EDD May 2012 Mummies!


Hi Meiynn, you are so GUAI, i only wear t shirt n pants n shoes at home, i stay in air con room at night, my mum ask me wear long sleeves, but i still feeling very hot n sweating, i gave up just wear t shirt.

do u always walk ard or just lie down on bed, i seldom lie down on bed to rest except pumping milk, same only can drink red date water, but after i realised my teeth color became yellowish yesterday, now i take some plain water after the red date water to prevent the colouring, haha.


Yap Meilynn, u so good. I wear short sleeves and short plus slipper nia. I cannot stand the heat. I agreed even in air con room I feel so hot, dare not on too high cause my baby keep sneezing.

I some more play cheat, on fan in the living room but aim at my bedroom where my bed is.

I always lie on bed cause v tired, I dun feel like moving.

But I think it is good to follow confinement rules... Cause I am now feeling the backaches.


Can we request to gynae that deliver on edd instead of waiting? Do not wanna wait till after edd when bb still doesn't wanna come out. As been having not enough sleep, going to and fro toilet many times at night when hardly drink much water and been having cramps/pain uncomfortable feeling at pelvic area.


Yap Meilynn, u so good. I wear short sleeves and short plus slipper nia. I cannot stand the heat. I agreed even in air con room I feel so hot, dare not on too high cause my baby keep sneezing.

I some more play cheat, on fan in the living room but aim at my bedroom where my bed is.

I always lie on bed cause v tired, I dun feel like moving.

But I think it is good to follow confinement rules... Cause I am now feeling the backaches.

I wear shorts and sleeveless t-shirt. Initially, I wore t-shirt with sleeves until yesterday, really cannot take the heat so I changed to sleeveless. My fan is on and aircon too. But I dont blow directly at myself.

Dont bend over so often. Especially when bathing or changing diapers for baby. That was what my aunt told me. But sometimes I am so kanjiong that I forget and will only realize it later.


I broke all confinement rules!! Haha. Wearing sleeveless nursing gown n no socks/shoes. Shower n wash hair everyday (on docs advise). Baby also shower everyday.


I broke all confinement rules!! Haha. Wearing sleeveless nursing gown n no socks/shoes. Shower n wash hair everyday (on docs advise). Baby also shower everyday.
I told my mum and mil that doc advise to bathe everyday as well. But they still insist on their old tradition. But once my bedroom door is locked. No one knows when I am bathing and washing my hair..haha


Can we request to gynae that deliver on edd instead of waiting? Do not wanna wait till after edd when baby still doesn't wanna come out. As been having not enough sleep, going to and fro toilet many times at night when hardly drink much water and been having cramps/pain uncomfortable feeling at pelvic area.
When is your edd?? Mine is tomolo! Going to see gynea tomolo to ask if can induce tomolo or sun. I give up in ask baby. I got all your problem also plus numb in fingers n toes, can't bend. Scare gynea reject induce so fast as he is very pro natural type!


New Member

I am a new mum... Still learning many things and I have a question. How you guys dry the bottles or pump after sterilised? Using kitchen towel or a cloth. After drying how long will the bottle stay sterilised?


hi climsp and Fanger, seems like now only left 2 of u in the waiting list, Jia you!!

Mummies, how's ur wound healing so far? my wound still pain(natural birth) , i wonder if i need to go to see gyane before my appointment. alrd been a week since my delivery. especially when i get up from bed and chair or lie down on bed, pain pain pain


When is your edd?? Mine is tomolo! Going to see gynea tomolo to ask if can induce tomolo or sun. I give up in ask baby. I got all your problem also plus numb in fingers n toes, can't bend. Scare gynea reject induce so fast as he is very pro natural type!
Mine is on 31 July.


hi climsp and Fanger, seems like now only left 2 of u in the waiting list, Jia you!!

Mummies, how's ur wound healing so far? my wound still pain(natural birth) , i wonder if i need to go to see gyane before my appointment. alrd been a week since my delivery. especially when i get up from bed and chair or lie down on bed, pain pain pain
So far I dun hv much pain fm the stitches, but more on the piles... I stop eating pain killer after discharge...I din manage to pass motion n today is the 5th day... Yesterday gynea gave me stronger stool softener.


Wanted to share abt my BF experiences too.
First day, I managed to let my boy suckle on my breast within 1 hr of his birth, while still in the delivery. When back in the ward, I thought I was doing fine with the BF sessions (we missed the lactation consultant visit on the 1st day due to timing) But on 2nd morning when the LC saw me, she said my boy was not latching correctly. He had been just playing with my nipples and not really been getting the BM. The poor boy cried so much on Day 2 until I also cried at night when i think of his loud wails and crying face.

Still managed to stay on total BF throughtout my hospital stay. Struggled to train my boy how to latch correctly, using a pacifier to train him to keep his tongue down, use his jaw movement n use his cheek muscle to suck.

Back at home, every BF session was like a war between me n the boy. Yes, i would end up dripping sweat all over, and he would be struggling coz of his intermittent latching. I perservered n at times manage to squeeze some BM directly into his mouth during each session.

By day 3, my breasts were engorged n painful. My boy was still not getting enough milk and i started to worry. He is a big baby and has long torso with long limbs (he measured 53cm at birth) and I still couldn't feed him enuff. :(

Tried massaging my rock-hard breasts before latching him, but due to his still not-quite-proficient latching, my breasts did not get emptied after the BF sessions.

Finally i did the right thing by expressing my BM (dunno why i din start earlier, silly me). Managed to relieve the engorgement over 2-3 times. And my boy finally did get enuff milk by day 4. Today is day 5, and i think i can say i've gotten the hang of it. My boy has managed to progress n is now latching 30mins on each breasts. :)

Yay... So, want to say to mummies facing BF problems....jiayou n be patient with urself n ur baby. Hope u'll pull thru all problems soon! :)


Rzena, u are good! I am so lost when I couldn't provide any milk to my girl n so upset when I couldn't pump out any milk.

Till now I still have not produce enof for the little one but at least I know what's wrong after seeing the LC .


When is your edd?? Mine is tomolo! Going to see gynea tomolo to ask if can induce tomolo or sun. I give up in ask baby. I got all your problem also plus numb in fingers n toes, can't bend. Scare gynea reject induce so fast as he is very pro natural type!
Dear Climsp

Best of luck k. Hopefully your gynae will agree to induce n u can get to hug ur precious SOON :) Jia you!!


hi climsp and Fanger, seems like now only left 2 of u in the waiting list, Jia you!!

Mummies, how's ur wound healing so far? my wound still pain(natural birth) , i wonder if i need to go to see gyane before my appointment. alrd been a week since my delivery. especially when i get up from bed and chair or lie down on bed, pain pain pain
It's been 8 days already bt I still don't dare to look down below to see how the stitches looks like n if I apply the antiseptic where it's suppose to b. I anyhow estimate only.. N yes it still hurts! So now I rely on painkillers bt I only take 1-2 tablet per day instead of 3 per day as prescribed.


Wonder how is gracecwz?? No new from her today!
Hey everyone, i feel so out of place in this forum now, everyone talking about bfing. Me, fanger n Climsp all haven't pop...

Anyway I went to see Gynae today. Bad news is baby growing well, lots of water, cervix closed!! But good news is my suffering will be over latest 1 June...

So tmr I can still safely go or my hi tea buffet... Hopefully baby has enjoyed enough after that and will come out.

Everybody Jia you!!