up is next monday.. so slow.. muahaha...

ya anxious and tired.. getting more and more tired.. >.< ~ sleepy..


hugz didy, u sound very upset and frustrating.. hug hug.. don't think about the negative stuff, try to think positively. Currently u not working right? U want to try download some nice drama series to watch, at least easier to pass time and doesn't makes u think so much?
yah i was in a cranky mood yesterday. today feel much better. must be the weather... everything blame weather. haha. i dont like to watch too much tv.. i prefer to read to keep myself occupied. gynae check up this friday too, looking forward!


hehe as long as it can keep u occupied can already. :D But this 2 days weather at night very shiok.. so tonight maybe can sleep well?

Hehe.. good luck to ur visit this coming friday!! And good news too!! :p


I just did some shopping, bot many ingredients for cake and bread making and lots of spices.
Because I just ask my hubby buy me a 3in1 waffle, sandwich and grill maker!
Better do something each day if not I damn bored of waiting for time to pass!
So nw I got things to do, find recipes online and rope in my mum to bake too.

esther kuan

Hi mummies, i've delivered a lovely boy in may this year and had a really experienced confinement lady. Just wanna help to spread her contact around. If anyone is interested, pls text Junie at 81009911. Thanks.


ya.. i also agree.. if don't find anything to do.. damm bored.. because we are expecting something which has a date.. so it seems like everything is so so slow.. haha..

ok mievee nick change!


Mummy to Baby V

Well-Known Member
Missyqiqi: thank you!

My hip bone hurts badly too, since weeks back, same as first pregnancy.

Reading is better than watching TV.
I watched tonnes of TV during first pregnancy and baby was super-cranky and fussy sleeper.
Then I found out from Shichida's book that foetus doesn't like TV noise.
I checked with 2 other friends and so far the pattern is consistent.
This time, I didn't watch TV, hope baby would be a peaceful one.


Hi mummies :)

How are you doing? I have been feeling so tired and "heavy". Getting up from a chair is difficult and I gotto do it slowly. Left feet has been swollen and painful, need to limp when walking...sigh

But baby's kick is stronger now as there's not much space for her, this is the part that makes me happy :001_302: I can feel her little fingers exploring in my tummy haha.

I am looking forward to tomorrow as I will be seeing gynae again after two weeks' of waiting time. Finally into my week 37.

Btw, probably you already know but just like to share that there's a Baby Expo going on at Singapore Expo starting tomorrow.

Hall 5B
Time: 11 am to 9pm (Fri & Sat), 11am to 8pm (Sun)

I will be going there after checkup to do my last minute shopping... we have not bought quite a number of stuff, so hopefully can get it done there :p

But I guess it would be crowded at Expo because there's also Crocs sales and Food & Electronic Fair, all happening during the same period of time.



yap I also curious if she pop.. so excited.. coz she and hotmilktea is about the same day.. :p

mievee: welcome.

really ah.. then thats no good.. coz my hubby always work very late, only me home alone, ver quiet, so I will on lap top and tv.. or watch tv in the car while waiting for him to finish his meeting with client.. but at night i play music for her to listen.. hopefully she's good.. put my finger cross!! Some more when I was depress at one period of time, I keep on quarreling with him... so bad for my bb

escago: finish my shopping already hehe.. but want to research on diapers. Let me know if they have diapers ok, coz will be using cloth diapers for the first few months. :p


escago: finish my shopping already hehe.. but want to research on diapers. Let me know if they have diapers ok, coz will be using cloth diapers for the first few months. :p
wow u so hardworking, using cloth diapers. I am using disposable one, already bought Pampers for new born and Huggies for 3-6kg babies. But my friend told me huggies not so good cos easy to leak... saw in other forum that Goon is good? I will keep a look out for diapers for you when I am there :)


New Member
hi didy your due date and hosiptal same as mine, 06.11TMC. gynae will check my ceviv next week on week38 appt which is on Monday, looking forward!