EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Hey mummies as I had no cl and just attempted my first ultimate failure of bathing bb. just to check what time if any u shower bb? Or u shower when bb woke up and crying for milk and quickly give him a shower then reward bb with milk after shower? And does ur bb cry the moment u start undressing and shower till the end u finish dressing him up? How long a shower typically takes? It panic me when my bb cry from start to ends of shower. Help help thanks in advance.

My mum taught mi to let my baby put on mitten before put baby into the water. This is to prevent baby from scare. It really works for mi. My baby never cry from start till end. First, u remove all baby's clothing except mitten. Then wash baby's head and face, follow by body.

My mum taught mi to let my baby put on mitten before put baby into the water. This is to prevent baby from scare. It really works for mi. My baby never cry from start till end. First, u remove all baby's clothing except mitten. Then wash baby's head and face, follow by body.
YES! I keep her mittens on too so she has something to grab on to and won't feel so scared. If you take them all off, baby will feel very vulnerable. :) works for me!
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HELLO MUMMIES! I will be celebrating my little Sophie's Full Month on the 14th October, Sunday, at Downtown East Chalet located in Pasir Ris. All mummies are invited if you'd like to join us for food and drinks! Catering will start at 5pm. So if any mummies would like to come, just let me know! :)


Ahwang... Cant sun aftnn sun la... Bodoh la... Too hot le.. Bb will fall sick de... Even morning or evening sun cant sun too long... If ur pil say drink water i can accept it as it does helps to reduce jaudice la.. Pm sun too hot la... Ask them to b naked n sun la... Duh... Sorry la cant stand e way u kana bully...

As for shower mine usually morning.. As now is #2 so timing not so fixed... Last time #1my mil will bath her ard 7.30am...

If u feed her gotta wait awhile b4 bathing her...if too hungry they will fuss... So far my girls like bathing... But will fuss once bathing ended... Lol


Dear mummies, it has been so long that I post anything here.

After 3 days stay in TMC due to c-sec, was discharged on wed. Thur, my right leg was very swollen which has not even occurred during my whole pregnancy. Called gynae to check up and he told me to admit myself to Nuh immediately as he suspect can be blood clot. Went down Nuh immediately and they hav to admit me, saying that it seems like blood clot due to after operation or delivery and can be life threatening if blood clot travels up to other part of body. Was very sad coz I'm leaving my daughter at home and she has been on total breastfeeding. Such sudden arrangements really make me lost and kept crying in hospital. Husband brought down beast pump, which I hav not operated before and cried through the night while pumping. Thinking whether baby is fed, whether my husband and mil can handle her as she love latching on.

Yesterday when hubby brought her to see pd, her jaundice level was high at 13, have to be admitted to Thomson to do phototherapy till tml. Hubby had to run between both hospital. Mil keep blaming me for walking too much during the confinement period, causing leg to be swollen, making my mum very upset coz she was helping out with my confinement for the first week, which is actually only 2 days. I cried so badly, knowing that daughter has to be at Thomson till tml. Feel that it's my fault for not feeding her enough and thinking about the daily blood test to be drawn for jaundice testing make me super upset.

As I kept crying in hospital, doctor gave me priority to have a scan on my leg to check whether there's blood clot, if not have to wait till Monday and I'm not allowed to go back, on total bed rest. Luckily, result is fine and can be discharged today. Went back to wash up and immediately make my way to Thomson to visit her. As I pumped out all the milk in Nuh, environment like not very clean and filled with all kind of patients, I have to throw away all my 50-80ml milk. So heart pain and she is on formula milk.

Just hope her jaundice level will go down and be alright to go back tml. Really miss her alot..

Hey erlina, hang in there ya! U're a strong mummy! I'm trying to hang in here too.. my parents kept calling and asking why i take care of bb until got fever and stuff.. saying newborn not supposed to have fever.. never heard of and stuff.. i'm super irritated.. bb already stayed 2 more days in NICU, thurs evening discharged and cleared tests.. sat morn just saw PD to clear and review.. Sat evening got high fever.. how would i know what i have done wrong!? My bb was admitted into glenE nicu early this morn at 4am, they also asked why i go glenE so ex.. but my pf is there and imis the best person to handle the case right.. sigh.. today pumped milk like mad.. feeling so drained and engorged.. went down to visit bb andd breast feed her.. den came home.. my mum, dad n bro kept calling and asking hows bb and why like this and that..make me feel so pek chek that i nv take care of bb... sigh i trying to be strong but oso emo liao.. just pumped out 60ml on each side of breast.. super exhausted..

any mums got cramps or lower abdomen pain at day 7? my pain medicine(ponstant) ended yesterday.. so today i started to feel aches and pains.. v draining.. or perhaps i nv slp and working too hard ? hmm i just took diclofenac, i buay tahan liao.. this was one of the discharge medicine frm gynae clinic.. suppose shld be fine for breastfeeding... feeling v tired, but gotta wake up to pump again in 3 hrs time.. this period really gonna be tough.. bb 7 days old, stay 5 days in hosp and 2 days at home only.. next 5 days have to stay in icu for observations and iv antibiotics.. i shld be doing confinement, but have been shuttling to & fro daily.. my CL oso very free sit at home cook n watch tv... she having a better life den me.. wonder if i am wasting money.. still got expensive hosp bills to clear.... stressed..


Active Member
rodorsany... great =) your #1 will make a good jiejie!! i hope if i hv #2, my bb will be a good jiejie too ^^

feera ur hubby so nice to note all the timings! i know of some guys who will blog, take note, take photos etc of the pregnancy and of bb... i'm the one doing all those... my hubby only interested in diablo and fb games XD

ahwang *hugs* i feed on demand too until nipples so sore >< the first few days it was v rainy n no sun for bb end up she hospitalized for jaundice :( so at least u r doing ur best. u didn't do anything wrong so dun feel bad. after my bb discharged from the phototherapy stay, i will sun her in the morning and my mum says for max 30 min. but she always wails so bitterly end up i will latch her at the window (good thing my parents stay on top floor, higher than other blocks, so ppl can't peep lol) n i was complaining to hubby that others boobs are the fairest part of their body but my boobs r getting tanned XD anyway my bb also cries all the way through bathing most of the time... =/ i keep bb's mittens on too when washing hair n face, but she still screams.. seems like as long as she's not latching, she wanna wail ><

justamom congrats! i also only put nipple cream... and not even put regularly... was super sore, then like better, maybe used to it, these 2 days super sore and painful again ><

Lingz ya same lor.. why r some hubbies like that, so hands off one >< today my hubby changed bb diapers cos i was bathing... for the second time since bb born 5+ weeks ago...

regarding changing diapers after feeding, i also sad that she spits out milk when i was changing her.. so now i learn to be more gentle. i try to just slide in and out without lifting her too much... but when wiping unavoidable. now i'm thinking maybe can flip the bb sideways instead of lift up the bum? when wearing back i will just slide in the diaper and put slide my hand underneath to pull out the romper so won't lift up more than the thickness of my hand... trying to minimize lifting up her bum too much...

erlina i hope ur hubby will continue to be v involved w bb =) jiayou and feel better soon!

congrats Marrisa! :D

meltie *hugs* don't think too much... yea must stay strong! u can do it!! i think maybe u too tired from shuttling to and fro... i was feeling sore also, my mum and the massage lady both said cos i hv to go hospital almost everyday in the first week (see pd, admit hospital, next day visit, final day discharge, then next day my own check up) when supposed to be resting as much as possible... hope ur aching goes away soon!

long time no on my macbook! finally get to change my signature... kekeke... bb slping now, shall pump and then quickly go rest... night all!


Rodorsany:699323 said:
Ahwang... Cant sun aftnn sun la... Bodoh la... Too hot le.. Bb will fall sick de... Even morning or evening sun cant sun too long... If ur pil say drink water i can accept it as it does helps to reduce jaudice la.. Pm sun too hot la... Ask them to b naked n sun la... Duh... Sorry la cant stand e way u kana bully...

As for shower mine usually morning.. As now is #2 so timing not so fixed... Last time #1my mil will bath her ard 7.30am...

If u feed her gotta wait awhile b4 bathing her...if too hungry they will fuss... So far my girls like bathing... But will fuss once bathing ended... Lol
Thanks rodorsany for ur support. Ya was so upset initially. But gotten it over as I will be strong all for my bb! Hope my milk supply comes up too as bb can't latch well as I got short nipple. Only can pump ard 50-70ml of milk but he needs like 80ml and had to supplement with fm.


Thanks all for the advice on bathing baby. Shall try with mitten on and gently wake him up for shower at a specific time. Hope it works. Good luck on my shower experience tmr.


Baby is back and all along, tot baby only drink 40 to 50ml of milk, coz only 1 week old. Nurse told me she has been drinking 90ml for every 2-3 hours duration. That's explain why she constantly need latching on. It's really difficult to handle her today as she seems more cranky and started to latch on and like not enough, so, I formula feed her and only till I gave her the comfort sucking on breast, then she fell asleep. Didn't want to let her hav comfort sucking, but, I'm really very tired, can rest after she sleep. Nipple super sore..

At around 7:30pm, suddenly has this sudden emo feeling and started tearing. Was trying to control myself but realized not possible, tears just flow out and there's no reason.

Felicity, so envious that u finished ur one month confinement alr. I still have to endure another 3 weeks and mum went back to work, in law gg to help out for the rest of the month as she quit her job. Quite upset about it, not sure whether I'm able to get use to her style, as my hubby is Malay and I'm Chinese. Still prefer my mum's way of cooking and style. Hope it will not be that bad.

Meltie, please stay strong for your girl and I believe she'll be fine. It's definitely not easy for u and financial can be a strain. Whatever it is, endure!! Take care of urself also as u r still under confinement.. Make sure u eat well so that u hav the energy to take care of her when she's discharge.

Jiayou to all the mothers!!!


So tired being first time mum.. can't imagine after CL left I b alone looking after bb .. lots of hard wrk .. today gonna bring my boy for jaundice check up hope e jaundice went down n he b fine .


Really e hormones ?? Recently find tt I cried easily yesterday water retention fr bad to worse even feel pain on my feet area .. cos of e water, my leg become one big n one smaller .. seeing tt I start tearing .. pregnancy wif all symptoms v uncomfortable already after birth e body tortured still nv ends .. :mad:


Meltie, I dun really have cramps or lower abdomen aches and I din take any more painkillers after 1st week.. Maybe it's due to ur womb contracting with successful breastfeeding? I'm just guessing la.. u shld b having ur postnatal appt with gynae soon right? Ask ur gynae better la.. Anyway, stay strong and positive! Everyday is one day nearer to Charlotte gg home! :D

Purpur, *hugs* I understand how u feel.. I got v bad water retention both before and after birth too! The water retention in arms, thighs, calves and feet only came down towards the end of wk 2.. I believe I still have some water retention according to the Malay massage auntie, but at least I can see my ankles now (been missing them).. And till now my wrist joints still ache (water retention too according to gynae).. Sighz.. Nobody says being a mummy is easy.. Jia you! All these water will go away one day (i realli hope!).. :D


Jiayou mummies... Not easy but press on ya!!

Ytd had a fall.... Haiz was carrying bb!! Thank God I'm fat enuff to cushion off e impact.. But ended sprained ankle n bruised legs.. Duno y back aches le... Hope due to e epi not e fall... Bcoz fil mopping e floor n too slippery.. Cried almost instantly but held back dun want ils to know... Now gotta walk with limp... :(


Hi all mummies,

What is the duration for breast feeding in a day? I only manage to breast feeding 2 hrs in a day. The rest are using formula milk.


Aiyo Rodorsany, why so poor thing?! So bruised can still carry bb? Be careful ya? Hope the bruises and sprains get well soon!


Angpq i bf 2-3 times a day... When bb no fuss lol.. Duration not fixed.. Sometimes 30mins,somex 45mins.. Then ebm 2 feeds rest are fm.. Coz not much milk n ils not very into bf.. Says ebm can see hw much bb drinks... Haiz.. But at times she nag.i still latch cbb...

Thanks Lingz I walk with a limp lor... Action slower.. Now whenever fil mop both ils will remind where n where wet... Dun uds y need to mop 4-5times a day... Duh... -_-!!!


Angpq i bf 2-3 times a day... When bb no fuss lol.. Duration not fixed.. Sometimes 30mins,somex 45mins.. Then ebm 2 feeds rest are fm.. Coz not much milk n ils not very into bf.. Says ebm can see hw much bb drinks... Haiz.. But at times she nag.i still latch cbb...

Thanks Lingz I walk with a limp lor... Action slower.. Now whenever fil mop both ils will remind where n where wet... Dun uds y need to mop 4-5times a day... Duh... -_-!!!
Thank you Rodorsandy. Be careful next time and take care..


Jia you mummies!
I gave birth via c-sec last mon after unsuccessful induction. Wasn't the way I've always thought I would give birth. My only motivation was that I'll be able to see my boy!
Been pretty emotional (baby blues) due to hormonal changes but slowly getting better!
Rented the phototherapy bed cos boy's jaundice level went up on first visit. Hope his levels drop!
It's quite tough the first few nights at home cos he keeps waking up crying so I keep latching him. Now my nipples are sore and when the milk comes in, it's super engorged. My lymP nodes under my armpit are swollen still! Any mummies have the same problem?
Things will get better! Let's all hang in there!


Mummies.. Wen u bottle feed ur bb, do the milk keep dribbling out of bb's mouth? Wen CL feed, I realise after a while every gulp that bb takes, milk will flow out from her mouth.. Sometimes the hanky will be so wet that I dunno she drank more or the milk flowed out more.. So wasted.. :(

CL said it's cos bb too hungry, took too big gulp so resulted in too much milk being sucked out and her onli swallowing part of it with the rest flowing out.. Dunno how true is that.. Any of u have experience with this? My mum keeps saying maybe the hole in the teat is too big, but I oredi bought Avent 0m+ teat oredi.. :(