
I have 21 years’ exposure in financial markets as I was working in broking houses all along.

9 years’ experience in exploring positive methods of trading from 3 different training schools of which I feel V3Go Academy is the best & most effective one.
Diploma in Business Studies from Ngee Ann Polytechnic.

Assisting as a Sales Executive and later trainer in my former training school.

Over the years I have failed several times but never giving up hope. I am determined to find the most simple yet effective method to overcome all the past failures. I am quite positive in my thinking and wish to help more “victims” of the market so as not to continue the path of failure as what I have experienced all these years. If I dont’t even help myself, how can I help others? I hope to find a place where everyone can help each other grow & prosper. Not the selfish kind of mentor who will neglect you after you join the course. I need one with good “after sales service” and ensure that students grow together as a whole. Only after joining V3Go Academy as a grad, I’m sure this is the place that I am looking for, they really have the top service, never leave anyone behind! I have regained confidence once again and very grateful to my mentor, Kelvin Han for giving me “Hope” and Encouragement to pursue her dreams of attaining financial freedom! Step by step I know I will get there one day. I hope I can help those who have problems in their trading.

Thus, I have decided to post my calls after I learn the powerful techniques learnt from V3Go Academy. I hope to be able to help friends and readers make some money. I would like to show readers that Trading Can REALLY be a way towards Financial freedom and it is POSSIBLE! The best thing is I am NOT using a lot of money to trade. This is what my mentor has encouraged me to do and I am inspired! It only need some time and effort to learn trading diligently. The most important thing I learnt in V3Go is consistency! Through my years of experience, I feel that greed is the killer! You dont’t have to earn big trades but just have to learn to control emotions & follow V3Go’s rules consistently and managing risk and the rest is profits. Now I dont’t need to scratch my head on entry & exit anymore. If I can do it, so can you!

After many years of searching for the “right path”, I find that there are no one right method because things are always changing and people’s thinking also changes. “Patterns are made to Fail later” that’s what I’ve learnt. I am fortunate to meet mentors who are really professional yet sincere & humble, very willing to share all their experiences with grads and guide them step by step to attain financial freedom. Our school is really quite different from any other training schools. We are here as a family and we are connected from Day 1 once we join this family and great sharing among grads and help each other out if anyone is lost. Here is like a family where mentors & trainers are always around when we are confused. I feel the “human touch” here, very warm. I have learnt a powerful method here and now I am quite sure when I should enter or exit a trade, not like previously, always unsure of an entry and have to keep guessing and depend on mentors. Now I can be independent and can trade with a group of traders with similar interest and everyone will know exactly what they are doing.

Business, Blogs, Stock Trading, Markets


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