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  1. C

    Edd dec 2012

    Thanks for the suggestion, karamummy! that was the same suggestion given by the clinic staff too... im rather tempted to change my gynae but im comfortable with her and she is such a nice and patient gynae.. i just hope she can manage her appt book better.
  2. C

    Edd dec 2012

    karamummy, Dr Yeoh is in her office. In fact, i'm going to see her later in the afternoon. you should try calling her office again as the clinic gets rather busy at times. Anyway I saw her 2 weeks ago and although my appt was at 4.30pm, she got so much backlog that she saw me at 6pm. Try to book...
  3. C

    Edd dec 2012

    Strange.. The programs I have just need to key in last period. Anyway it shouldn't matter too much if it's out by 2 days. Don't worry so much :)
  4. C

    Edd dec 2012

    Hi cony, u calculate from ur first day of ur last menses. In fact, if u r using iPhone, there r many apps u can dl to help u calculate. I hv told both my in-laws and my parents!
  5. C

    Edd dec 2012

    halo, sasa! pretty tiring to keep up with two threads!
  6. C

    Edd dec 2012

    Hi sorsor, I'm seeing dr Yeo Swee Choo at mt e. hope her charges r reasonable!
  7. C

    Edd dec 2012

    Sorsor: hope u r fine! Usually when should we first see the gynae? The moment we know or after a few weeks? My gynae is also fully booked so I'm seeing her next week.
  8. C

    Edd dec 2012

    oh, you already told ur family? we are still keeping the news under wraps. Perhaps we will let them know after next week's appt. i dunno how the gynaes charge for pregnancies so i'm keepin my fingers crossed and check out the prices next week.
  9. C

    Edd dec 2012

    According to myself (and the iphone app.. lol), i'm nearly 5 weeks pregnant. I'm going to Dr Yeo Swee Choo at Mt E but I dunno if she is expensive. I went to her for my polyp op and she was very patient and mothery. Quite comfortable with her except the waiting time was rather long. This is my...
  10. C

    Edd dec 2012

    I just booked my gynae appt next week, when i'm officially 6 weeks. I hope its not too late? I'm also taking folic acid everyday but do you take other prenatal vitamins as well? Also, i have been feeling giddy and tired these days. Is it too early to feel these symptoms?
  11. C

    Edd dec 2012

    Hi sorsor! I just found out that I'm pregnant and its my very first one! I'm so excited!
  12. C

    Polyp in the uterus-surgery

    Dear fellow mummies and mummies-to-be, Recently I did my medical check-up and found that I have a polyp in my uterus. According to my gynae, if I don't have it removed, it will reduce my chances of having a baby and increase the chances of miscarriage so I should get it removed before I...