Beware of this confinement lady...


New Member
Hi all, I have been a silent reader all these while, gaining information and knowledge of parenting from this forum.

Today is my first posting. I am not here to break someone else's rice bowl, but hoping what I am doing now will add more blessing for my baby son..

I gotten this confinement lady through this forum, the user ID is Suek Wong. Suek is the daughter of the confinement lady, Aunty Ying. She made arrangement for me and her mum. Both Suek and her mum were friendly and seemed professional, I had prompt replies from them whenever I had questions.

Unfortunately, when the confinment lady started her service, I found her unhygenic and irresponsible.. On her 3rd day here, I was already telling my hubby that I was thinking to stop her service... but before I even gotten to asking her to leave, on her 5th day, at 4+am during feeding, she dropped my 7days old son on the floor....

Her reaction was denial... she actually denied and claimed that was the milk bottle that dropped and that my son was crying because he gotten a shock.. however both I and my helper heard the 'bong' sound. I was so angry with her that I shouted at her to tell the truth.. she then merely nodded and didn't even help by telling us how and where he was hurt..

My hubby and I rushed the baby to the hospital.. As he was only 7days old, the Doctors couldn't do much detail scan for him but Xray scan.. he was exposed to radiation at just 7days old... the Xray scan showed no crack in the skull.. but we wouldnt be able to tell if there might be blood clot.. We are required to observe him for the next 48hrs and the next two weeks for sign of blood clot..

As parents, I am sure if such incident happened to your young baby, our observation of him wouldn't be just that 48hrs or 2weeks but as long as during his growing stage..

I am asking for everyone reading here, please pray for my son, Ryan Toh, to be safe and nothing bad to come from that fall..

I hope what I am doing now, would be able to prevent other babies to suffer the same as my son..

From this experience, I realised feeding the baby should be on the floor with soft cushion or mattress rather than on chair..

Till now, that confinement lady is still not providing us more information to assist our observation on our son... She just couldn't wait to leave my place as soon as the incident happened.. so please, all of you, beware who you hired..

Once again, please pray for Ryan Toh to be safe and sound..

Thank you..


Xiyou, they r fr malaysia right ? Before u engaged them they even gif u a list of confinement meal the CL will prepared right ? .. I think I did call for enquiries too fr tis forum.. end up I didn't get them cos abit fishy e suek Wong seems like an agent ..keep wanting e deposit !!

Hope ur bb will b fine .. God blessed ..


New Member
Hi XiYou,
I hope all is fine with your baby boy....
Do you have more details of the confinement lady? Which part of Malaysia is she from, full name?


New Member
My heart goes out to you. Praying for you and baby Ryan. Pls take care of yourself and be strong. Focus on baby Ryan. What goes around, comes around.


New Member
Hi.. Thanks all..

They aren't from agent as what I gathered. Suek Wong is the daughter,
she is ok.. She mainly coordinates her Mum's job.

I didn't get her to prepare meals for me as my family provides that.
Her job is solely to take care of my son..

This woman is definitely unkind.. I just heard from my helper, after my
hubby & I left to the hospital, she actually made coffee & enjoying her
breakfast, trying to be chatty to my helper.. My helper was so pissed off
with her attitude, she told her off for not being guilty.. That woman simply
smiled off!

When my MIL arrived, that woman pretended tremble and chanting
'my fault.. My fault..' what a great pretender!!

I dun have her full name, called her by Aunty Ying. She is in her mid 50s,
plump with big hips, she looks friendly, always smiley.. I do have photos of
her.. However I feel not right to post a person's photo this way although I am
very angry with her. If you leave me an email, I will send to you.


Aiyo, pray hard for ur son, next time if really wan to get confinement nanny it will be better to get intro by others mummies who have used the confinement nanny service before, I feel it will be more save, it best that u also ask her to pay for the medical fee since she like nothing... How can she do that... Normally we fall down we feel pain le some more is jus 7 days old... Sry, I was so angry to see this things happen...


New Member
Thanks Jenni & madangel..

Jenni, I did find out more of her before deciding to
hire her. It isn't easy to hire a CL this year, most
of the better ones are already taken..

Before I confirmed her, I asked to speak with her,
and as I mentioned both she & her daughter were
helpful & friendly. That CL also sounded having
years of experiences..

My son is a premature baby, when she knew I would
be giving birth to a preterm baby, she even called to
send her regards & advice me of what not & do..

A client of hers called me to explain about her work
permit issue, and that client claimed that the CL was
great... I called that client after the incident, she swear
she didn't know that the CL was like that. I believed her
as she did sound shocked & dismayed after hearing..

As for the mentioned of medical bill, when I asked her to
bear for the bills, I wasn't asking because we needed her
to pay but we felt she should be responsible for her wrong
deed.. Her husband who came to pick her after the
incident, shouted at us for asking for the bill, he said,
'what is the big deal here now?!' At that moment, I really
felt my blood boiled & yet heart cold.. How could a human
behave like a cold blooded animal! Although I heard
many such 'animals', I didn't expect to happen to me..

They didn't ask about my son or offered a sincere apology,
simply couldn't wait to get out.. Only Suek Wong did show
some guilt (to be fair, this girl isn't much like her parents..)

If it was just due to hygiene reason, I wouldn't post here.
Each has their expectation of hygiene level.. But for a
CL to drop a baby, this is a matter of seriousness..
How could this even happen?!! With just this, it is really
enough for her to end her trade.

I wouldn't curse them.. I will pray that they find in their
heart of conscience..

All I wish is no harm to my son..
and that no other babies suffer the same as my son..


Hi Xiyou,baby Ryan will be fine. anyway i think i contacted this Aunty Ying when i was looking for my CL as well, her daughter was the one contacting me all along. Their charges are quite low i think about $1.8k right?


New Member
Thanks momopeachgal & MrsLiaw..

Mrsliaw, they quoted me 1.8k to take care of baby only.

I do not need her service of cooking, cleaning etc but mainly
to take care of baby's needs..

Even with that expected of her only, the CL actually
woke my helper up during night feeding to make milk!
She even expected my helper to wash the milk bottles..
On day 2, after seeing the way she worked, I decided that
the milk bottles should be washed by my helper, I didn't trust
the way she washed.. True enough, my helper told me she put
so much of washing detergent into each bottles & simply
rinse off.. Luckily my helper knows what to do, she re-washed
all bottles..

Sigh.. I feel so bad to have hired that woman & that my son
had to suffer the consequence..


Hi purpur, yup they only charge $1.8k for the dragon year..

XiYou,lucky thing that you have a reliable helper to help you! you should make the irresponsible woman pay for your son's medical and pursue the matter. :bmad: :bmad:
hope yr son will be fine. so heart pain.

from this, i learn a lesson. i think better to offer CL a bed to sleep and ask her to sit on the bed and feed, to prevent bb from falling. i guess, she might have dozed off!


New Member
Hi Mrsliaw, it is difficult.. How to make her pay for her action??
Make a police report?? Even now, I am sure she is still taking in
jobs.. I feel so sorry for those innocent babies..

Hi ilovebbdylan, you should ask the CL to feed on a mattress
(on the floor).. The bed is unsafe too..


well you can bring a case against her? afterall it is her duty, and now there's a lack of negligence?
i am sure she is,i think i've seen a few post by her daughter.


New Member
i am so sorry to hear that and very heartpain for your cutest baby, i pray for your baby will be healthy and will be all right as he knows his parents love for him, most blessed to your baby. Your baby will be fine!


New Member
Hi purpur, thank you. My son is fine so far. We are positive he will be
alright. He is active & feeding well.. Thank God..

Thanks harrier. :)

Thank you all again for the prayer made & well blessing..