EDD May 2014 (maybe)


elsalisa:845480 said:
hi all ,
been reading but wanna to join in some chats as i also have tailbone ache ... and eversince preggy i prefer to lie on back to sleep instead of sideways ....
however i thought preggy shuld sleep on the left . currently at 17 weeks , anyone knows i can continue to sleep on back instead of sides ?
hi elsalisa, wen I asked my gynae earlier, she says it's better to sleep on e side but nt to worry if u end up sleeping on ur back in e middle of the night.. and she told me sleeping on e side doesnt mean lying perpendicular to the bed if u noe wat I mean.. she says if it's realli uncomfy, jus put a pillow or bolster behind ur back so u will still sleep at an angle instead of flat on ur back.. tat's wat I have been doing now.. earlier wen I sleep 90° on my side, my arms always get numbed and I got v bad backaches.. now tat I sleep with a pillow behind my back, im at abt 45° on my side, I feel more comfy.. though smetimes wen I wake im still flat on my back.. hahahaha..


New Member
Yes.. I start to have tailbone and rib cage pain since 16 weeks. And I pant when I walk too fast or climb the stairs.. and I like to sleep with lying on my back too! Should be ok ba..


Me too!! Last evening been sneezing real hard n now my rib cage pain.. sobs.. i got to take medi to stop sneezing else really dont knw wat will happen..

ST Woo

Me too, I will feel bloated when I'm ate too full. My tailbone ache if I lying flat, I got no choice to sleep on my side. I will put a pillow behind to support my back.


Mummies.. i've been bz searching for faucets, appliances for my new house.. everyday also monitor reno etc.. haha couldn't keep up w the posts!

ya i have tailbone pain since few weeks ago.. super painful.. esp when i want to situp from lying position.. took me abt 15mins with excruciating pain to do it.. :/ And i can't open my legs to get on the bed.. same for shifting on my butt.. the pain radiates between the butt.. even simple walking movements also causes pain at the butt... i guess my bb is pressing on the nerve.. :( bearing with it.. worse is when i get my sneezing episodes.. every sneeze is an explosion n pressing on my spine.. same for my bladder.. pee leaks.. :( Haiz had to take medicine.. was super painful2 days ago that i took panadol just to walk..

Hmm i'm down with runny nose/blocked nose again.. seems to happen every few days.. immunity realy low.. maybe is the aircon i sleep every night.. bb will be sweating beside me, i cover blanket still cold.. end up i wake up w blocked nose and sneezing episodes.. :( hate to be sick...

My 14mth old is getting fussier and more demanding.. yells at me all day.. sighh demands to be carried and twists around like mad... hubby oso cannot handle... my tailbone so painful, some days i can't support her weight properly.. or i get super aches after carrying her.. she only 8.2kg i already buay tahan.. :/ hope i can tahan through my pregnancy..

These days i feel bb's movements more.. its like something fluttering inside, or a thud here n there.. like something just nudge u on the inside.. Sometimes when i'm on my side, bb will shift down and kick me at my pelvic bone.. :p Hmm i think it will get more n more obvious as the days go by! :) I also feel better to lie on my back sometimes coz i can put my legs up in sit-up position and release some pressure on my spine... wah my tummy has been growing by leaps and bounds! I think i sort of scare ppl suddenly look so pregnant.. boobs swell and tummy ballooning.. :p guess i won't be able to fit into my clothes v soon.. lazy to go shop.. :/
Does any mummy feel rectum pressure?? I have been feeling rectum pressure for the past few days...abit worried coz dunno why felt so heavy as though like I need bowel movement but I dun think it's the need to go toilet.


New Member
thanks Lingz12 ! seems tailbone ache is usual while preggy . cos i afraid i am unusal as tailbone may lead to diffculty in walking . wonder what will happen in mths to come wor


Hi kan chiong mummy, nv experience that.. but i suggest if u r worried best is to call ur gynae to ask? I had rip cage pain after sneezing n coughing non stop on wed n ytd that made me v worried hence i went to see gynae today to ensure baby is fine.. Indeed he is fine cos gynae said he is happily turning n kicking away.. haha.. So maybe if the situation persists u may want to call up to reassure ya? Take good care.


So far i've only experience butt pain? And it only hurts on my left side.

Started not long after i found out i'm pregnant again.

Now it only hurts when i walk too much. Sometimes pain until i can't even walk properly :/ Even sit/lie down makes me pain also.

I ask my gynae and she only say is muscle problem. Hmm

ST Woo

Thanks JA13. *^▁^*

My butt don't feel pain when I walk. But I cannot walk fast not like some of the preggy mummies they can walk quite fast and normal. I can feel my butt and tailbone pain when I sitting down. I think is the pressure on the nerve causing the pain.


Mrsjim, me! The itchiness is soo bad!! I know I shouldn't b scratching but it's unbearable! Applied Vicks n it helps a little. Got e allergy med from gynae also no use. So I stop cos I don't like oral stuff afterall it's not working. Stopped using stretchmark cream also e same.. End up I bought Palmer oil for dry n itchy skin. Apparently e reason why we itch its cos e skin is stretching (although I wonder why my 1st pregnancy I didn't itch at all!) hmmm now my skin ESP my breast all got e scar quite bad due to e scratching but I know it will take times to recover.. Haiz...

My son suddenly fell ill this wk.. Haiz wonder why he got e flu n cough cos he only stays at hm e whole day.. But I take him out to the playground every morning.. Must be e playground.. Sometimes wonder why some parents one kind one... If ur kids sick confine them at hm don't let e germs spread ard.. Sigh....

Approaching 17 wks but no sighs of movement le? Making me worried... Will b seeing my gynae this fri then can finally confirm e gender.. But more or less I m prepared that its boy le.. Haha it's been 2 wks since I last wrote.. Me still puking. Damn sian.

Ok need to bring my son see e pd Liao... Hope he gets well soon! Xmas round e corner!!!
Take care all mummies during this wet season.. Btw I would suggest that u all dont wear flip flops. They r comfy but very dangerous.. Slip easily n ppl step easily n make u trip also.. Get a better shoes with good friction.


Thanks mummies for encouragements!

Hmm ya do get a pair of good shoes.. i'm currently seriously gonna ditch my haviannas.. tripped afew times when the sole bent and the rubber strap came off.. :p I was shopping in IMM , alot of gd brands are having discounts in their outlet stores.. like Clarks, Hush Puppies, Geox, etc.. you can go take a look! :) I shall go find my Scholl slippers and wear..

As for the butt and tailbone pain.. its been weeks.. seem to get used to the pain just like my jaw pain.. my jaw pain lessened, but now its the tailbone butt pain that has worsened alot.. hope it just comes and goes.. pray that bb shifts to a correct position that doesn't press on any nerves.. last time i had shooting nerve pain down the side of my legs! Leg cramps multiple times a night.. really not looking forward to that.. :p hmm today i bend down also pain, sit up , lie down oso pain as ling as i shift my butt or my legs.. getting into the car wih one leg first is torturing.. same for doing many things.. :( Pain pain.. sacrifices of motherhood..

Wah tonight i feel so bloated! Tummy like 6-7mths! :/ but in the morning it shrinks back down.. haha

Mummies, i think our skin can get more sensitive during pregnancy.. my normal rash on arms n legs aggravated and spreaded to bigger areas.. lotsa red spots.. easily irritated by mozzie bites .. den will be it itchy n red.. sighh i try to put more moisturiser... last pregnancy it spreaded to my tummy! imagine red dots over my tummy.. ppl pregnant so pretty.. i full of rashes.. :( haha blame on my sensitive skin...


New Member
@piglim hope your itchiness go away soon. Anyway, don't worry so much.. I only started feeling my baby's at 17 weeks 2 days. I think some people just take longer time to be able to feel the baby? Hope your son gets well soon! and yea, gotta agree with you on the flip flop part!!! I tripped and fell the other day at the train station because someone stepped on my slipper.

I realize it's getting kinda quiet in here. Must be cause of the holiday season. :p Merry Christmas in advance to all mummies!
Just woke up to go toilet and now can't get back to sleep...haha...it always happen to me at night...need to take awhile before I went back to sleep again in the middle of the night after waking up...

I'm mostly wearing normal flats now whenever I go out so that won't let pple step easily or my Birkenstock...and my hubby will always hold on to my arm now whenever we are outside just to make sure I walk properly and I dun bump into pple when walking...:)

Im gg into 20 weeks but frankly speaking I still can't really feel baby movement yet...maybe I just can't tell how to identify the movement...I only feel like thumping feeling as though like a strong heartbeat or pulse and mostly it's at night in the middle of night and whenever I lie on the side and I can feel it on the side of the stomach that I'm lying on...sm pple tell me it could be the hiccups of babies but sm pple say it might just be ur own stomach pulse...so I really dunno...I hope I can really identify the movement distinctly soon...:)

any mummy experience like stomach muscle feeling sore and achy? In Chinese is like the stomach muscle feeling 'suan1'?haha.. This 2 night while I'm sleeping...I felt tt these 2 nights and I just can't help but stretch the muscles....wonder izzit because of my sitting position as I always sit 45 degree reclining on bed or the babies are growing so causing the stomach muscle to feel achy at night whenever I felt relaxed while sleeping...I dun feel it in the day though...I felt it 1-2 times in the first trim and my gynae say it's because of the growing babies...

it's a Sunday!! Happy Sunday to all the mummies and enjoy the festive season mood...now I'm trying to catch back abit more of sleep...it's abit too early to wake up now on a Sun!! :)