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  1. F

    March 2008 MTB

    Mrs neo... i read a little on your blog. erm, i suggest to get your education! =) follow your heart most impt...
  2. F

    March 2008 MTB

    i think here more young mummies hor! haha... erm, i think will be earlier by ard 10 days earlier. =) i will be delivering at TMC... Very fast de. if im not wrong, i feel your bb will be out in Feb. Hopefully not 29th feb! if not 4 years only celebrate bday once! haha... =p u prepare for your...
  3. F

    March 2008 MTB

    i think over here the threads are moving slower... =) anyway, to my opinion, 37 weeks not really considered premature. a little early to give birth but i think it's fine for the baby to come out at 37 weeks. =) anyway, im currently into my 33rd week. time is flying... soon i will be able to...
  4. F

    single mums!

    Ting: Aiyo. I'm so confused from those previous msgs. Tot u gotta 2 kids and is still single! Haha. Rene: Hello! =) Have you been single for a long time? Were you once married? How old is your kid liao wor? Dragontooth: I guess it's really up to your decision to put d dad's name or not. For...
  5. F

    single mums!

    Ting: I'm a little confused. You gotta 2 babies? I'm currently pregnant with a baby girl and single as well. By d way, I'm faith here. =) By d way how you guys add in the ticker ah?! I tried but cannot!!! So irritated, argh!