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  1. L

    Any mums with anencephalic babies/fetus?

    In loving memory of our daughter, Faith Angel Tan. She went home to be with the Lord on 14 November 2009 at 6.30AM. She was daughter and sister. She will always be missed by Daddy, Mummy, and Kor-kor.
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    Any mums with anencephalic babies/fetus?

    Dear all, We thank everyone for their kind words and encouragement. After so many doctors and scans, we've decided not to carry our anen daughter to full term as it will affect her even more, and we also have our older son (19mths) to care for. We have decided to name her Faith, as she has...
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    Any mums with anencephalic babies/fetus?

    Any mums out there who had/have babies/fetus with ancephalic condition? I'm 27 and this is my 2nd child. During my 20th week scan, bb was found to be anencephalic and prognosis is poor. Highly likely that gyn will suggest termination. I am all for terminating if it means bb doesn't have to...
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    What is the different between Epidural and Spinal??

    Hi Mama_Mel, no side effects for me, other than the shivering from the epidural. Beside that was the sickening pain when I cough/sneeze or tried to get out of bed.
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    Planned c-section

    i gave birth to my boy at 38wks via c-sec..supposed to wait a little longer but he was getting too big and i did not know the amniotic fluid had been leaking all along, so not enough to sustain baby for another 2 weeks. my 2nd c-sec will also be scheduled at 38wks according to gynae.
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    What is the different between Epidural and Spinal??

    I had both epidural AND GA for my first baby via c-sec. My hubby was only asked to come into the OT when they were pulling the baby out, and he had to leave after that when they sew me up. So all in all he was in there for like 15 mins only. The anesthesiologist woke me up when the baby was out...
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    EDD in MAR 2010

    Did the gynae inform u that amniocentesis is an invasive test and there is a risk of miscarriage? my edd is 24 mar 2010, but gynae says will be 2 weeks earlier cos it will be a c-sec again.... :)