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  1. K

    How to know if I am pregnant?

    Arghh...still waiting..menses supposed to report either today or tomorrow..dread waiting. Felt nausea and breast sore lately...guess i am thinking too much...haiz...
  2. K

    How to know if I am pregnant?

    Hi AngelWendy, I didn't hit the jackpot last month...praying hard I will strike this time round. 7 days to go...hehe.
  3. K

    How to know if I am pregnant?

    Thanks angelwendy..I shall wait till next Wednesday for re-test. Hopefully I get a +ve...*fingers crossed*...gan jiong leh..
  4. K

    How to know if I am pregnant? menses has benn regular..i guess that's the only way..we are so anxious to know the results..:) Hopefully to recv good new next week!!
  5. K

    How to know if I am pregnant?

    Hi all, Me and hubby have been trying for bb for 2 months already. I have missed my menses for 2 days...and breasts are very sore(no vomit/nausea/cramps) menses have been quite regular every month...therefore I tried the Clear Blue test kit but negative results leh..I read from a few posts...