EDD May 2014 (maybe)


I am also intrested to use cloth diaper, bumgenius seems to be good. But afraid that poo or pee will leak and i will have whole lot of mess to clean and change bedsheet every time. Any solution?


I feel my tummy is very tight all the time too, I will be 36 wk this thur. Any mummy experience rumbling and churning stomach?the sound is so loud lor and I feel I have a lot of gas and farted a lot, so paiseh :rolleyes:
I also have like hungry kinda of sound. Not bcos I am hungry lei. Juz sound from stomach. My col even can hear it. Lol.


I am also intrested to use cloth diaper, bumgenius seems to be good. But afraid that poo or pee will leak and i will have whole lot of mess to clean and change bedsheet every time. Any solution?
I use a layer of nappy cloth followed by the Charlie banana pants for no.1 during the first amd second month... never encounter leakage of urine and poo but must change super often almost every hourly...


I have only got three pack of bumgenius and will use with nappy liner but only after 1st month. lets see if I can manage. Have you tried moomookow? I am looking for cheaper and good option. Bumgenius is expensive.


Sigh i've been pooping 2-3 times a day.. So uncomfy.. So far twice today liao.. Hmm seems like labor is near.. But baby is not engaged yet.. Gynae called just now says i am positive for group b strep test and need to start on antibiotics asap.. Gonna try to arrange hubby to go collect the amoxycillin.. Sigh eat liao sure got some form of diarrhea .. Feel my piles coming back..

So tired.. My #1 has been super fussy whole morning... Messed up my laundry again.. Refuses to play her toys on her own.. Keep wanting my attention.. I can't rest.. Now just sat down and she is screaming at me again.. Throwing toys on the floor asking me to pick up .. I need to cook lunch for myself n her soon.. Zzz woes of a sahm...


My gal has been very temperamental too, very tiring to handle her.

Btw, anyone donating cord blood? How much is does it cost?


Sigh i've been pooping 2-3 times a day.. So uncomfy.. So far twice today liao.. Hmm seems like labor is near.. But baby is not engaged yet.. Gynae called just now says i am positive for group b strep test and need to start on antibiotics asap.. Gonna try to arrange hubby to go collect the amoxycillin.. Sigh eat liao sure got some form of diarrhea .. Feel my piles coming back..

So tired.. My #1 has been super fussy whole morning... Messed up my laundry again.. Refuses to play her toys on her own.. Keep wanting my attention.. I can't rest.. Now just sat down and she is screaming at me again.. Throwing toys on the floor asking me to pick up .. I need to cook lunch for myself n her soon.. Zzz woes of a sahm...
start anti biotics is by oral or? I am to do the test this fri. hope is negative ba. ur baby not engage means? diaro will have piles? I tot if constipation then will have piles?


start anti biotics is by oral or? I am to do the test this fri. hope is negative ba. ur baby not engage means? diaro will have piles? I tot if constipation then will have piles?
It's just a course of oral antibiotics to clear the infection at the birth canal.. Hmm i had it for my 1st pregnancy too.. Well normally antibiotics side effects is loose stools or diarrhea one.. Hmm i already got sensitive stomach, plus already had piles and some blob of flesh coming in n out when i go toilet more frequently liao.. So now it's out again.. Gotta be careful not to rub it too hard if not will bleed.. :/ both constipation / diarrhea causes piles.. I'm trying to have smooth bowel movements n not 'gek' too hard or long.. But these frequent poops has already made the flesh come out.. :( I hope my gynae can help me push it back post delivery.. I don't look forward to piles again.. :( it was those painful piles that made recovery painful.. Together w those stitches down there.. :p OH YA! that reminds me.. Would recommend u mummies to standby Brands Berry Essence to take for post delivery.. It helps with softening of poop! My friend gave me in hosp, i took it n had no problem pooping thru those stitches n piles that caused pain.. Super smooth! :p i wouldn't know how to try to poop if i had not taken the berry essence..

Hmm tannie how old is ur #1 again? Hmm my #1 also super sticky n attention seeking now.. Sigh..


I already bought the charlie banana brand when i had no.1... dun think will try other brands...

Meltie, hope all will be fine once u take the antibotics... and hopefully baby will be engage soon...

I realise when i walk too much in a day i will start to have yellow discharge dunno if it is good or bad also... can't wait to see my gynae soon either for checkup or delivery... When i was pregnant with no.1, i totally enjoyed my pregnancy... With no.2 not so much, coz maybe i have to deal with another baby (no.1 is currently reaching 11 months old only)... She is also getting very temperamental... keeps wanting me to carry her and keeps climbing up and down... But lucky I got my parent's maid to help out else i dunno how to rest... but my maid and parents can't help much especially when she throws temper and insist i have to carry her or make her sleep... I can't imagine i have to handle 2 by myself when i move back to my in-laws place after confinement...

Tannie, blood cord donation is free.. I have opt to donate the cord blood just like the first... my husband finds that no point to keep since both of us have the same blood type...


My #1 is 2 yrs old this coming May... I m a May mummy again... not sure she is now in terrible two stage or because #2 is arriving soon... she has been temperamental n fussy... worst when she dun get enough sleep...


I already bought the charlie banana brand when i had no.1... dun think will try other brands...

Meltie, hope all will be fine once u take the antibotics... and hopefully baby will be engage soon...

I realise when i walk too much in a day i will start to have yellow discharge dunno if it is good or bad also... can't wait to see my gynae soon either for checkup or delivery... When i was pregnant with no.1, i totally enjoyed my pregnancy... With no.2 not so much, coz maybe i have to deal with another baby (no.1 is currently reaching 11 months old only)... She is also getting very temperamental... keeps wanting me to carry her and keeps climbing up and down... But lucky I got my parent's maid to help out else i dunno how to rest... but my maid and parents can't help much especially when she throws temper and insist i have to carry her or make her sleep... I can't imagine i have to handle 2 by myself when i move back to my in-laws place after confinement...

Tannie, blood cord donation is free.. I have opt to donate the cord blood just like the first... my husband finds that no point to keep since both of us have the same blood type...
as n when I have little bit white discharge, is it normal? nothing to do with walking. I also want to donate the cord blood as well.


start anti biotics is by oral or? I am to do the test this fri. hope is negative ba. ur baby not engage means? diaro will have piles? I tot if constipation then will have piles?
Oh ya, baby not engaged means her head has not travelled down to be in between pelvic area.. Still floating upside down according to gynae.. So still not ready yet..


It's just a course of oral antibiotics to clear the infection at the birth canal.. Hmm i had it for my 1st pregnancy too.. Well normally antibiotics side effects is loose stools or diarrhea one.. Hmm i already got sensitive stomach, plus already had piles and some blob of flesh coming in n out when i go toilet more frequently liao.. So now it's out again.. Gotta be careful not to rub it too hard if not will bleed.. :/ both constipation / diarrhea causes piles.. I'm trying to have smooth bowel movements n not 'gek' too hard or long.. But these frequent poops has already made the flesh come out.. :( I hope my gynae can help me push it back post delivery.. I don't look forward to piles again.. :( it was those painful piles that made recovery painful.. Together w those stitches down there.. :p OH YA! that reminds me.. Would recommend u mummies to standby Brands Berry Essence to take for post delivery.. It helps with softening of poop! My friend gave me in hosp, i took it n had no problem pooping thru those stitches n piles that caused pain.. Super smooth! :p i wouldn't know how to try to poop if i had not taken the berry essence..

Hmm tannie how old is ur #1 again? Hmm my #1 also super sticky n attention seeking now.. Sigh..
I onli bring 2 bottles of chicken essence to drink before delivery, cos my da shao says so tat I will have strength for pushing. so I wil juz bring loh.


Icic tannie, not ez to handle a potential terrible 2.. But ur #1 can understand more liao right? Able to reason ? Mine turning 20 mths this may.. Zz sometimes can understand , learn v fast but i think she choose to be rebellious and stubborn ... :/ sometimes can see the early symptoms of terrible 2.. Fuss like siao.. Throw tantrums.. Inconsolable crying for no reason.. :/


when i deliver my no.1, i drank a bottle of brands of chicken essence before heading to the hospital... At the hospital they dun let me eat, drink also little bit only... half the time while waiting, i sleep and play handphone game... LOL...


Here I am chatting, my no.1 is crushing all the papers she can get her hands on... Now also waiting for my little brother to finish showering and prepare water for her to play... LOL...


I dun dare to drink chicken essence so I drink 100plus haha...

My gal can understand but refuse to... sometimes also cry n scream for nothing. .. thn I cannot be out of her sight... sometimes really get onto my nerves.