EDD July 2012


Jenni-yea, it only happens when I m trying to pull e ring out and it stuck halfway, resulted the other half of stuck area turn blue.but if I never pull or do anything, it's ok.will try to ask gynae next week ...lol
U have to Becareful lor, I can't wear back my wedding ring after deliver my #2... Sad...


Congrats Mei2009!
I m quite worried for my labouring, I super scared pain, and was thinking mayb succumb to epi if needed. But my sis insisted tht I cannot use epi cz of my poor health all this while.she said I will definitely have life time side effect of epi, eg. Back bone pain etc.. Sigh....~~
Don worry abt the back bone pain... No matter u have epi or w/o epi, as long as u rest well, at confinement do lie on bed more u will not have back pain, if u don rest well u will have back pain... My cousin which don rest on confinement as she DIY.. She don take epi when deliver she have back pain due to no rest... As long as u rest well will be alrite...


Mommies, pray for me.. Gynae suggested to induce as don't want to take risk.. Already time.. Pray all goes smooth.. Very very nervous n scared! Overwhelming!


mei2009:670621 said:
Our baby boy arrived 12 July at 1025 am :) I was fully dilated 2.5hours after being induced, pushed for almost an hour. Thankfully painless cos of the epidural :p

Now I'm watching him sleep while waiting for discharge from hospital - bliss :)

Mummies who are not due yet, all the best!! :)
Congrats mei2009!!! take care & enjoy motherhood.. Guess my princess is stil comfortable inside.. Can't wait to mit her alr..:)


Oojo:670746 said:
Mommies, pray for me.. Gynae suggested to induce as don't want to take risk.. Already time.. Pray all goes smooth.. Very very nervous n scared! Overwhelming!
Good luck & all e best.. Soon u ll b able to c baby.. Take care!!!


Have been having false alarm lately.. Mayb body is preparing me for e real thing.. Baby gerl is stil comfortable inside.. Less than 2 weeks to edd.. Hopefully can go for normal delivery w/o epi.. Can't wait to mit her alr..:)


New Member
Hi mummies! I'm new here, baby gal was due in June but decided to be fashionably late and joined the July babies instead! born on 1st July. she doesn't suckle well so i'm expressing and doing bottle feed. wondering how much milk are you mummies feeding your babies now?


PetPet:670845 said:
Mrsrayyan-same same here!
:).. Petpet..when is your edd?? my whole family can't wait for her arrival.. Juz ve tis feelin dat baby gerl ll purposely make everyone wait longer n arrive aft her edd..haha.. Nwadays having slipness nites.. Weird dreams & nid to pee all e time.. :/
ngme2:670865 said:
Hi mummies! I'm new here, baby gal was due in June but decided to be fashionably late and joined the July babies instead! born on 1st July. she doesn't suckle well so i'm expressing and doing bottle feed. wondering how much milk are you mummies feeding your babies now?
My 3wkS daughter alS0 d0eSnt Suckle well.. i pump it 0ut inStead 0f latching.. currently She will drink 100ml-120ml at 3hrS interval...


Mrsrayyan- my EDD is 25 July.was told only dilated 0.5cm on last week visit.going to see gynae again on next tues.same here tht bb no sign coming out early yet.almost all mummies giving birth early, guess I m one of e few here...


New Member
Mrsrayyan- my EDD is 25 July.was told only dilated 0.5cm on last week visit.going to see gynae again on next tues.same here tht baby no sign coming out early yet.almost all mummies giving birth early, guess I m one of e few here...
PetPet - my baby gal was 3 days overdue and had zero dilation all along. so look on the bright side, you're 0.5cm dilated already! =) most importantly is a healthy baby and happy mummy!


Mrsrayyan- my EDD is 25 July.was told only dilated 0.5cm on last week visit.going to see gynae again on next tues.same here tht bb no sign coming out early yet.almost all mummies giving birth early, guess I m one of e few here...
Yeah petpet, don think too much my edd was at 29 June and was overdue by 3 days too... Was check 2cm dilite on the last check up waited for 2 days no sign and was admit on the 2nd July to induce... Actually my #1&#2 is overdue so I prepare this to be overdue too... Rest well before deliver, after labour u will have no time to rest...


Hi mummies! I'm new here, baby gal was due in June but decided to be fashionably late and joined the July babies instead! born on 1st July. she doesn't suckle well so i'm expressing and doing bottle feed. wondering how much milk are you mummies feeding your babies now?
My ger is 1 day after u... Now drinking 90ml BM 2.5hr-3hrs interval... I also express out, sometime latch on as I feel express out I can see how much she drink... Now can pump at least 120-130ml...


PetPet:670890 said:
Mrsrayyan- my EDD is 25 July.was told only dilated 0.5cm on last week visit.going to see gynae again on next tues.same here tht bb no sign coming out early yet.almost all mummies giving birth early, guess I m one of e few here...
Same2.. Our edd is juz 2 days apart..:) Last visit to gynae she said baby alr head down but nt engage yet.. nvr check for dilation though.. Gonna do scan & ctg on nxt visit.. nw juz waiting.. Dun wori petpet.. We made it tis far.. We can do it!!;)


New Member
My ger is 1 day after you... Now drinking 90ml breast milk 2.5hr-3hrs interval... I also express out, sometime latch on as I feel express out I can see how much she drink... Now can pump at least 120-130ml...
My gal was scheduled for csect on 2 July cos shes too big for me! But she decided to come on 1 July instead haha.

I'm still giving her 80ml every 2.5 to 3 hours. She sleeps like an hour and wakes up so wondering if it's cos she is hungry already. But usually she wails and We can comfort her back to sleep.

Ahh.. your supply is so good. I'm pumping 100-110ml average. Need to be more disciplined! At times will overrun and pump every 4 hours cos busy w baby :(


mummies, wat r ur intervals for breastfeeding??

i only pump 3 times a day.. each time 200ml for now.. i am pumping too little times a day.. coz i only pump when my breast feels swollen..


New Member
xuezhen09:670996 said:
mummies, wat r ur intervals for breastfeeding??

i only pump 3 times a day.. each time 200ml for now.. i am pumping too little times a day.. coz i only pump when my breast feels swollen..

I pump 3-4 hours as baby doesn't latch. So need to pump for her bottle feeds. Do u latch your baby?