EDD March 2013


luckymum:758117 said:
Congratulations lor3tta!! Well done!! Claps claps claps! I wanna persevere like you too! Hi5!! I agree it's all in the mind. Cos during my number one I just told myself what I am experiencing only brings me closer to baby. So I was looking forward to the contractions! Then again o took supplements on the sly to facilitate the process without telling doc lah.. Hehehe.. Abit Siao but the feeling after that is amazing!

I just went for Gynae check, now bb is 3.2kg and I am 1.5cm dilated already! So most prob will deliver in late feb too!

Better go prepare my stuffs I haven done anything at all!! Hehehe..

Ooh luckymum, you should be due soon. My gynae told me before that for 2nd kid wine we dilate, we will dilate pretty quickly. :)

We can do it!! It sure is an amazing experience.

Jia you all mummies


New Member
Mamasessme and Cagnes,

I also got yeast infection during my pregnancy but Gynae said it is very normal and he prescribed me pessary to reduce the pH of vagina. He also advised that to reduce the carbo food as yeast like sugar. Anyway he said the infection won't harm baby. However the strep b infection is much more serious to the baby and it must be taking care of.
Thanks Neymo for this information!

And congrats mhjt! Such a smooth and fast delivery! I won't want to spend too much time waiting too.. Didn't know a 3cm dilation can still last for 3 more days?! May I know why you got admitted the first time?


phycyj:758122 said:
I'm not sure if what I'm feeling are Braxton hicks or simply baby's kicks. Hmm..
I have a light growth of yeast and gynae said it might lead to thrush in the baby. He didn't give me any meds though.
Wondering if anybody has that too? Or is there anything I can do?
Hi phycyj, I had yeast infection as well since early pregnancy. Which caused me a lot of discomfort cos of the itching. Was given pessary to insert 4 times, but it didn't clear totally, always comes back. I did ask my gynae about the thrush thing cos I read about it, she say not to worry about it cos thrush is normally caused by milk that is left in the mouth of the baby. Like when the baby drink milk then fall asleep with milk in the mouth.

So far, my baby is fine with no signs of thrush. Hope this will be reassuring enough for u. Don't worry too much ok :)


mhjt:758244 said:
Hey mommies, just to update you all too.

I just have birth today. Valentine baby boy! Haha. Natural delivery with gas.

I won't deny it hurts, but true to friends who have told me, worth every push.

Had early labour on 11th, got admitted and was dilated 3 cm. I was sent home because no progress and I was happily sitting in the room. Haha.

This morning, water broke at 630am, showered, left to SGH and was already dilated 4-5cm. Admitted to labour ward, started pushing at 930am. Delivered at 1130am. :)

Good luck to the rest of the mommies!!!
Wow..amazing sharing..



Apr gal:758326 said:
Hi Neymo,
Decide on the type of pain relief methods early. Cos when the contractions come so frequently and intensely, I'm not sure how you will be able to keep still for the Dr to jab epidural. You can put the pain relief methods in order such as gas mask first, then if no effect, then use the pethidine jab on the thigh, then lastly epidural. Or it can be when you admit hospital, first thing u get done is the epidural.

Depends on you.

Jia you!!
Hi Loretta, can I no when is d latest to decide if taking epidural a not? I agree wif u tat we would b diff to maintain a still position for epidural when d pain comes. I tot of testing my pain level b4 having d epi. N wats d difference wif pethidine? Can d gas mask helps?
Hi Neymo,
I think you decide if u want epidural before your contractions come regularly. Pethidine is the jab on the thigh muscle tt helps to relax ur muscles,but this drug freely crossover the placenta and baby will get some too. My first son came out drowsy and didn't latch on. But other then tt,all is well.
Gas mask will help, u will still feel the pain. However, u will be like in a semi conscious state. Haha..so can still hear instructions. I had to fight the gas just to open my eyes to look at hubby for awhile,haha...


Meijichoc:758372 said:
Hey mommies, just to update you all too.

I just have birth today. Valentine baby boy! Haha. Natural delivery with gas.

I won't deny it hurts, but true to friends who have told me, worth every push.

Had early labour on 11th, got admitted and was dilated 3 cm. I was sent home because no progress and I was happily sitting in the room. Haha.

This morning, water broke at 630am, showered, left to SGH and was already dilated 4-5cm. Admitted to labour ward, started pushing at 930am. Delivered at 1130am. :)

Good luck to the rest of the mommies!!!
Congrats mhjt!! Wow really admire u and lor3tta for giving birth without epi! Such strong mummies!!

Can I just ask did u have an episiotomy ? I am still confused if its better to have that or tearing... What bout other mummies? Are u considering episiotomy?
Hi meijichoc, I'm very sure you can do it too.. :)
And like what mhjt say, its worth every push.
I didn't have episiotomy for both my delivery,it just tears by iteself. It can be controlled by ur pushing. For this delivery, I was pushing and holding my breathe,but the midwives kept saying don't hold,breathe in and out again, if not it will tear. So I took their advice, cos I was hoping for no tear at all...but there was a little one and today the wound don't hurt at all..



Congrats MHJT!! well done!! Keep us updated on the progress!! I wonder would mummies like to set up a FB group? Then we can update our lovely baby photos there!! And organise tea session more easily during ML period!

I was reading what to expect first time mummies can consider using olive oil to soften the vagina by massaging it gently. My friend who did it didn't tear and didnt have episiotomy. It also says second time mums no need to do so I am not going to do.

Neymo cos last check up baby was not engaged yet. I don't have much BH now actually, no contractions felt as well. Just that every morning when I wake up I felt strain on my pelvic which goes away when I walk about. So doc suspected baby is engaged and decided to do VE.
My previous preg doc didn't check as well until week 39.. Once she check I was 3cm already. And delivered that day..


New Member
Hey mommies, just to update you all too.

I just have birth today. Valentine baby boy! Haha. Natural delivery with gas.

I won't deny it hurts, but true to friends who have told me, worth every push.

Had early labour on 11th, got admitted and was dilated 3 cm. I was sent home because no progress and I was happily sitting in the room. Haha.

This morning, water broke at 630am, showered, left to SGH and was already dilated 4-5cm. Admitted to labour ward, started pushing at 930am. Delivered at 1130am. :)

Good luck to the rest of the mommies!!!
Congrats...brave mummy mhjt!! Which week are u in when baby pop in on such a romantic day?



New Member
Hey mommies, just to update you all too.

I just have birth today. Valentine baby boy! Haha. Natural delivery with gas.

I won't deny it hurts, but true to friends who have told me, worth every push.

Had early labour on 11th, got admitted and was dilated 3 cm. I was sent home because no progress and I was happily sitting in the room. Haha.

This morning, water broke at 630am, showered, left to SGH and was already dilated 4-5cm. Admitted to labour ward, started pushing at 930am. Delivered at 1130am. :)

Good luck to the rest of the mommies!!!
Congrats mhjt!!


Neymo, smilem

Did my shoot today despite the horrible pain in my pelvic. had fun tho but poor DH didnt sleep whole nite ytd and gota accompany me haha
Congrats!!! Wow baby came early!
I gave birth le...

Last night about 9ish my water bag leaked. So have to go hospital and was admitted. They insert the pill at about 1am to induce the labour cos waterbag broke. So at about 3ish, contractions were at about 5-7mins apart, I used the gas mask and it speed up so quickly that I became too high..and too soon, the baby was out at 5.18am @ 2.84kg.

Jia you to the rest of u.. :)


New Member
Your hip area pain are you refering in between your tight and tummy area? If yes, I also feel pain when i walk but, not everyday. Nowadays, i could not sleep side way.
My baby will kick me if i sleep side way.

Sometime, i feel my private place pain...the feeling like when having period heavily. Do any momies have such feeling? Is it normal?
Hi nyukmooy,

My pain is directly at my hips. Realise its dependent on how i place the pillows between my legs or hug the bolster. Gynae advised me to sleep sideways or at least tilt to 10degrees on your side. Not good to lie flat on your back at our stage.

I do get some feelings in my private area too.. But not painful like yours. Think its the baby kicking the lower part near cervix?
Congrats! You all are so brave. I am getting nervous hearing everyone popping.. Lol
Hey mommies, just to update you all too.

I just have birth today. Valentine baby boy! Haha. Natural delivery with gas.

I won't deny it hurts, but true to friends who have told me, worth every push.

Had early labour on 11th, got admitted and was dilated 3 cm. I was sent home because no progress and I was happily sitting in the room. Haha.

This morning, water broke at 630am, showered, left to SGH and was already dilated 4-5cm. Admitted to labour ward, started pushing at 930am. Delivered at 1130am. :)

Good luck to the rest of the mommies!!!
Hi Apr gal
I have the menses pain feeling fir the last two nights. It scares me cos I am not sure why I feel this way. I am only 35 weeks sling. I will be going to prepare my hospital bag this weekend getting nervous.
Hi mummies, I hv been having real bad stomach cramp lately. Not sure if its BH cos mine is like menses pain tat can last few hrs! Add in wif back pain. It's like my normal menses pain x 50x!!!! Is tis BH?


Apr gal:758329 said:
Hi mummies, I hv been having real bad stomach cramp lately. Not sure if its BH cos mine is like menses pain tat can last few hrs! Add in wif back pain. It's like my normal menses pain x 50x!!!! Is tis BH?
Hi Apr gal, how are things? If its inconsistent, like it comes once in every few hours, yes its Braxton hicks. But if it has a pattern like an interval of once in every 10-15min, it sounds like labour is nearing. :)


Yeah, let me try to answer the questions I was admitted on the 11th because I had regular contractions every 20 mins and because of the contractions, I couldn't monitor baby's movement as well. Called the labor ward and the suggest for me to go in.

I'm 37 weeks + 5 days when I delivered.

Yes, if our moms can do it. Lorreta and I can, you girls all can too.

I didn't request for natural tear, so it was an episiotomy. I have no idea how much doctor snip. Will ask him tmrw. I'm still admitted, tmrw will be discharging.

Tmrw, baby is 3 days old, will check for jaundice. Results should be out at 9 am.

Did I miss out anyone's question? :)


New Member
Dear Loreta and mhjt,
Thank you for setting a goal to go natural AND YES! You boost my confidence to do so.
kudos to the encouragement.

Dear mummies n mum to be,

I m getting anxious n suddenly feel unprepared - as the doctor keep saying I will definitely be
delivering on my EDD 8/9 March... But went for my 37 weeks checkup yesterday morning I m already 1.5cm dilated.
Gyn says its my first pregnancy, so active labour is unpredictable may be in 10 hours time,few days, a week (I choose not to admit as GYN mention
that that may be false alarm.

Signs to look out for
1) contractions of 1 per every 15 mins regular,
2) show (mucous plug) but not necessary to admit first - but must inform GYN (still need to depend on Sign 1)
3) water bag burst (confirm must admit - hv a quick shower first!)

....hopefully I still can go to the babycare festival on the 22 Feb in expo. Anyone going?

So mummies out there, you may want to let your GYN know your regularity of your contractions
(mine was every 2 hours - 15 to 30 mins per session , and realize that the tummy gets very tight and she seems to be kicking me harder. request GYN to check your dilation.
it was a bit drama for me - as I was in so much pain that i forgotten how to parallel park n need to ask for help.
Can't focus n think of where the valet is. GYN has gave me a firm advise - NO MORE DRIVING!!!!

I have high pain threshold but the contractions seems so different.
I did the Pant Pant Blow breathing technique and sit and lean forward
to survive the driving journey.