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  1. J

    Baby still shows no interest in solid food at 7mth

    HI Joeybeadz, I have given her porridge, cereal, rice with soup, spegatti, macaroni, slice chicken, fish, pork, carrot, ... anything that is on our meal table, I will let her try but after the 3rd or 4th small mouthful, she will start to seal her lips tight and turn away from us. She...
  2. J

    3-year-old suddenly is a slow eater

    I have the same problem too. My 3 yr old boy is a very good eater since 4 mths. He will take anything that we feed him. And he will usually finish all his meals. But ever since he starts childcare, he refuse to sit and eat. And because he has been falling sick too regularly, we pull him out...
  3. J

    Baby still shows no interest in solid food at 7mth

    Hi, my girl is already 14 mths and she is still refusing to be spoon feed. I tried Baby Led Weaning method, let her self feed. And after a few bites of anything from puree to soft cooked carrot, cheese, biscuit, pumpkin then she will start playing with her food. And when I try to feed her, she...