EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Purpur, how far along are u? I'm hoping for more labour signs too. Hopefully by this weekend.. So heavy already.. Heh


Congrats Pinky!!! Wow! You went through without epi with 4-5pushes! Thanks for sharing ur birth story! Hope to see pics soon!! ;)

Me still waiting.. wah but baby kicking alot tonight.. an have feeling of stomachache afew times today liao.. when i walk or sit, suddenly will have shooting cramp-like pain down my left thigh.. like almost gonna cramp.. gotta tahan the cramp.. :/


Hey feera, my appt not today, its on 25th , 1 day aft my EDD.. Ur gynae checked for dilation via vaginal examination? was it painful? i turned it down on tuesday... and she says if i come for next appt must check liao...

Hey ahwang! Same here, was on leave since last tues! thought anytime from 38 weeks.. but now its nearing EDD liao yet no symptoms... i'm having a girl! ;) Planning for natural + epi! Hope its a gd experience for me as this is my first time! Let's jiayou together!!


Those who are still waiting - good luck!

Mums who are bf- how long does each of your breast feeding session last? 15 mins each breast or faster or longer? I find that my baby now nurses more quickly.. Sometimes 10 mins each side but sometimes up to 20 mins ( with burps breakin it up - usually not even 15 mins at an entire stretch)


Active Member
It's one mth n my empty bump is still big.. I'm gg out now back to sch to settle some stuff n I worry got ppl give up seat to me sia >< wat an irony.. When pregnant hope it happen now I worry lol

But my bigger worry is I hv this toothache which developed into a torture over my confinement until now :( can go to remove wisdom teeth via surgery when breastfeeding?

Those who r still waiting.. Won't be long!! We r already in the "third trimester" of the month! :p


It's one mth n my empty bump is still big.. I'm gg out now back to sch to settle some stuff n I worry got ppl give up seat to me sia >< wat an irony.. When pregnant hope it happen now I worry lol

But my bigger worry is I hv this toothache which developed into a torture over my confinement until now :( can go to remove wisdom teeth via surgery when breastfeeding?

Those who r still waiting.. Won't be long!! We r already in the "third trimester" of the month! :p
you can remove felicity, just ask for pain killer that is ok with bf like the one they gave you in hospital. as for the mrt ride, go and sit :p lol


Lingz12:695449 said:
Rodorsany:695438 said:
mrsliaw:695387 said:
anyway have you all decided on where to hold baby's full month?
I'll b doing it at home on 6 oct
Hmm basically full month very rare ppl do later one... But im ok that means end confinement earlier lol
Me doing first month on 6 and 7 Oct at my house cos hubby says too many ppl.. So frens one day and relatives another day..

Do first month means end of confinement? Just now I asked my mum the same question and she said NO! Sadded..
Haha for me food wise still pretty like confinement but can bath with normal water. Drink plain water... I'm contented le lol


Finally managed to latch bb twice without bb making a big fuss... Phew!!!

Then this morning increased.... Whao.. Am so happy.... Indeed no pump beats bb sucking.... :D bb no fuss ils no hoo haa i no stress... Praying hard subsequent latching will b at ease....

Hey did u ladies get cupcakes or cookies for full month... I got a lot of kids in guest list... Any recommendations?!


Active Member
Lol lizzy ok!! XD n thanks!! Will make dental appt soon..

Rodorsany nope.. My hubby n mil settling the buffet.. Hubby called caterer n mil cooking up a storm I'm worrying too much left over lol.. Colleagues wise mostly adults, furthermore a lot r his colleagues.. Our friends hv some kids also not that many to specially cater things for them. Maybe first bday will do more for kids.. Mostly is my friends hv kids or expecting.. By then even more kids!! Haha...


Active Member
Oh I hand itchy go print bb pics for bb shower.. Need to wait 10min so now at Mac get a hashbrown n a hot tea.. I hope it's ok? I still dunno if I should consider my confinement 4 weeks (which end ytd) or one mth (30-31 days).. Hmm.. But besides today I'll be home mostly n eating my MIL's cooking.. Plus my mum did make some jars of confinement food for me to bring back..


Active Member
Yup my mum worry I come back anyhow eat or nothing to eat lol.. Just now ate at mc on impulse now a bit regret.. Found the hashbrown like too salty.. Now worry abt being swollen from water retention again.. Back hm n latching her. Dun like the way fil carry her when she cries, he seems to rock too hard, tonight must talk to hubby


I oso wan mcd! Craving for my all-time fav hotcakes now! And roti prata.. And sashimi! 3 more weeks to go! Argh.. I hope confinement ends soon!

Oh ya.. I realise bb fuss more wen I put her on my breastfeeding pillow.. She used to enjoy being on it.. Always snoozing there.. Now I tink wen I put her on it, she couldn't grasp the angle for a good suction so got v impatient with me.. These few times I jus cross craddle her while breastfeeding and she seems to fuss less.. Still struggling but not as fussy as before.. But that means I gotta carry her as long as she suckle.. After each session my back and neck ache so much.. :(


Active Member
Yea I also.. Cradle until neck, shoulder, back n arms all so achy!! I need to good massage!!! But if keep on latching where got time to massage? Just done latching her n she's snoozing in the gap on my legs as I sit cross-legged.. So cute.. Dare not move her worry she wakes up so I'm grounded.. Confined to my room ><


Y is my mil soooo stupid!!!!!! Urgh!!!pardon my rudeness but I really need to vent my frustration here..
She always say she experienced (cos she's a mum herself) just now first time shower her rub e baby front head so hard!!! Stupid?!!?!?? Isn't it common sense tat newborns front part of e head is soft n delicate?????

Now she is feeding e bb.. Din even ask me if I m going to breastfeed him (I was preparing to) n she go to e fridge n warm up e milk herself!!! So smart!! Time to b smart not smart time to b stupid not stupid!

N she's a hygiene freak! I mean it's Gd to b clean n all but she's too over. Complained bout my CL ALWAYS NV BRUSH TEETH OR WASH HER MOUTH WHEN FEEDING BABY AT 1am n 4am.. SIAO!! Baby crying m hungry where got time to brush teeth? Then CL finished cooking.. N then bb kept crying (mil n I carry also no use still cry) but e moment CL CARRY HE STOPS CRYING. Then my mil complained say she should bathe cos finished cooking whole body oily.. Ya I mean it's true but how can let bb keep crying n wait for her to shower?? Must prioritize right??? Pd alrdy says bb alot of wind in his stomach n mil wants to brush teeth shower then handle bb!?!? Urgh!!! ~€#£~],?!


Oh ya.. anybody planning to have photography session for ur bb? Wen I was preggie, I booked a newborn photography session and after delivery I arranged it to be tmr (they say best before bb is 2 weeks old).. Now a bit worried.. Cos bb gets v cranky lately.. Afraid she dun cooperate during the session and keeps wanting to be fed and carried.. And oso.. As I breastfeed her more now, I find she got more poo than before.. CL said it's normal.. But it's like explosive poo.. My mum says bb got too much wind in tummy.. Wen I carry her, can feel her pass wind out together with the poo.. Scared during photoshoot she will "bomb" us with her poo too cos photoshoot is usually not wearing clothes de.. Now a bit regretting booking the photography session.. :(