EDD September 2013 Mummies


Just went for my nuchal scan and baby is healthy!! Yay!! Heard the heartbeat too. Managed to video it down. So relieved.

I'll go check out the Pilates! It's pretty near my home. I need a wax too lah. Now very messy. LOL. Will start when I'm 15 weeks or when I feel better.


I'm looking to buy the body pillow too! I'm sleeping with 3 pillows now. One on the head, one between my legs and another I hug. Hahaha! I've got a slipped disc so my back has started to hurt though I'm not even showing yet!!


I'm looking to buy the body pillow too! I'm sleeping with 3 pillows now. One on the head, one between my legs and another I hug. Hahaha! I've got a slipped disc so my back has started to hurt though I'm not even showing yet!!
Gal I had slipped disc too! But last sep I did a surgery and now no problem with back yet *fingers crossed*
Take care ya. Do more strengthening exercises like swimming, Pilates, yoga for Ur back. Don't carry heavy things!


New Member
@skt I haven atarted buying any stuff yet although im so excited about it!

@StellaC hi! can I know if the timings of the class is flexible and how many session timings are available a week? how often will you go for classes?


@ raoow and stellac - it must be painful for slipped disc ;( I have back problems too. In L3, L4 and L5.. Some breaks and degenerative of bones or something. Sometimes painful when walk ... Hope ours doesn't get worst when baby grows bigger yah... The sacrifices a mother goes through even before the birth of her unborn! Ha.. I m starting to think that we are actually quite noble.. Or will even become more noble :p


@bluewindmill I checked thei schedule online and seems like they have 4 classes a week, Monday, Thursday and twice on Saturday. U can google Breathe Pilates and check their schedule there too :) they also offer private classes. I intend to go twice a week, Monday and Thursday :) right now, my muscles are starting to ache, feels good!

@Sunbeams mine is lower spine.. Dunno is it L4 or L5? I can't remember hehe. It used to be very bad. I discovered in 2009 and I have to be warded every year due to severe back pains. So last year I made the big decision to do surgery. My specialist suggested I do it before pregnancy as he was afraid I cannot support the weight and my slipped disc was getting too bad and it was my last chance to get a keyhole surgery done. Since I recovered three months after surgery, I was able to wear heels again and do dance and aerobics :) but still I have to take care as my weight increases... Other discs might be be affected. Let's all be really careful! :)


Just went for my nuchal scan and baby is healthy!! Yay!! Heard the heartbeat too. Managed to video it down. So relieved.

I'll go check out the Pilates! It's pretty near my home. I need a wax too lah. Now very messy. LOL. Will start when I'm 15 weeks or when I feel better.
U stay near novena? Lt me know if u can make it for the class too, then we can go together :)))


How does everyone's baby bump feel now? Mine is getting hard... Is that normal? Sometimes the hard part is only at a certain area.. So I'm really puzzled.


StellaC: yea, e part where ey always scan feels slightly harder now for me too!hehe..means baby bump's gonna show soon?;)

and my m/s is 95% gone now..I'm soooo happy!! but soon, whatever we eat; baby's gonna eat too (for nw nutrients from our body ryt) and I haven been eatg vege for e longest time (jia latsss)..no cravings at all but I suddenly love MAcs plain double cheeseburger when before pregnancy I hardly eat fast food!!-.-"

and e above 30mummies we shld really meet!!!!OMG! ^_^ so happy I'm not alone!!:)


StellaC: yea, e part where ey always scan feels slightly harder now for me too!hehe..means baby bump's gonna show soon?;)

and my m/s is 95% gone now..I'm soooo happy!! but soon, whatever we eat; baby's gonna eat too (for nw nutrients from our body ryt) and I haven been eatg vege for e longest time (jia latsss)..no cravings at all but I suddenly love MAcs plain double cheeseburger when before pregnancy I hardly eat fast food!!-.-"

and e above 30mummies we shld really meet!!!!OMG! ^_^ so happy I'm not alone!!:)
I already been showing my bump since 13 weeks I think! Think I had too much fats!! I heard first time mum don't show so soon but me... Well, I'm still happy with my bump heehee.

Yes pls can we meet? Can I propose a high tea session for us all? I would think mid-April is a good time, what do u mummies think? :))))


Naangfaa: happy to know your ms is almost gone! I think that's when you can start taking better food!

Any idea if there is a difference between prenatal and antenatal programs? My friend told me most delivery hospitals have antenatal program and recommend me to sign up.


Just went for my nuchal scan and baby is healthy!! Yay!! Heard the heartbeat too. Managed to video it down. So relieved.

I'll go check out the Pilates! It's pretty near my home. I need a wax too lah. Now very messy. LOL. Will start when I'm 15 weeks or when I feel better.
What does the nuchal scan show? i am going for mine first week of April..is it like the normal scan?


Wow u did brazilian wax in first tri? My therapist told me not to do til 4 months. Anyway is it more painful to do during pregnancy? I heard the skin changes is more dry/less tolerant to pain... So I'm still contemplating if I should do when I cross 4 months...
actually mine was IPL, but switched to wax again after i suspect i was pregnant. i did it like in my 4th week. not more painful than usual. i will try again mid april when i am in 2nd tri too. hehe


What does the nuchal scan show? i am going for mine first week of April..is it like the normal scan?
I heard baby's heartbeat! Sounds like galloping horses. They showed baby's neck ( for the measurement ), nose bridge, basically like normal scan but longer. And as I took my blood test last week, my report was out immediately and they allow me to bring it back. Oh! Have 5 photos of baby too.


Yes!! Let's meet up mid-April!! High tea sounds great!

Past few days, my ms seems to have gone down. Hopefully it goes away already!!!!


Yes!! Let's meet up mid-April!! High tea sounds great!

Past few days, my ms seems to have gone down. Hopefully it goes away already!!!!
cool!! any mummies also wanna meet? does 13 April (Sat) sound good?

my ms still makes me feel very restless the whole day, though i don't feel the urge to vomit as before. i still take my anti-nausea pill on a lower dosage on most days so that it's easier to get by. any tips on how to have more energy to last thru the day? my energy is mostly gone by noon when i'm not taking my anti-nausea pill...


Any mummies know of good pre and post natal massage? I did a search online and saw De'jamu. Are they good?