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  1. G


    I know we cannot have raw food during pregnancy.. But how about sushis? Sis in law said it's cold and thus, tend to have bacterias, no good for babies. Any advices on this?
  2. G

    Confinement Nanny

    Hi Autumn, I want her contact and rates too. Thanks! =)
  3. G

    Sick during first trimester

    I just realised my pregnancy.. now having giddy spins all the time.. hacking cough and bad flu. I even have running nose in super warm weather. But I refused to take any medicines as i feel better not to.
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    EDD in Dec 2011

    Hi all Mummies! I'm new here. Just found out my pregnancy. It's my no.3 now!! I'm gng to the gynae this Saturday. Unsure of my EDD yet. Probably Dec or Jan next year.