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    Hi lawla12, The 18 days is hospitalisation leave....
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    babylemon, All my jabs will takes abt 28 days....afterwhich will be resting at home for another 18 days before knowing the result...
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    Hi rayhwz, Not sure abt the success rate in Thomson...NUH is hving a success rate of abt 36% while KKH is 40% (I asked abt the reason before and they commented it is bcos KKH has more patients)...true enuff...KKH has more patients cos it is cheaper than NUH... The cost of IVF depends on...
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    Ya...I tink Thomson and NUH is using different protocol....I m not sure abt I tink we using different fertility drugs... For NUH, normally we will jab 14 days of Suprefact, then go back for scanning and BT and c whether we are fuilly supressed, if the result is favourable, then we...
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    Hi Hi, Can I join? I m on my stage 1 of IVF wif NUH...going for my scanning next week to c whether I can advance to stage 2 or not... Wish me luck and good luck to the gals here...lets jia you together!