EDD July 2012


Petpet, my legs had tiny red bumps rashes during my pregnancy as well. My feet, heel, back of knee, thighs, all have. Saw a thread that some mummies have it too. So it's normal.. Some even have it as early as their 2nd trimester! Try calamine lotion cos it's suppose to sooth itches. I'm not sure whether it will work cos i didnt use but the nurse at the midwife clinic told me can use. If dont have, can use moisturizers or aloevera gel. Try not to scratch.. I kept scratching mine till skin tear, but didnt tear till v jialat. Now my legs got all the marks. Damn ugly. :( somemore i am very fair, the marks all can see v clearly. My legs used to be almost flawless. Now.... Hais! Lol.


Engravedx- wow, u also sleep late.need to feed bb girl? I just back from doc appointment.doc prescribed steroid cream.but nurse said cannot use too much cz will cause skin thinness.
Doc said only dilated 0.5cm, maybe next week bb will come out.hope bb won't overdue will do.


Hi all mommies, seem all r bit busy today! I have not been feeling that great coz not enough slp.. So a bit tiring feeling all through the day.. Now in evening, felt bit of menstrual cramps n very light backache but taking it as false alarms.. 7 days to go :) How has everyone been today?

Mei2009, I'm yet to pack hospital bag *crying*.. Will surely do it tmrw morning.. Hehe


Hi all mommies, seem all r bit busy today! I have not been feeling that great coz not enough slp.. So a bit tiring feeling all through the day.. Now in evening, felt bit of menstrual cramps n very light backache but taking it as false alarms.. 7 days to go :) How has everyone been today?

Mei2009, I'm yet to pack hospital bag *crying*.. Will surely do it tmrw morning.. Hehe
Wa!! Better pack already! I'm just short of the last minute items like my phone charger..

My EDD is this Saturday, now just waiting... Tmr seeing doc for probably the last time before I see him again in the labour ward!


I am so depressed.. My baby has to go for phototherapy.. JAUNDICE!!
Don't worry - I was a jaundice baby 32 years ago and I grew up big and strong plus smart enough too haha! Just that it's harder on the mum cos you'll want to stay with baby in the phototherapy area, so do take care of yourself too!


Mei2009- did doc check ur dilation already?
Never checked before. How is it like? But I did an internal scan two weeks ago - cervix length was then just under 3cm, shorter than five or six weeks ago when it was more than 3cm. Did that cos I had minor cervix surgery before..


Cz my gynae did tht for me today.she poked to V using finger.they call it VE.i m in my 37weeks 6 days. Only dilated 0.5cm.


Cz my gynae did tht for me today.she poked to V using finger.they call it VE.i m in my 37weeks 6 days. Only dilated 0.5cm.
Oh.. I've definitely not had that then.. But I think I have started dilating bit by bit cos sometimes I get this sharp stabbing pain somewhere inside down there... Now that we've moved into our flat and cleaned things up, we just can't wait for baby to come out! :)


Hi all mummies.. In my 39 weeks juz check for dilation today oso.. No a single cm open.. Thought with all the drilling of baby n 2nd pregnancy will progress faster but guess it'll will b another long waiting process like my first child..


I went for my check-up today too, in my 38 weeks... gynae doesnt seem to say anything about delivery soon... guess my girl still enjoying inside, gynae say my baby alr 3.3kg, big size, later difficult to pop, hoping to deliver soon thou... having uncomfy BH contractions now...


Hi all mummies.. In my 39 weeks juz check for dilation today oso.. No a single cm open.. Thought with all the drilling of baby n 2nd pregnancy will progress faster but guess it'll will b another long waiting process like my first child..
Is ur no 1 overdue? If so most properly will overdue too... My 3 gers all overdue...


I'm 2 cm dilated already! And baby is now more than 3.6kg with an even bigger head so I'm getting induced tonight, woohoo!