Edd feb 2014


Active Member
rina - there is 1 more detailed scan at week 20.. heard that doc will do all measurements & check all organs.. & may chop stamp gender if can be seen clearly! :)


Active Member
mummies, any idea what is pre natal massage like? where are the parts that are massaged? sorry me first time mummy & I am clueless...


Active Member
rtcy - yes.. sigh.. this ligament pain is still all so new to me.. last time only know of ligaments in knees n ankles.. now inside womb also have.. haha.. everytime I have ligament pain, sometimes sharp n short, sometimes lighter but longer, I will quickly go check if I have spotting... its like reflex action now...


[h=2]Hi mummies to be, Congratulations on your pregnancies! Please do let me know if you need confinement wine. My confinement wine is sweet, pure and fragrant. No water added :) A lot of mummies from this forum were satisfied customers of mine & I thank them for their 'patronization'. Below are the details for your information.

Do take care and once again, Congratulations on your pregnancy!! :)

:) Home made confinement wine (Self-collect/delivery available)[/h]
Dear mummies to be,

Due to increase demand of my rice wine, delivery option will be offered too. Details as per below. Kindly place orders in advance (@ least 2 months before EDD). For orders <5, kindly call to check if I've ready stock. SMS/Call to pre-order to avoid disappointment!! ;)

-Homemade PURE rice wine, SWEET, FRAGRANT and YUMMY!
-For use in confinement cooking/daily cooking
-Multiple health benefits
-Cash upon collection/delivery only
-Deposit of $10 is needed to be transfer to confirm orders for <9 bottles
-Deposit of $50 is needed to be transfer to confirm orders for >10 bottles

-SMS will be sent to buyer to confirm order once deposit receives

-If interested, kindly email to healthy_living2013@yahoo.com.sg or call/sms 86091297 for orders

**Orders of 5 bottles, FREE 250ml of red rice pulp
**Orders of >10 bottles, free delivery to 1 location, FREE 500ml of red rice pulp
**Orders of <9 bottles, self-collect or delivery(Delivery charge @ $10 applies)

Locations for self-collection

Any mrt station between Joo Koon and Buona Vista.
*If driving, please let me know.

750ml of red yeast rice wine - $16
500ml of red rice pulp - $6
Hihi mummies to be, congrats on entering 2nd tri!! I'm also feb2014 mummy. Been wanting to post but always lazy. Today finally got time to post cos I'm on mc today. My case is a bit complicated cos at my 5th week, I discovered a bit of spotting n rushed down to see my gynae. Gynae saw a 5cm fibroid in my uterus. She gave me jab etc to stabilise the pregnancy as she said she cannot do anything to the fibroid now. N fibroid will definitely grow together w the pregnancy :( so it will be fighting for space w bb ESP during 1st tri. Gynae said chances of losing bb is higher w the fibroid during 1st tri n maybe in 3rd tri I may hv preterm labour. I went back to see her every 2 weeks n last week during my Oscar, sonographer said she spot another small fibroid :( n last night I feel cramp at my tummy again. Went gp but she cannot tell if bb is fine. Called gynae she said pain is due to fibroid, if pain persist then go back see her. Do u girls know if there is any device that we can buy n check bb's heartbeat ourselves? N if course safe for use? Thanks in advance
And at last week, my week 12, that stupid fibroid has grown another 2cm! So bb is 7cm n fibroid also 7cm so can imagine how big my bump is...


Active Member
hi curly star - im sorry to hear about the large fibroid... but your little one is strong! so continue to eat well & have more bed rest.. I hope u sail thru until baby is at least 2 kg... :)

u can buy a doppler.. but not sure if the added usage is harmful to the baby.. also the spot must be correct I think.. otherwise cant catch baby's heartbeat.. u can consult your gynae on getting a doppler...


New Member
Welcome curly star! U r a brave mummy tt motivates me to stay strong!!! Getting a Doppler will b helpful. U can rely less on it in 2mths time by monitoring baby's kick counts per day ( wat I read somewhere)
Welcome curly star! U r a brave mummy tt motivates me to stay strong!!! Getting a Doppler will b helpful. U can rely less on it in 2mths time by monitoring baby's kick counts per day ( wat I read somewhere)
Ya I kept reminding myself to be strong. Even though my gynae kept assuring me that given the current position of my fibroid, it will not affect bb. But I heard from my colleague that fibroids will restrict bb's space for growth n bb may not be normal. That's why we were v v relief when the sonographer told us during the Oscar that bb has got v good measurement n it's low risk. Really can't wait for the detail scan to be here so that we can rest our minds that bb is really Oki. Thank goodness so far all the scans show that bb is progressing v well. Now w the persistent cramp, the fear is back :(


Active Member
liyin - take care at kuta beach area.. its more congested & crowded as compared to the other parts of bali.. can feedback on the prenatal massage when u r back? :) I'm still undecided whether wanna travel or not...


Active Member
mummies who travelled before or will be travelling during pregnancy, may I know what type of medication u bring along with u? thanks..


I think I will be armed with all the meds given by docs and approved anti diarrhea pills. Most impt doc letter stating can travel.
Counting hubby and I birthday trip will be during my week 34! Don't know still can get the nod from doc.
Though I will be traveling for work before then.


Active Member
thanks babystarz! the med is prescribed by gynae direct or by gp? I have never gotten any meds from gynae before except progesterone & stool softener.. oh week 34 seems close to edd by a month (38-40 weeks).. are u planning to go far? happy birthday in advanced! :)


liyin - take care at kuta beach area.. its more congested & crowded as compared to the other parts of bali.. can feedback on the prenatal massage when u r back? :) I'm still undecided whether wanna travel or not...
Yeap i will happily married. Actually I dun intend to do much in Bali but just laze ard by the pool and take morning and evening walks to the beach it's going to be a rest relax trip...