Hoping for Dragon Baby (year2012)


Hi moaoyo,

I have tried naturally last month but it failed so this time round i told Dr Charles that I want to go ahead with IUI. So my IUI will be next Tues and really hope this time round can success. If not success, i will try again as recently i told myself to take it easy and do not stress up myself.
FYI, Dr Charles given me and my hubby vitamins last month and this month I did 2 injection so it cost about $250. Dr Charles told us that IUI cost is about $1,000plus if i'm not wrong.

How about you? Are you seeing him now?

Hi Angelaang,

good to hear from you.
I was also excited for a while, when my period did not come. But I started to have spotting for a number of days. I thot they might be symptoms of pregnancy, however, I have tested twice, both showing negative. Not sure if Metformin has messed up my menses. I noticed that my body temp is much lower than usual.

Since the last time you seen Dr Charles, what did he provide you with? Any new advices provided? How much does he charge for subsequent visits?


New Member
Hi Angelaang,

We havent seen him since the first time. Cos my last cycle was a bit messed up. I had light spotting for like 6-7 days (I thot I may be pregnant) but my menses came on the 8th day (heavy flow).

Last cycle (if it has come as per normal), we would have gone through the injection stage. How is the injection procedure? I hear from him in our first visit that we have to administer a few injections over a period of time and I may have to do it myself after he / nurse demo to me (for the first injection). Can you elaborate more abt this stage? what are yr experiences?

For now, I continue to take metaformin and my husband, the vitamins and pills. We will see him in the next cycle if we dont conceive naturally this round.

How soon will you know your result after IUI on Tue? do you need bed rest for a few days after the procedure?

Take care and gd luck!

Hi moaoyo,

I have tried naturally last month but it failed so this time round i told Dr Charles that I want to go ahead with IUI. So my IUI will be next Tues and really hope this time round can success. If not success, i will try again as recently i told myself to take it easy and do not stress up myself.
FYI, Dr Charles given me and my hubby vitamins last month and this month I did 2 injection so it cost about $250. Dr Charles told us that IUI cost is about $1,000plus if i'm not wrong.

How about you? Are you seeing him now?


Hi moaoyo,

The injection i do not dare to do it on my own so i go to the clinic and the nurse do it for me. Today i got my second injection on my stomach and tomorrow will see Dr Charles. After IUI, you need bed rest for 1 or 2 days and no cold food & drink & coffee. Then need to wait for the next cycle see whether my menses come.

FYI, this is my second time for IUI as first time i did it with another Dr and I got miscarriage. I got miscarriage because first day of my menses was brown colour and I thought it was my menses. Actually it was not my menses as the brown spot stop on the next day and i took the ovulation pill and this cause the miscarriage :(.....

Wish you good luck and will update you too....

Hi Angelaang,

We havent seen him since the first time. Cos my last cycle was a bit messed up. I had light spotting for like 6-7 days (I thot I may be pregnant) but my menses came on the 8th day (heavy flow).

Last cycle (if it has come as per normal), we would have gone through the injection stage. How is the injection procedure? I hear from him in our first visit that we have to administer a few injections over a period of time and I may have to do it myself after he / nurse demo to me (for the first injection). Can you elaborate more abt this stage? what are yr experiences?

For now, I continue to take metaformin and my husband, the vitamins and pills. We will see him in the next cycle if we dont conceive naturally this round.

How soon will you know your result after IUI on Tue? do you need bed rest for a few days after the procedure?

Take care and gd luck!


New Member
Hey Angelaang,

I was spotting in the last cycle and I told Dr Charles. He told me to perform urine test which I did (on the 3rd or 4th day of spotting). But it showed negative. I heed his advise to commence taking duinum. I took one tablet of it and stopped. Cos we are worried that what if i am pregnant and am not sure if duinum will cause any harm. Do you know if duinum is the ovulation pill you are referring to?

After I stopped duinum (only took 1 out of 5 pills), I continue to spot for 1-2days before my menses came. But the flow does not appear to be normal. The flow lasted longer than normal and the color is brighter. Dont think I have miscarriage, cos I didnt feel any pain. I performed urine test again on the 7th day or so, it was negative as well.

Not sure if metaformin or duinum causes any effect to my menses cycle.

Do they charge you for second injection ?

Gd luck with yr IUI...

Hi moaoyo,

The injection i do not dare to do it on my own so i go to the clinic and the nurse do it for me. Today i got my second injection on my stomach and tomorrow will see Dr Charles. After IUI, you need bed rest for 1 or 2 days and no cold food & drink & coffee. Then need to wait for the next cycle see whether my menses come.

FYI, this is my second time for IUI as first time i did it with another Dr and I got miscarriage. I got miscarriage because first day of my menses was brown colour and I thought it was my menses. Actually it was not my menses as the brown spot stop on the next day and i took the ovulation pill and this cause the miscarriage :(.....

Wish you good luck and will update you too....


New Member
Hi Everyone,

I am priya..New to this forum:)
I got married in 2009.And now we are planning to concieve.Even I am hoping for a Dragon Baby..
Could any one please advice/suggest for getting easy and early pregnancy...

Thanks ,


hi all.. pretty new here... i got married in May, i hope for a dragon bb however my husb didnt wan a dragon bb.. hahaha..


Active Member
hi, bcoz he's worried about schooling in future, lots of dragon bb.. difficult to find school
Haha.. Oh.. U should start trying if you really both love kids.. For me.. I love to have dragon baby.. Cos" I believe that.. Sometimes if u planned for the year that u want to conceive u might not be able to get it.. I was surprise to see so many ladies trying for babies .. For years ..


Haha.. Oh.. U should start trying if you really both love kids.. For me.. I love to have dragon baby.. Cos" I believe that.. Sometimes if u planned for the year that u want to conceive u might not be able to get it.. I was surprise to see so many ladies trying for babies .. For years ..
that's what i think so too.. but i cannot 'force' him too.. LOL


hi, bcoz he's worried about schooling in future, lots of dragon baby.. difficult to find school
Haha, moonbell, I can understand why!! I was thinking of skipping the dragon year too but we lost our rabbit baby so no choice, old already, better try anyway - got kid no school better than no kid! Anyway, I'm sure there will be enough school places la...


Haha, moonbell, I can understand why!! I was thinking of skipping the dragon year too but we lost our rabbit baby so no choice, old already, better try anyway - got kid no school better than no kid! Anyway, I'm sure there will be enough school places ...
try again... =)
wah.. well said.. i'm gg to tell my husb.. hahaha


Dilys, you are right but as men, they will somehow not understand that age matters for women when it comes to pregnancy..


Should not scare of this n that then delay cos sometimes u wan u may not get it oso... So try early better =) for me married 5yrs don hav at all... So don wait... Start planning cos it might come later


Haha, moonbell, I can understand why!! I was thinking of skipping the dragon year too but we lost our rabbit baby so no choice, old already, better try anyway - got kid no school better than no kid! Anyway, I'm sure there will be enough school places ...
My hubby also keep saying dragon children won't have schools, not good. I "scolded" him, since i also lost my rabbit baby, "pls , my bio-clock is ticking. We don't have a choice!" I'm already 32 nx yr!