Help! Loss of Self Esteem


Active Member
Have any of you Mummies or MTBs experienced a plunge in your self-esteem after getting pregnant?

I'm 26 this year and expecting my first child. Before I got pregnant, I was confident of my looks. Unfortunately, this isn't the case now. I'm 23 weeks pregnant and each time I look into the mirror, I can't help but feel like I've lost my looks. I've gained 7kg so far, my face looks bloated and my nose seems to be expanding. And last night, I overheard my mother and sister talking about me and they were saying stuff like how my face has become so round, how I "don't look as nice as before", how they don't dare to tell me stuff like this etc.

I know pregnancy is a time when our body changes dramatically but I can't help feeling resentful that my body is changing so much (and not for the better). My husband has been really supportive and keeps assuring me that I'm as beautiful as ever but I don't believe a word he says.

Have any of you felt this way???
of cos. it's natural to feel this way. it's mostly due to the extra weight you've gained which, asides from baby, also includes placenta & water retained.

important thing is not to dwell on it. you'll only look like that for 9 months. after delivery you'll have all the time & freedom to retrieve your "old self".

of cos things can't be 100% the same but hey, slim & beautiful moms DO exist. if you're disciplined enough you can be one of them.

but for now focus on the wellbeing of your bb - that should come first.


I'm 29weeks pregnant now and I've gained a whopping 8kg! I feel really huge like all the fats I've never had before suddenly grow on my body.. Moreover my skin seems to be more yellowish and sluggish, like I've lost all the glow I've had before :(

Well I guess it's normal, we can only countdown and look forward to becoming slim and beautiful again..


Active Member
Hi girls,

I have a 5 yrs son. Actually its normal to be more round when you are pregnant.
I think this is why we celebrate Mothers day. All mothers are wonder. Do think of the bright side...



Have any of you Mummies or MTBs experienced a plunge in your self-esteem after getting pregnant?

I'm 26 this year and expecting my first child. Before I got pregnant, I was confident of my looks. Unfortunately, this isn't the case now. I'm 23 weeks pregnant and each time I look into the mirror, I can't help but feel like I've lost my looks. I've gained 7kg so far, my face looks bloated and my nose seems to be expanding. And last night, I overheard my mother and sister talking about me and they were saying stuff like how my face has become so round, how I "don't look as nice as before", how they don't dare to tell me stuff like this etc.

I know pregnancy is a time when our body changes dramatically but I can't help feeling resentful that my body is changing so much (and not for the better). My husband has been really supportive and keeps assuring me that I'm as beautiful as ever but I don't believe a word he says.

Have any of you felt this way???
well we just have to bear with the 9months of pregnancy.....once u have given birth will look pretty as before. Your mum shd know better than you. At the end of the day we only hoped to give birth to a healthy baby....these are some of the sacrifices that we have to make tho...

But think on the brighter side. After giving birth your mum and sis wil be the ones saying "wow! U are pretty again?" Look forward to this day then...


hi sugarcookie

not only i have rounder face, suddenly my whole face is full of pimples that even my colleagues says its a lot. but hey. like my hubby said, its natural cos i am pregnant. and he has been really supportive. can feel much more love from him ever since i am pregnant with our first kid



Dun worry about the hormones changes we get... i'm also preg with my 3rd kids now... after my 1st and 2nd kid i'm back to my pre-preg weight of 45kgs within 6months so no worries about tat, like weefen's mummy said if u are discipline enuff u can be as pretty as before.... somemore u are only 26 this year... i think we are the same age! haha...

furthermore when i expecting my son i also full of pimples and look like HIPPO! but after birth all went back to normal... so no worries!

Most important is baby is healthy.... =)


hey dun feel this way...coz u have a reason to be chubby~ i'm pregnant! think of ur bb first, health of u n bb is more impt. And the more u r stress, the worst u feel emotionally and mentally. The process of having to deliver the baby is only 9-10mths, after which u can go for slimming, exercising, yoga, etc!!!

Hey i read in the magazine tt preg women need to look beautiful too. Make a point to go shopping and dinner w ur love 1. And make sure u dress up and have ur make up on. Ur hubby will love to have the impression of ur beautiful face when u r preg, and take photo. So u can show to ur bb tt mama was having u n i look like this. U never know mayb after preg, u back to the slim sexy u. Great to know tt ur hubby is supportive, which is super impt! :Dancing_wub:

I was the opposite, din gain much weight, and i keep vomitting till 6mths, my morning sickness was so bad tt i got hospitalised. Tt time was having slight depression, coz i envy ppl who are also preg, but enjoying their preg, while i suffer....the worst thing is my bb was affected, he was born only 2kg. I kept blaming myself for tt.

Ah Cheng


Dun worry about the hormones changes we get... i'm also preg with my 3rd kids now... after my 1st and 2nd kid i'm back to my pre-preg weight of 45kgs within 6months so no worries about tat, like weefen's mummy said if u are discipline enuff u can be as pretty as before.... somemore u are only 26 this year... i think we are the same age! haha...

furthermore when i expecting my son i also full of pimples and look like HIPPO! but after birth all went back to normal... so no worries!

Most important is baby is healthy.... =)
Hi. How do you get back your weight w/i 6mths? You exercise or go on diet?


Hi. How do you get back your weight w/i 6mths? You exercise or go on diet?
i was on diet, the best slimming option but must be very discpline, i ate full beakfast everyday and lunch as well but i miss dinner cos need to look after bb in the evening and nite so very busy, i asked my MIL not to cook my dinner as i'll be busy till no time to eat hehe... furthermore i got a fren to come over and do tummy and tight massage for me + wrap everyday for 2months so i manage to slim down by 6months... but i continue to miss dinner even till my gal is 2yrs old to maintain my figure and weight... but now preg le, have to eat 3 meals so bo bian...

actually diet is the best slimming solution for me! no fail even after 2 birth... haha


oh ya... when i found out i was preg and when to my gynae for scan at 8weeks, he keep saying u so slim, making the scan abit difficult to cos tummy area quite small.... but 1 thing tat cannot or diff to reduce is the tummy flab.... thou slim but the tummy quite flabby cos no time to execise..


Cant wait to lose weight fast fast after delivery man.. Hope I can do natural vaginabirth so that wont have to rest so long and can exercise asap.....


Active Member
Cant wait to lose weight fast fast after delivery man.. Hope I can do natural vaginabirth so that wont have to rest so long and can exercise asap.....

yup... can control wat you eat but no slimming now ok.... don change your diet to maintain figure now hor....

after delivery ok.... support u... :Dancing_tongue:


ya dun do it now... now is the time to induce in food! eat wat u like and wat u can... haha...

slimming can come later after birth~~~


Yea Im eating ALOT since pregnant.. I love indulging in big tubs of Ben and Jerry's at home. Haha.. and also late night Mcdonald's.. gosh!!!


hihii now cannot chap la can can mum, coz the bb has craving for food! heez...oh if an den eat healthly, mayb instead of ice cream can have yogurt??? keke...


Haha think can slim back la, will definitely go on tight exercise regime.. cuz before pregnancy I've been exercising alot. love jogging and abs exercises.. after pregnant all exercises have to stop suddenly :/

Realise my hands and fingers are abit swollen recently.. like the wedding ring suddenly become tighter.. hurts my finger sometimes.. really getting fat already :(


hihii now cannot chap la can can mum, coz the bb has craving for food! heez...oh if an den eat healthly, mayb instead of ice cream can have yogurt??? keke...
Hi Esther, yeah.. i like to think that it's my baby who wants to eat(all the ice-creams and snacks) instead of myself, haha. cuz before pregnancy I seldom eat all these.

Yea I take yogurt too, just that sometimes, esp on lazy afternoons(like now) then I take out the ice-cream tub from the freezer, hee.