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  1. F

    Multivitamins for 6 month-old babies

    Thanks for the advices mummies.. :)
  2. F

    Multivitamins for 6 month-old babies

    Hi mummies! Is it advisable to a 6th month-old baby to take or add-in some multivitamins or vitamin C aside from their milk?
  3. F

    Baby Cot or Playpen?

    Hi mummies, I'm so confused which is better between baby cot and playpen?My ds now is about 4 months old and he is very active and playful at his age. Please advise. Thanks! :)
  4. F

    When to start using a baby walker?

    Hi mummys! Just wondrin if my dear son can already use a walker? he is 4 months old now and he always wants to be on a standing position while we guiding him and he is starting to make a step sometimes.. :) need your advise mummys! Thanks!
  5. F

    When did you find out you were pregnant?

    i knew it after i missed my menses for 1month. funny thing was i still rode on the rollercoaster since i didnt know i was already pregnant that time.. so far, my baby now is very active and growing very well. :D
  6. F

    newbie mum here!

    hi mums and dads! I'm new to this thread and i found it very helpful especially for those first time parent like me. shopping is convenient as well! nice meeting you all! :biggrin: