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  1. spiraledpetals

    Maid or Infant care?

    Hi, thanks for all the replies. I have decided to look after my girl myself after so much of consideration and also because I want to try to conceive again soon. I have a maid but she rarely looks after my daughter, only when I'm not around. After 10 months of battling with this problem, I...
  2. spiraledpetals

    Maid or Infant care?

    Hi dear mummies, I am going back to work in the next couple of months, I have a maid now but I feel that my daughter will be so bored cooped up with her everyday for such long hours so I am reconsidering and thinking about enrolling her in an infant care. Cherie hearts at Brighton crest...
  3. spiraledpetals

    Is my baby drinking enough?

    My baby is 2 weeks shy of 6 months, she drinks about 17 ounce of milk daily, recently increase an additional feed of 5oz so total 21oz. plus twice cereal, only about 2-3 teaspoon. Is she drinking enough? She's taller then average babies, among the 75 percentile, so she's very lean and everybody...
  4. spiraledpetals

    How to comfort a baby without a pacifier?

    How about rocking and patting? Sometimes I just walk around the house humming softy while carrying baby in cradle position. Works, she's slowly doing fine without having to nurse to sleep. Also, good if you can get your hubbies to do It from time to time. But of course... It's the same la, then...
  5. spiraledpetals

    Comfort Suck

    I'm partially feeding my daughter formula in the afternoon so what I do is I put Rid Wind (you can get it from Watsons.) into her milk when you feed her from the bottle, this is recommended by Dr Gong from kinder clinic and I swear by it! It works like magic! Her colic was gone within 3 days...
  6. spiraledpetals

    Comfort Suck

    I understand how you feel :( I think they probably do grow out of it eventually but I don't think I can take it anymore, it's so draining. Maybe you can explain to them beforehand?
  7. spiraledpetals

    Comfort Suck

    Thanks!! I'll try your method tonight!
  8. spiraledpetals

    Edd march 2012

    Help! I have a 5 months old daughter. I still BF her entirely through the night. She sleeps at 7pm every night and before that I will give her 5 OZ of formula. She usually last until 12-1 (sometimes earlier then that) then I'll give her both side of my breast. After that feed, she wakes up...
  9. spiraledpetals

    Comfort Suck

    Help! I have a 5 months old daughter. I still BF her entirely through the night. She sleeps at 7pm every night and before that I will give her 5 OZ of formula. She usually last until 12-1 (sometimes earlier then that) then I'll give her both side of my breast. After that feed, she wakes up...
  10. spiraledpetals

    Edd march 2012

    You can try Mustela facial cream, worked like magic for my daughter :)
  11. spiraledpetals

    Edd march 2012

    Hi, do you know if it is it ok to use a joint account??
  12. spiraledpetals

    Edd march 2012

    Yes! I'm going for Epidural for sure haha.
  13. spiraledpetals

    Edd march 2012

    Hello, this was one of my options when I googled, yeah think I will just give it a try, it's pretty affordable too eh! ;) Thanks!
  14. spiraledpetals

    Edd march 2012

    Hey hey, yeah I borrowed but I'm like OMG, this is TOO MUCH to digest!!! Hahaha.
  15. spiraledpetals

    Edd march 2012

    Hi all, wow I never knew there were this much mummies out there, it's my first child coming along and I'm so clueless! My EDD's on the 25th March. :) My DR says my muscles on my back's really tensed and strained and recommended I did some pre-natal massage, does anyone have any good...