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  1. R

    EDD June 2012 Mummies

    Today isn't good for me.. whole body feeling very itchy, got to keep on stratching.. last night can't sleep at all.. duno what happen.. sigh..
  2. R

    Dr Adrian Woodworth at Compass Point

    Hi hi, I am new here, should be 5 wks now.. =) Am thinking to see him for first consultation tonight at SK, i would like to know if he is patient and pro natural birth too? Being a first time mommy, i am really kind of lost of what to ask and do now.. Kindly advise.. =)
  3. R

    EDD June 2012 Mummies

    My heart goes out for you.. Remember to rest well now & you will sure be able to TTC soon. Hugzz!!
  4. R

    EDD June 2012 Mummies

    Hi hi, I dun have any morning illness too.. so kinda worried about it.. Hope my little one is doing fine.. I just feel very tired everyday, everytime when it is 4 or 5 pm i will get very sleepy and keep yawning.. =)
  5. R

    EDD June 2012 Mummies

    Oh dear.. sorry to hear that.. Do take great care of yourself right now.
  6. R

    EDD June 2012 Mummies

    Hi all mtbs, I have tested twice positive, should be 5 weeks pregnant now, so excited and nervious about it! Tomorrow I'am thinking to go and see Dr Adrian Woodworth, but i have read from another thread that he dont't really advise much for first visit.:err: Any recommendations for gynae...