Feeling baby heartbeat & kicks


Does your baby react to your touch or patting?
Mine seems quite timid. once i pat or touch the place where she has been hitting on, she stop immediately and then stay still for some time before she hit back again... how ah. any tactics to train them to communicate or react back to us?:tlaugh:
mayb talk more to bb n play music let them listen will helps? i always get my hubby to talk to my boy. he's very active oso can catch his kick by looking at my tummy:001_302:


Does your baby react to your touch or patting?
Mine seems quite timid. once i pat or touch the place where she has been hitting on, she stop immediately and then stay still for some time before she hit back again... how ah. any tactics to train them to communicate or react back to us?:tlaugh:
Hmm.. my bb the more i touch..the more she'll kick... so daring hor...:001_302: tts y i leave it like tt.... and i cant talk bad abt the daddy..if nt she'll give me a kick or i feel nauseous.... but doc n mum said its gd to talk to the bb.. at tis stage bb can hear us.. so when bb is out, he/she is familiarise wit our voice..will noe tt "oh tis voice i gt hear b4...its my mummy..." :tlaugh:


soya beancurd is oso cooling stuff. my mom juz told me dun often eat cos they got add 石膏粉 not gd loh. i seldom eat oso cos will cause me gastric pain n wind.

birdnests nowadays not so ex liao la. u buy tt kinda 1 bottle concentrated 1 can last 2 weeks like tt. morning n nite 1 tea spoon only.
by the way, any good deals for Bird's nests? i bought those dried ones where i need to cook with rock sugar & ginseng... where do you buy those concentrated one, what brand? and how much did you buy it for?:001_302:

So you are constantly eating it everyday? sounds much convenient...


mayb talk more to bb n play music let them listen will helps? i always get my hubby to talk to my boy. he's very active oso can catch his kick by looking at my tummy:001_302:
I heard pple saying that we can see baby's palm or feet sometimes when they move in your tummy.
So far, i do not see it. can you see yours?:001_302:


Hmm.. my bb the more i touch..the more she'll kick... so daring hor...:001_302: tts y i leave it like tt.... and i cant talk bad abt the daddy..if nt she'll give me a kick or i feel nauseous.... but doc n mum said its gd to talk to the bb.. at tis stage bb can hear us.. so when bb is out, he/she is familiarise wit our voice..will noe tt "oh tis voice i gt hear b4...its my mummy..." :tlaugh:
wow -- she is really defending her daddy huh... :nah:
Well, i guess i should make it a routine then - to talk more to her...
what do you usually talk to your bb about? :embarrassed: i really wonder...


wow -- she is really defending her daddy huh... :nah:
Well, i guess i should make it a routine then - to talk more to her...
what do you usually talk to your bb about? :embarrassed: i really wonder...
yalor...dunno y like tt...some more the daddy don even bother abt him/her, tt one oso muz defend the daddy..nt fair ahh.. hehehe...

Hmmm..last time when i was feeling sad wit my bf.. i talk to my bb abt wat his/her dad did to me..or wat my bf hv said tt hurt my feelings.. Nw I talk abt happy things like i tell my bb hw much i luv him/her...wat my goal in life...gd things abt the daddy...my promise to my bb...my plans for us.. alot actually to talk abt...:Dancing_wub:


by the way, any good deals for Bird's nests? i bought those dried ones where i need to cook with rock sugar & ginseng... where do you buy those concentrated one, what brand? and how much did you buy it for?:001_302:

So you are constantly eating it everyday? sounds much convenient...
ohhh... u bot dried 1 no wonder u say ex... i bot mine at fu hua. thr's 2 type, 官燕 & 洞燕 heard from e sales person thr say 官燕 got more nutrition. both e price is slightly difference only. i tried both b4 i still prefer 官燕 cos 官燕 taste smoother. everytime i will buy 2 bottles will b over $90(aft 10% member discount) if i dun rem wrong..:mtongue: if no members, slightly over $100 ba.

reali convenient comparing to e dried ones la. i'm having 2 teaspoon a day on morn n b4 zZz:tsmile:


I heard pple saying that we can see baby's palm or feet sometimes when they move in your tummy.
So far, i do not see it. can you see yours?:001_302:
i heard abt tt b4 but so far i haben get to saw it yet. caught my tummy "pop" i alrd find it very funny liao if can caught his palm or foot muz b very interesting!:tlaugh:


ohhh... u bot dried 1 no wonder u say ex... i bot mine at fu hua. thr's 2 type, 官燕 & 洞燕 heard from e sales person thr say 官燕 got more nutrition. both e price is slightly difference only. i tried both b4 i still prefer 官燕 cos 官燕 taste smoother. everytime i will buy 2 bottles will b over $90(aft 10% member discount) if i dun rem wrong..:mtongue: if no members, slightly over $100 ba.

reali convenient comparing to e dried ones la. i'm having 2 teaspoon a day on morn n b4 zZz:tsmile:
I bought from Lao Hang Jia ..
I bottle I think is $140 ++ which I think can last about 3 weeks.
if got member then got 10% discount
I think they had a on going promotion you might want to check it out.


I bought from Lao Hang Jia ..
I bottle I think is $140 ++ which I think can last about 3 weeks.
if got member then got 10% discount
I think they had a on going promotion you might want to check it out.
Wow, i will try go shop at fu hua or lao hang jia then.
My dried birds' nests is running out now.
Thanks for the info...:Dancing_tongue:


ohhh... u bot dried 1 no wonder u say ex... i bot mine at fu hua. thr's 2 type, 官燕 & 洞燕 heard from e sales person thr say 官燕 got more nutrition. both e price is slightly difference only. i tried both b4 i still prefer 官燕 cos 官燕 taste smoother. everytime i will buy 2 bottles will b over $90(aft 10% member discount) if i dun rem wrong..:mtongue: if no members, slightly over $100 ba.

reali convenient comparing to e dried ones la. i'm having 2 teaspoon a day on morn n b4 zZz:tsmile:
wow, cheaper than dried ones and yet more convenient.
if you buy 2 bottles, how long do they last you? 1 month? plus?
is it very sweet? am trying to avoid eating sweet stuff cos alot of my frens told me about the pregnancy diabetes cases. scary...


I bought from Lao Hang Jia ..
I bottle I think is $140 ++ which I think can last about 3 weeks.
if got member then got 10% discount
I think they had a on going promotion you might want to check it out.
i used to take lao hang jia's bird nests oso but ever since their branches keep closing down i buy from fu hua instead. cos more convenient almost all e shopping ctr got fu hua no need to travel to jurong pt to buy from lao hang jia:tlaugh:


wow, cheaper than dried ones and yet more convenient.
if you buy 2 bottles, how long do they last you? 1 month? plus?
is it very sweet? am trying to avoid eating sweet stuff cos alot of my frens told me about the pregnancy diabetes cases. scary...
1 bottle can last u 2 weeks like tt so 2 will b 1 mth loh.. not very sweet shd b safe for preggy woman like us cos i haf been having it since i was 1mth+ preggy. so far my gynae nv say my sugar lvl is high leh. if u wan unsweeted ones i think u only can try lao hang jia liao.:001_302:


1 bottle can last u 2 weeks like tt so 2 will b 1 mth loh.. not very sweet shd b safe for preggy woman like us cos i haf been having it since i was 1mth+ preggy. so far my gynae nv say my sugar lvl is high leh. if u wan unsweeted ones i think u only can try lao hang jia liao.:001_302:

thanks thanks. i just bought 2 botts yesterday from Fu Hua.
Will start eating them after i finished my dried ones.
Thanks for the recommendations...:Dancing_wub:


anyone taking chinese herbal tonics?
any herbal tonis to recommend?

i'll brew chicken soup once or twice a mth for me n hubby. normal days i'll haf chicken essence. my mom say too 补 is no gd for bb. only bb which is under 3 mths needs to take 安胎药 cos bb not stable.


i'll brew chicken soup once or twice a mth for me n hubby. normal days i'll haf chicken essence. my mom say too 补 is no gd for bb. only bb which is under 3 mths needs to take 安胎药 cos bb not stable.

I havent had much tonic except birds' nests. :embarrassed:
But i heard we ought to.

i heard from some pple, they say we should drink soup to strengthen our body / add more strength and blood (for birth/ delivery).
I guess i have to start take these soups these few months. i guess i will have to go the chinese medical hall or Fu Hua to seek the herbs advise ler. in normal days, i try to avoid such soup, so now, really bo bian...


I havent had much tonic except birds' nests. :embarrassed:
But i heard we ought to.

i heard from some pple, they say we should drink soup to strengthen our body / add more strength and blood (for birth/ delivery).
I guess i have to start take these soups these few months. i guess i will have to go the chinese medical hall or Fu Hua to seek the herbs advise ler. in normal days, i try to avoid such soup, so now, really bo bian...
tonics is a muz take but dun too often take cos will get heaty very easily. seek advice from e elder n professional is gd. if u lazy to cook, can buy e ready ones from e shop/stall. like soup resturant, they allow take aways too:001_302:


tonics is a muz take but dun too often take cos will get heaty very easily. seek advice from e elder n professional is gd. if u lazy to cook, can buy e ready ones from e shop/stall. like soup resturant, they allow take aways too:001_302:

thanks for the advise. I will be boiling more soup myself the next few weeks... just went to Fu Hua for advise. certain herbs, we have to avoid.
really alot of things to be wary of leh. :shyxxx: not easy being a mum huh...

jia you!!! :Dancing_wub: