EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Meltie, hang in there! Jiayou! Hats off to you to be able to tahan every evening.. I feel bad that when my baby is off schedule or still wakes in the middle of the night I get all flustered and stressed out.

Ahwang I feel the same as u. I have been trying so hard to have my baby on a schedule. She is more or less on one, and was sleeping from 11 plus or 12 am till abt 7 am for a few days. Then last night woke at 3 am again. Felt so sian and wondered what I did wrong. I am also
Googling often to try to troubleshoot her short naps, late bedtime etc. But can't seem to solve the problems! Sometimes I think I am thinking too much, maybe I should just go with the flow..


Are any of your babies very awake and alert in the evenings? My baby is super awake between 8 pm to 11 pm every night. Just can't seem to get her to have an early bedtime!


Meltie, hang on there.. When will ur hubby's exam be over? Hope little Charlotte will be good and relieve u a bit. Prob can just keep trying the pacifier daily, though till now my girl still refuse to take, but, at times she will still suck and quiet awhile..

I realized my girl is not really sucking her fist, but her arms.. Left her with my mum for awhile while hubby and I have some time out for dinner. Feeling is amazing, but, can't help but to worry and think about her. And when I came back, my mum was feeding her. The moment she saw me, stop drinking and give me a loud smile. Melted my heart totally and finished feeding her. Is really amazing to see how our child progress. But, she still show no signs of wanting to flip. By when should she start learning to flip?


Yuen6, my baby is always awake during that time. But, I'm glad if she can sleep at 11pm. Sometime, she don't even want to sleep till 12 plus or 1am.. Exhaust both hubby and myself..


oh ya any of u interested in getting books,vcd,dvds and flash cards for ur babies?? i got to know of company whom is selling these at an affordable price...tot of asking the guy to come down on 19 to show u all the items...is very good for our babies to learn both chinese & english...i wanna get but $$$ is tight :(


erlina, how old is your baby? Flipping is still a long way away, so don't worry about it. remember, some babies also skip certain things... so sweet that your baby is recognising you and smiling :) hehe. yes it's now the stage that I'm starting to feel that it's all worth it.

yuen and ahwang: I think you both are doing so well already with your babies! just hang in there. it will get better and your baby will be on a routine before you know it.


Ya Same..sometimes I get in the bedroom at 10..n coax fussy one to Zzz till abt 1-2Am..hubby Zzz already beside the bed..n I'm still fighting lo to get him to Zzz...


Jiayou mommies... Dun fret too much on e growth... Bbs grow differently.. Yes some bbs skip some steps... Like my hb.. He run before he walks....

My girl also yearns for me.. Though her arms are not well controlled she will lean her neck n head forward to wards me when i called her

Melties kudos to you.... Sometimes i lost my sanity when bb fusses too much but i really admire u!!!! Press on!!!


Active Member
yes meltie, press on! jiayou everyone!! you are all great mummies!!!

erlina my bb is over 14 weeks but still hasn't shown any sign of flipping... so she's just contented with lying there and chattering with me and waving her limbs around... haha...


Oh, my baby is only 10 weeks.. Haha.. Think I expect too much from her. Ya, she will just chat for almost whole day.. So funny.. The moment her eyes open, she expect us to chat and play with her. Ya, her head and neck will lean forward, like a sign to tell me to carry her, coz wi follow by crying if I continue to leave her there.

Nessa, any samples for us to browse thru first? Anyway, I have bought so much toys for her, though she don't really know how to play.. My mum was commenting the amount of toys she has when she is only 2 months..


Thanks mummies... hanging on....

hey ahwang, i got manduca carrier but haven really tried it on her myself.. my hubby tried.. v hot n she puked n wailed..

hey reiann, my hubby is mugging the last night now.. tml morn exam... thats why i try to handle the bb more tonight.... have been waiting for tml to cone so my hubby can have no excuse n help out more.. oh ya i can meet u to collect my carter's stuff on thurs/fri!

My bb cries alot more at night.. in between i can see that she's v tired n slpy, but rock her she don't want to sleep.. only nap 5mins here n there and wake up crying.. i think mostly due to gas .. hmm if no gas, i think she may just sleep through early from 7plus ... but coz need comfort thats why keep crying for milk n attention...

I think just move with the flow .. lol .. no point dragging her n putting her into a fixed routine.. she gets more upset n frustrated.. i try to drag till she alnost wanna cry, prevent her frm crying... oh well when she's tired, i'll just try to comfort her let her cry abit to slp... so far she's always v slpy by 10plus... i try to feed her last feed near 11pm so that she can sleep thru to 4 or 5plus.. Night wakings are v hard.. n its super draining to wake up in the middle of deep slp.. hope all our bbs will be guai guai n slp thru!

Oh ya, my bb starting to shift herself to her side.. is it a sign of flipping? when i was carrying her up from changing table, she suddenly turned and heng i caught her if not she'll fall facing flat on the table! Also on the bouncer, she is starting to turn n sit sideways... maybe i shld start buckling her up.... i'm so afraid the day sge can flip n push herself.. how am i going to lift my eyes off her for a moment frm changing table n bouncer..

hey justamom, my car is w my mil.. for her convenience as she os recently buying lunch for me and sometimes send dinner to us.. though she may be strict n abit eccentric, but she's still nice..

My little one is now latching for her last feed (i hope).. i'm dozing.. wad a loong day and night .....


Oh ya.. i was wiping down my gal n notice a little dark yellow patch.. i think its cradle cap! Argh i hope it goes away when i shampoo her tomorrow!! Any babies having cradle cap? i heard 3-4mths still can get... my bb is in her 10th week!


Meltie, is it the one on the head? After my girl shaved all her hair, has a thick patch on top of the head.. Mum told me to use baby oil to soften it first before wash it off.. Will take a few days for it to clear.. So far, it's clearing slowly..


Ya My car also w My bro currently cos fetching My mum thru n fro to visit us..but guess will b getting car bk soon..if nt cannot go out w boy.. maybe then will arrange w u c wkdays Afternoon I can pop by..


Meltie: ur Carrier is it the New style or limited ed or black line? I heard New style mat is slighly cooler than black line


Yuen6, is ur bb sleeping a lot during daytime that's why have late bedtime. Mine gets sleepy ard 5plus I have to try Ways and means to keep hin awake until ard 7 wipe down and start bedtime. I used to have a week where He suddenly slp by himself once I put him down half swaddle was so happy then. However it lasted just a week, now he needs me to pop paci in then can slp. I tried to let him wail a bit but he gets more agitated. Last time used to shh pat him to slp but he gets heavier I can't do so anymore so use paci. Sometimes how I wish he can suck his thumb and sooth himself to slp. As sometimes when he still in light slp paci drop off he will cry. Tough. Last night after df he refused to slp coav until 12am woke up at 4am and fuss till 6am then slp. Everyday gives me different pattern at night. How I wish I can have a night nanny

Meltie maybe u used manduca and stay in Aircon room ? Must find Ways to let ur girl slp so u can get some rest. The more she don't nap the more fussy she will get. Hang in there... I really admire the love u have for ur girl. Sometimes or rather almost evrerytime I lose my patience at night to my boy. Cos I just refuse to carry and coax him to slp don't want it become a habit. Using paci to slp is already my ultimate limit as Im alone at home and he's heavy carry and coax him to slp I might as well use paci save my energy. Sometimes I let him cry it out but I can't tahan his cry for long. Any mums started sleep training ur bb to let them slp by themselves?


How do u all play with ur bb when they awake.. I'm running out of ideas. I read newspapers, read tv subtitles to him while I watch tv, dance gangnam style haha... I only have a bouncer thinking of getting him a playgym. Anyone have playfym is it useful ?
oh dear.. need to put some pressure on it to stop the bleeding...

i need a break!! i'm going abit low in battery n patience.. back super pain... i dont know why my baby is crying n whining non stop between feeds! maybe her reflux? coz she puked a mouthful every now n then ... haizzzz i rock her to sleep , she keep crying.. carry her she whine abit and stop.. when i put her down she starts all over again.... and has been like that whole afternn! i can't even do anything else!! she doesn't want to sleep.. tired but keeps crying.. facing her whole day may just be driving me abit nuts now.... :( i need a break awhile.. at least 15mins.. but hubby still studying in sch dont't wanna come back yet.... no one to relieve me... i'm stuck with baby ... just feeling quite emo now... argh.. :/ i hope tonight isnnot another of the past few nights where she cry n scream non stop... drink super long and drink again n again.. super draining for me.. dread nights... :(

sorry for ranting...

meltie.. did u gal puke before u burp or after? a mummy told me that if it's before, then it is reflux. if it's after, then it might due to indigestion. My gal used to vomit alot too and she will vomit after everytime i latch her. Most of the time she will vomit out those clumpy milk. For my gal's case, it's not reflux because even after she burped twice and loud, she will still vomit. so we suspect it is indigestion and maybe she drank too much everytime i latch her. so i gave her probiotics drinks and feed her lesser amount but in short interval.

Now during the day she drank around 40-50ml only every 2 hours. she never vomit anymore. at night when i'm back from work, she will latch on but when i see her face like quite satisfied already, i will just burp her to sort of end the feed. only if she cries asking for more, then i will latch her again.

Maybe u can try the probiotic drink for ur gal? It's safe to be consumed daily even for infant. it's called lacteol fort and u can get it at guardian or watsons. another option is biogaia, but that one is drops and alot alot more expensive. i called my clinic and asked what is the difference between the two, the staff mentioned that biogaia is more for digestion while lacteol fort is more for vomitting and diarrhea.

hope this can help ur gal..


How do u all play with ur bb when they awake.. I'm running out of ideas. I read newspapers, read tv subtitles to him while I watch tv, dance gangnam style haha... I only have a bouncer thinking of getting him a playgym. Anyone have playfym is it useful ?
ahwang the playgym is so useful to me.. 9am bb wakes up after feeding i put him there so i can wash bottle, make the bed and sweep/mop the floor he will slightly cry right before i finish lol like crying for attention one, if he cries like that he's already bored or something :-D after that i will bathe him and he will fall asleep when he wakes up feed and gym again. Just put your bb even 5 mins so he/she will think it is part of everyday routine
I brought my girl back to her PD yesterday hoping to get her phlegm sucked out.. But the pd said her phlegm is minimal and not into her lungs yet so I don't have to worry so much.. Hubby keeps insisting I'm being paranoid -,- so PD gave us. Nebulizer instead to administer the meds straight into her throat and lungs. Now baby looks like a mini Darth Vadet with the mask and all. Haha! Hubby was very against the nebulizer cause the nurses warned that baby might scream and cry a lot. But when we tried it on her, she started smiling at the vapor that came out so it was a relief. Hahaha!!

As for hubby's loony ex gf, I've changed number twice and hubby too but MIL still gave her our numbers. I have no idea why either. Hahaha! And for the ex's gifts and love tokens, I'm not the kind to demand that it has to be thrown away. I believe that it was their own special time between them back then, and its not my business. I told hubby it's alright to keep it cause I respect his personal space. It's just a bit annoying that MIL is shoving it in my face on purpose. Lol.

Vern nice! My hubby doesn't buy branded for me either! Cause I don't like branded stuff. There was one time he brought me to a buffet that was almost 200++ per pax and when I found out I literally ignored him for two weeks. Hahaha! I don't know why but I think it's a waste of money. But it's so cute that your hubby got you branded diaper bags!! Haha! I agree with you that if you didn't get pregnant maybe you wouldn't get it. :p

Christmas is just around the corner! So excited about baby's first Christmas although she's probably clueless about everything. Haha! Any mummies got special plans for Christmas? :)