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  1. V

    We are TTC-ing!

    IC.. I truly understand you. We can really go for anything and whatever to help us in anyway.
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    We are TTC-ing!

    Don't be sad prayinghard. It's just a tarot card reading. Last time I also went for some famous fortune tellers and they said will have very soon. But waited till now, which is 1 yr already, still no news. Have faith in urself and ur hubby
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    We are TTC-ing!

    Thanks Eggscatcher!! It's quite disheartening when the AF is here. TTC for 2 yrs plus and no good news. Tried seeing western and Chinese practitioners and even changing of fengshui. Basically, what ever can think of, just try :( Jia you too Eggscatcher. Rest more and hope to hear good news...
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    We are TTC-ing!

    Hi ladies, I'm currently visiting Dr Loh from Thong Chai. Started seeing her since May this yr. However I went overseas and was sick subsequently, so not too sure the medications work. But she quite good and detailed. Will patiently explain all ur queries and will even prescribe medication if u...
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    Zhu Sheng Niang Niang

    If anyone going down to toa payoh temple this weekend, do let me know. Thanks ;)
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    We are TTC-ing!

    Helloo Ladies I have joined this forum for quite awhile but hardly post anything except reading the threads. I guess I would also like to join in, sharing our thoughts here together. My husband & I have been trying tcc for 2 years but sadly, no good news :(.. We have done whatever which I...
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    Good TCM Doctor ???

    all right. shall just go and see. Thanks zaclin!
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    Good TCM Doctor ???

    thinking of visiting her on Friday evening since they are open. But nt too sure whter will Dr Su be there and do i hv to wait very long.
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    Good TCM Doctor ???

    Hi Zaclin29 Do I hv to make appt for Dr Su?