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    EDD Jan

    Hi cablecar1999, As for me, i use Similac infant formulae(: The hospital used it for her during my stay there.
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    Anyone delivered in a single-bedded room at parkway east recently?

    Hi jocpt, Thanks for the well wishes! I was natural birth/w epidural as i couldnt take the pain once i was 4 cm dilated. The total cost for everything for me was $19980 deposit plus $4k+ more after stay. Upon discharge, you will recieve 2 baby packages from the hospital containing baby...
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    Anyone delivered in a single-bedded room at parkway east recently?

    Hi JoelHoon, I just delivered not long ago at Parkway East single-bedded.My edd was on 28th jan, but my lil one only decided to come out on 2nd feb; new yr's eve.Last of the tigress!The service was very good and the staff was polite and helpful. For the single-bedder, your hubby can stay with...
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    EDD Jan

    hey mummies!:) I am back from PEH with my little bundle of joy!:) I gave birth to my little bundle of joy on feb 02 at 1242pm aft 5 hours of labour! Her name is Erina Ayra Muhd Shafiq, and she weighed 3.8 kg upon birth and upon discharge frm hospital, she's nw 2.8kg:) Proud to say, she's our...
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    EDD Jan

    Hi mummies!:) Just came back frm gynae check-up. Gynae said that baby lost weight and i am over my edd by 3 days, so im going in to induce at 4pm later, at PEH. wish me luck and hope baby wants to come out so i dont end up having a c-sections:) will update you mummies when i'm back!:notworthy:
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    Any review of Parkway East Hospital and their delivery charges

    Hi Gumbokins! Thanks for sharing your experience with us. I missed your posting earlier on i guess. I'm not sure if they changed the package though, cos the last time i read on the website, they only said single-deluxe rm excludes lodger; meaning the single charges includes lodger alr? Oh ok, so...
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    Any review of Parkway East Hospital and their delivery charges

    Hi mummies! I'm about to deliver at PEH. EDD is on 28th Jan, but she does not seem to be budging just yet. I chose single bedder cos hubby wants to rm in with me and our lil one. May I know how's the service there, amount of deposit needed, and the charges inquired for normal delivary? Thanks!
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    EDD Jan

    Hi angela ng, Oh my! is it? i never heard about that before though. Hopefully she decides to come out soon den; by this sun at least?(: Her grandma's saying lil one is playing hide and seek with us! haha! thanks for the well wishes! *crossing fingers too*!! All the best to your delivery and to...
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    Curious to know if any of the babies are of mixed parentage

    Hi cheekbe! (: Thanks for the well wishes!Really anxious for her to come out alr!Hubby and I are awaiting her arrival! All the best to you and your lil one too!:notworthy:
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    EDD Jan

    hi mummies! My edd is on 28th jan, supposedly this fri.To deliver at Parkway East.But it looks like she isnt budging yet. And my gynae doesnt like the idea of me goin over 41 weeks, so most prob i might have to be induced next week; which most likely have higher chances of c-section, which i do...
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    Anyone delivered in a single-bedded room at parkway east recently?

    Hi mummies,and mummies to be(: My current edd is supposedly this fri; 28th Jan, but it seems as if she doesnt want to budge just yet. Just wondering whether anyone have given birth at parkway east recently? Could you kindly let me know of the breakdown of charges, what to bring during stay...
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    Curious to know if any of the babies are of mixed parentage

    Hi mummies(: I'm malay/chinese and hubby's malay\Irish so i guess our lil one would be 3/4 mixed? haha. Edd's on 28th jan;but it doesnt seem as if she wants to come out just yet. Did anyone here deliver in parkway east? Could you tell me of your experience there? Thanks mummies!