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  1. L

    EDD March 2011

    Hi mummyhu I also think so....I can go to those 'celebrity' gynaes but what's the point when they have so little time for you? I shall go see the gynae at KKH next mth and see how I feel about her. The only minus point is I have to deliver at KKH. I have heard how the service at KKH sucks...
  2. L

    EDD March 2011

    Hi all Am new to the forum. Nice to meet all the March Mummies here. Yesterday was my 1st visit to gynae and he told me I'm into my 15 wks. Up to now I haven't decide on my gynae, so sad.
  3. L

    EDD March 2011

    Hi all, am new to this forum. I just seen a doc for the 1st time this morning. And I'm like 15 wks preg?!!??! Actually I wanted to look for a gynae at pte hosp, but I called two clinics at TMC this morn. One tell me quota full for Mar-2011 EDD then the other one tell me I missed the golden...