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  1. Y

    Interested to slim down via acupuncture. Any recommendation?

    hi laypeng, i tomorrow review! i very nervous! although pants never tighten but i still worried because of steamboat all these during CNY, they let me have 4 days of celebration. Really have to cheong for the slimming from now onwards. cannot waste $
  2. Y

    Interested to slim down via acupuncture. Any recommendation?

    Hi Laypeng, i went for my 2nd review and total of 7kg loss. muscle was ok, and i dont really discipline. our consultant released to cny food for 3 days can eat whatever i like but got to control. I already down one size to L, thanks for your recommedation! otherwise i still silly go for wrapping.
  3. Y

    Interested to slim down via acupuncture. Any recommendation?

    Hi laypeng, i went for consultation with your consultant and yesterday, quite comfortable with them and signed up the programme. and i talked to a customer there, she lost 10kg in 2 months. :elvis:will start on next week and i need to lose at least 15kg of fat and i hope to lose 17-18kg like you...
  4. Y

    Interested to slim down via acupuncture. Any recommendation?

    Thank you very much for the details and contact. i will call up soon for appointment. nope i am not mummy yet.just want to slim down
  5. Y

    Interested to slim down via acupuncture. Any recommendation?

    Hi laypeng, i am new here. interested to know more about your program and want to slim down as well. just sent you a email, can you kindly reply on the details and your consultant's contact?