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  1. C

    Shld i induce??

    first one due to low in amniotic fluid. induced at 38th week. second and third due to low in baby's activity (in case risk of cord strangulation). induced at 37th week. all cases recomended for induction by my obstetricians. They assured me that it was safe and ok to do so since 37th week is...
  2. C

    Shld i induce??

    Hi, All my 3 children were induced for different reasons. Not suggesting that you should do it cos it is a decision u should make for yourself.. but if you are worried about safety, I am a living proof 3 times over that it is safe.. :)
  3. C

    Recommendations on Confinement Caterers

    Hi, I ordered mine from Natal Essentials for my second and third confinement. The food is good in my opinion. U can find out more from this link : Natal Essentials - Traditional Confinement Meal Deliver to Your Door Step
  4. C

    Herbal bath - What is it?

    Hi Priya, U are lucky.. I am on confinement now and is able to provide with u all the details.. :) U can buy from Hock Hua Medical Shops which can be found almost found everywhere. I got my supplies from the one located at the basement of Junction 8 Bishan. The brand in English is Da Feng...
  5. C

    Milk Bags Questions

    Sometimes I put them flat, sometimes I put them standing, depending on whichever gives me more space for storage. Dun think it is an issue if u are concerned about the effects on breast milk. JUst be sure that your milk bags are sealed tight to prevent leaking when u put them lying down, but...
  6. C

    Can eat/drink food contained cereals when bf?

    As far as I know, and based on my BF experience, these foods should pose no problem. The only things I try to avoid are alcohol and coffee,which have been known to pass through breast milk.
  7. C

    massage lady

    Hi, Yes it would be better to book a massage lady at least a month before your delivery. Some can have very busy schedules and are unable to accept last minute booking, or even weeks in advance booking! I have just given birth to my third child and is currently engaging this lady, named...