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  1. Moon kok

    Edd, Feb 2011.

    Sometime is really can't be bother with those irritationg peoples around. Talk 'c***' is always easy for them but no action at all. Just stay happy mood for the #2 :) really happy for you :)
  2. Moon kok

    Edd, Feb 2011.

    Congrats!!! Dun bother how other ppls thoughs..Just be strong and believe both you and hubby can do it :) Cheers!
  3. Moon kok

    Edd, Feb 2011.

    It has been a long time didn't log in here. Hope all mummies are doing well.. :) Just do a little update, my girl has 2 lower teeths and she can sit by her own now since 6 months 2weeks old. And now, she start to have porriage in the afternoon and cereal at evening. Her milk intake is 900-1000ml...
  4. Moon kok

    Mummy who gv birth recently at Mt Alvenia (please help)!

    Hi Piggie, I'm start worry for you now.. cox my fren just called me last few days, she complaining her baby boy dun wan to sleep at nite. After I check with her, then she realize her boy sleeping timing just like when before she give birth. haha..try to listen some relaxing music and rest on...
  5. Moon kok

    Mummy who gv birth recently at Mt Alvenia (please help)!

    I will send you email on tomorrow. By the way, try to sleep early. Dont know whether true or not, I heard baby will follow your sleeping timing after they born, if you wish your baby easy to look after, better sleep early k? I always sleep very early around 8.30pm until next morning 6.30am...
  6. Moon kok

    Edd, Feb 2011.

    Your gal is heavy! mine only 6.832kgs Only. But my gal is taller, she is 72cm now.
  7. Moon kok

    Edd, Feb 2011.

    Oh..My girl like the brocalli very much too. Now she is eating porriage with mix vege for lunch, nite day with brown rice alone. Porriage only take her 10mins to finish the whole bowl, brown rice take more than half an hour =.='' sometime can't even finish..
  8. Moon kok

    Edd, Feb 2011.

    Huh?? she eager untill like that ah??! =.='' If i were you, i will not let close to my gal at all!
  9. Moon kok

    Edd, Feb 2011.

    Hahaha.. I told my fren, she was shock that baby stool so costy.. Haha
  10. Moon kok

    Edd, Feb 2011.

    Your aunt over eager wor. I dare not try on my gal, vege still fine. Going to let her try broccoli on tomorrow :)
  11. Moon kok

    Edd, Feb 2011.

    =.= '' your hubby really a good sleeper.. just joking. Just monitor her further, hope is really just a bad dream..
  12. Moon kok

    Edd, Feb 2011.

    Haha.. cute Alyssa ^.^ I start to let my girl eat porriage mix with sweet carrot, vege, and potato since last week. She love it and finish the bowl!! haha..later will going to buy brocolli for her to try. :)
  13. Moon kok

    Edd, Feb 2011.

    if really less than 6kgs is really very small lor..but she is a premature child right? maybe she need time to catch up lar.. as long as her appetite is good and healthy, there's nothing else you need to worry le.. But your baby stool really worth like gold lor .. hahaha..
  14. Moon kok

    Edd, Feb 2011.

    Finally!! At least you are more relax now.. Happy for your gal too ^.^
  15. Moon kok

    Edd, Feb 2011.

    I believe this is what her GP want to see bah.. cox when she hold my gal up, my gal is so lazy just use one leg to stand after that both leg also dun wan to stand anymore. Totally dont have the jumping action at all.
  16. Moon kok

    Edd, Feb 2011.

    Oh..that's really good deal!! hee...My gal just weighted yesterday 6.823kgs only :( but her GP said is average, and my girl eat well too. So, I don't really concern about her weight anymore. Btw, you really good in do all the research, that's why always can get good deal.
  17. Moon kok

    Edd, Feb 2011.

    Hmm..everytime when I bring her for jab, the GP will check her according to the Health Book. I believe that's included her development bah..
  18. Moon kok

    Edd, Feb 2011.

    Ic.. I think this is what doctor tried on her this morning. She only up to sitting position and that's it.. hmm.. now I more worry liao. But funny is she can swim very well , she kick the water so hard even when we bath for her.
  19. Moon kok

    Edd, Feb 2011.

    Ya, this is what her GP told me. You try and update can? Thanks..
  20. Moon kok

    Edd, Feb 2011.

    By the way, just bring my girl for 3rd jab today. She got one each on her both tights. So brave of her did not cry at all. Dumb up for her. Doctor said she got very good focus and is good to see she is a happy baby :) but one thing she did highlight that she can't stand straight and make a...