EDD July 2012


I've been timing the contractions for the past half hr and it's been on average 5mins apart. Time to go hospital? I don't feel like going. ><"


Hi gals

I hv given birth on 22 Jun, 7.34am via c sec. Wt is 2.69kg. pain but endurable. Baby is healthy. Milk still slow



My body tells me to go hospital but my brain tells me it's not the time yet. Ughhh wth..
5 mins interval?! N u r still nt heading to the hospital????

I think u better before the pain kicks in.. Even if it's a false alarm.. It's still better to b safe than sorry,.


Yaaaa now it's like 3mins. But sometimes 5mins. Sometimes 6-8mins. Maybe I missed counting a few. It's alr painnn I think I shld prepare for the hospital now to check. I just don't wanna end up disappointed. :'( my hubby is still at work now and my parents are not in singapore. I'm scaredddddd and Idk what to do. Zzz :(


Congrats carol80!! Take good rest n enjoy motherhood..

Engravedx- I think at 5 mins u shud head to hospital.. Just to b on safer side.. I experience BH quiet a number of times in a day but not this continuous as urs.. Also after few minutes they go away.. Urs is closer to each other now n continuing since afternoon.. Just get checked for peace of mind ..


If it ends up as a false alarm, at least when the real 1 comes, u noe wat to do :)

N if it is for real!!! U get to cuddle ur darling really soon!! No more enduring of itchy stomach too :)


My tummy no longer itchy! My feet rashes are getting better too. I'm getting ready to go hospital now though the contractions suddenly feels lesser, but still kinda intense. Don't think I can endure if this carries on. I'm so nervous idk what to bring. Cos I'm nt bringing the hospital bag in case it's a false alarm. And if i'm admitted or give birth, i'll get my hubby to bring over. I'm just very confused right now. Laughing at myself for being so indecisive. Hahah.


Well, gg to the hospital is a gd thing lar.. If it really is a false alarm.. Then u will b able to tell the difference the next tym arh..

Unlike me, I sumtyms still cannt differentiate between braxton hicks n baby kicks.. My hubby say I so blur, sure is wait until v pain then realise it is contractions..


I kept googling the entire day. Apparently contractions are the menstrual-like cramps. And for labor contractions, it will cause a dull ache in your back as well, and will spread to your abdomen. Which I think I did experience but I don't really know. All I know is that it's painful, intervals get shorter whereas contraction gets longer and more intense. Right now, I alr stop timing since decided to go hospital. I can't tell what's the intervals like and it seems longer instead of shorter. But the pain is still kinda intense, doesn't go away when I change positions and all. I think I'm in labor, though I hope not. Let's see what the doctor says later. Maybe I might just pop in few hours time. Haha!!


Keep us in the loop :) hope ur hubby can rush dwn in tym to see ur little darling..

Think I m having braxton hick the whole nite.. Can't seem to slp.. My upper tummy is so hard from time to time.. Can't find a comfortable position to slp.. Dun wanna wake my hubby up either as he is finally having his off day.. But I m v v tired already ):


I'm at kkh delivery suite under observation now. I didn't want to take any injection for my pain. I feel like groaning and screaming out but it's so quiet here! Waiting for the doctor to come... Babygirl is kicking me. Lol... Hubby just ended work, my older bro is going to send him here. Now that I'm alr at hospital, hope can faster give birth and get this over with... ><"


Jenni- thanks for the reply. So we can bathe as per normal, just that we can't use normal water but herb water lah. And how about the wound at the vagina? How to go about cleaning it? Can still use soap/feminine wash?? Pee can wipe or better to pat it dry?
Welcome, for washing, confinement only can used boil water, so morning boil a pail of water and put in ur bath room to use, whenever go toilet wash with water, pat it dry to make it clean to avoid infection...


I'm at kkh delivery suite under observation now. I didn't want to take any injection for my pain. I feel like groaning and screaming out but it's so quiet here! Waiting for the doctor to come... Babygirl is kicking me. Lol... Hubby just ended work, my older bro is going to send him here. Now that I'm alr at hospital, hope can faster give birth and get this over with... ><"
Jia you and keep us updated...


The pain really very intense. From the back to the abdomen. Idk how those mummies who dont take any injection endure this pain. I just feel like curling up but i cant. Trying to endure but the wait is really killing me. I really think i'm in labor now. But how long more? T.T


Doctor just came to check. And I'm alr 6-7cm dilated. Omg! She said I can really tahan. To think I was dragging and dragging, dunno wanna go hospital or not, when I'm alr in labor. ><"