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  • Hi there,
    Just came across your posting. I have friend who also have the same problem as you, but now she is having 2 bb, if you have any query or any health concern can reach me at 90685977 (Vivian).

    Hi Jenny,

    I can understand how you feel cos I too "failed" many many months before I was finally pregnant for the second time.

    Prof Chong is an obstetrician. I'm not sure if he does fertility treatment. I can check for you when I'm seeing him in end July. He's currently out of town for conferences.

    Some times during early pregnancy the pregnancy test kit doesn't pick up. Wait one more week and always test in the morning with the first pee which is the most concentrated.

    By the way, my no is 81388295 if you wanna ask anything. I probably won't have time to check the forum so frequently after my twins are born. I'm 32 weeks now!

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