We are TTC-ing!


New Member
Praying hard, is it a little pink bleeding? maybe it's implantation bleeding? Perhaps u should see gynae soon to give u peace of mind.

Dragontail, I stay around guang Ming Shan area as well.

Manage to bring my doggy out for run during cny. He is naughty but yet so cute.

Tot I m the only one dragging to work, lazy. Looks like I m not alone :D. Finish work For the day and try to exercise now as I was told I m v fat. Hiaz. Ya I m. Wonder how to quickly shed these weight!!!!


Oh mine....littlej it sound so like me! Gosh....but my gynae only free on 6 march....didn't go pte coz tot go back old gynae since got all Kyoto records. Pray pray af comes soon!

better test with morning urine... first thing when you wake up tomorrow.
don't lose hope !
even during early pregnancy, spotting is common among some women.
and if you can visit gynae early, i believe he will help you by prescribing utrogestan or duphaston to support your pregnancy....


Active Member
Poohy - wa. 6 march sounds very long away. Can you say it is an emergency? Bluff a bit? say cramping very badly womb pain feel very swollen - make it sound as if it is super serious?!? They can't ask you to wait so long if it is serious right?!?

Quincy - hee hee :p


is not a little pink is quite a big batch whenever i went to toilet and wipe. i am quite sure this is not spotting or implantation. i think is just chemical preg as i read somewhere that when tested a pos hpt and then followed by menses is actuallt know as chemical preg which is common...
haiz so sad now why give me a false hope and take it back so soon....


Active Member
Quincy, ok I let you go this time. Next time must elaborate a.h. lol.

Bbhope, what breed is your dog? My dog might bump into your dog ;) Actually my dog doesnt go beyond 15metres radius. She is old and can hardly even stand firm.


Active Member
Prayinghard, sorry to hear you're going through this.

Somehow, all these kinds of MCs I really didnt know of before my ttc, until I read about it in this forum and also experiencing it myself. They are so common than I thought. Not that it makes me feel better that it is common...rather, I've learnt that it is nature's way of not evolving further on something that was not meant to be (whatever could be the imperfection). Please dont give up hope. There is still time. Meantime go have a good rest. Por your body. And give it a shot again when you think you are ready. We are all with you :)

are you seeing T.C.M. now?
Don't lose hope... let T.C.M. help you too... and continue with your folic acid now...
many ladies taking blackmore in this thread, you can try taking too.
Don't give yourself too much stress.


Active Member
Yupz, Maybe something's wrong with the cells inside. Keep trying,they say After chemical preg will be more fertile. I keep bd every other day with opk since my bleeding stop on 27jan. I suspect I O-ed on 5feb, it will be 8dpo today. Brownish discharge on just enough for a panty liner on 10feb, 5dpo. On off queasy when I'm hungry and when I ate something greasy, breast grew super big suddenly, now full n heavy. Somehow got a feeling the new beanie implant same place as the previous one (my 6th sense Haha, Cos same left area mild hurting After long walks today at sentosa) Maybe That area nicer to sleep lol. And I'm super hungry these few days but couldn't finish a Whole meal!

Haven't told anyone, Co's I think could be still too early. Maybe end of next week or when see how After try to pee again

Btw, the other time mini confinement my mum told me to buy chicken essence with tang gui, now 2ww still can drink? I still have few bottles It has weird taste n salty unlike the original ones


wow littlehamster...."breasts grew super big suddenly.."
That's the only symptom I hope to have in my pregnancy!! I hope they will grow big suddenly too!!


Active Member
Yes - I would like to believe miscarriages happen as it is nature's or god's or buddha's or whoever you believe's way of letting go that was not meant to be. All we can do is to trust god or buddha or whoever you believe, and trust that he will prepare us for the best and he knows us what is best for us. And well, apparently women are even more fertile after so nature works wonders isn't it.

Of course this theory applies if you haven't done anything harmful to your body. Like no smokes, no alcohol, no caffeine, no drugs. All these play a part I heard.

@prayinghard - *hugs*

@littlehamster - wa that are many signs! Hahaha. Sounds like you have evolved to a Pamela Anderson in just a few days :p well, test again next week lor. But once confirm you better chop chop go see gynae - like what faithmummy said - doc can give u the meds to help protect. Oh and no tang gui and no intensive exercise!

I still rem what my gynae said when I asked if I can continue running during 2ww. He replied, "you professional runner? You need to run for a living? You running away from robbers or thieves? If no to all of the above then no running no boxing no intensive exercise just rest"


I still rem what my gynae said when I asked if I can continue running during 2ww. He replied, "you professional runner? You need to run for a living? You running away from robbers or thieves? If no to all of the above then no running no boxing no intensive exercise just rest"
hahaha.....your gynae very funny!!


Active Member
Lol Pamela Anderson nevermind. Not Dolly Parton can already. (For you young ladies, maybe you don't know who she is :p)

Chix essence during 2ww is ok but not dang gui ok. Actually the one symptom which I miss most during pregnancy is heightened sense of smell. It's just so strange and a whole new feeling to me! Like you can smell one molecule from a mile away (ok la not that far). Everything is about smell even before you see it.


Quincy. Only two guesses from me. CM or ACDE - find the missing alphabet. Hahahaha.

Prayinghard, as what dragontail said, we are all here. So gambatte.

Littlehamster, once confirmed don't announce. Just come into the thread and say u sprinkle baby dust. We will catch. Hahahaha


Active Member
Shez, what is ACDE? Tell me what I dont know le.

Haha I like the idea. Dont need to announce but say sprinkle baby dust. @littlehammie, remember ok =)